
Sep 26, 2010 02:05

Who: Ravemon, all of Tetha, Various DATS and other members
What: Ravemon's Darkness - Finale
When: Monday, September 27th
Where: Tetha

The fallen army. The fallen soldier. Citizens who want to take back their home. The end of a legacy. )

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2/4 lyricalmagical September 27 2010, 19:45:10 UTC

Nanoha gave her own smile as the Claudia arrived, and she nodded in agreement with Simon's comment. She fell back a short ways from the Halberd, confident in her allies attacks and not wanting to get caught in the crossfire herself.

"Agreed! We-"

A message coming in through her D-Comm stopped her short... and her eyes lit up. "Good..."

She suddenly caught another small burst of activity at nine o'clock, and dashed off through the air with Qilinmon at her heels. As she flew, she tapped her D-Comm to transmit to all allies in the air, though encrypted.

"Coalition forces, this is DATS Commander Takamachi!" she shouted. "Inbound strike team has arrived at the Tehta airfield and is commencing attack."

She arrived at her target, a grouping of Pteranomon assaulting a single Tamer that had broken off from the pack. A blade of pink light jutted out from the tip of Raising Heart, while Qilinmon was bathed in golden light.

"Rally at and support the Halberd and Claudia as they push forward! If we push now..."

Nanoha and Qilinmon darted through the Pteranomon with their Strike Flame and Shippuu Tenshouken; they didn't quite see them coming. Their allies DID, and Nanoha quickly had several sidewinders streaking towards her as she came to a stop and erected a barrier. She winced a bit as they struck, but continued talking.

"...we can break their ranks in the sky before they can summon reinforcements!"

Nanoha sighed as the barrage ended, and she tapped her D-Comm again to shut off the transmission. Qilinmon responded to the sidewinders in kind with a burst of Kaishen no Hadou, while Nanoha rubbed her arm.

She was overexerting herself, she knew; she had come into the battle at full power, but... There hadn't been much of a choice in it.

She only hoped she could keep it up until the end... but it was already starting to take a toll on her.

"You need to be more careful, Alicia-chan," she murmured, looking at the one she had just come to the aid of.


3/3 alteredfate September 27 2010, 19:49:37 UTC
"Uh... huh," Alicia Testarossa mouthed as she and BishopChessmon watched Digi-Eggs fall through the sky. "Sorry; thank you, Miss Nanoha!"

It wasn't that she found herself FEELING necessarily overwhelmed; Alicia felt strangely comfortable in this fight, and the air, now. She had just lost sight of her target, and then outnumbered. ACTUAL combat experience, despite extensive training, was ... limited.

Still, they needed everyone they could get in the sky.

Nanoha nodded, and pointed to the Halberd. "It's fine, but to the ship!"

Alicia gave a fierce nod, and with blasts from Qilinmon and BishopChessmon covering them, they Mages took off back toward the Halberd.


soul_on_light September 27 2010, 22:09:02 UTC
Hoshi listened to the transmission coming from Nanoha, and with a nod, she began to scan the battlefield itself while making a beeline for the Halberd and Claudia. She was but a big yellow blur at the moment, using Reiko's advanced flying capabilities to soar through the battle ridden sky at an amazing speed. Similarly, Angewomon was flying right beside her in a flash of white light herself.

She braked herself, skidding in the air while panting. She shook her head, overseeing how her allies were doing. Her eyes drifted over to the DATS commander, narrowing just a bit in concern. Now, she knew what it looked like to overexert one's self. Hell, she just recovered from furyoku exhaustion herself.

Giving a quick glance to Angewomon, they both nodded before going down over to Alicia and Nanoha.

"Ma'am, forgive me if this is a bit bold," she began to Nanoha while hovering in the air. "But, perhaps it might be something if we combine an attack together. It'll be less energy for us to use, and therefore we'll be able to survive longer than if we were to just use our own individual attacks," she finished, giving her a little smile, despite the situation they faced.

"You can even join in, as well," she said to Alicia, still smiling and being aware of her surroundings at the same time and the situation before them.

Angewomon did the same through this exchange, too.


thestars_scream September 28 2010, 01:45:30 UTC

With Swindle and Starmon evolved, Starscream flew in to try and divert the falling MailBirdramon, adding Digi-Soul to his Null Laser Cannons in an attempt to help keep the kamikaze MailBirdramon from hitting the ship.


spacekingkittan September 28 2010, 02:19:02 UTC

"Aw crap!" Kittan really wished he had a weapon right about now, not that it really would help against those flying behemoths.

"Come on, Cyberdramon, no fallin' behind! Knock 'em outta the sky!"

Cyberdramon launched himself off the deck of the Halberd, getting as close as he dared to the falling MailBirdmon, "ERASE CLAW!"


dive_npc September 28 2010, 04:30:17 UTC
The kamikaze MailBirdramon let out a scream of terror as its body was blown to smithereens... but the explosion was so powerful, it would cause damage to the Halberd simply by proximity... unless they anticipated this and piloted out of range in time.

The others were covered in frost by the Claudia's attacks, and dropped out of the sky, screaming. One, however, used the attacks coming out of him to break free, and shot upwards, intent on crashing through the bottom of the Claudia.


indarkestknight September 28 2010, 04:37:28 UTC
At least, the explosion would hit the Halberd.

If not for a RookChessmon with a pair of white wings appearing out of nowhere in front of it, and summoning a Castle Wall barrier to protect the ship.

The reason for this? The fact that it had been a PawnChessmon seconds before evolving, concealed and hidden by the cape of...

"META KNIGHT WILL NOT SUFFER ANY FOOLS THAT DARE BRING HARM TO HIS SHIP!" said the rotound, helmeted warrior, as he stood on his partner's shoulder.


code_witch September 28 2010, 04:52:33 UTC
C.C. was on look out duty aboard the Claudia. Really, she was doing her best to remain JUST doing that, as she had no intention of getting her head blown off for someone else's fight right then and there.

Still, she did notice the incoming below.

She grabbed her D-Comm. "Gilder, you may want to look DOWN... say, towards the back and to the right of the ship? We're about to get a present."


sunsetsandwomen September 28 2010, 05:22:08 UTC
Gilder cocked an eyebrow, and he look towards C.C., before cocking a grin and shaking his head. "Right," he said. "DROP ANCHOR!"

He didn't have to guess what it was, situational awareness was one of the most important traits a pirate could have. The only thing in the sky of any note or proximity was the MailBirdramon. And a ton of heavy metal careening towards the digimon SHOULD deal with the problem.

Oh there'd be a shock, but his crew could handle it. "Crew, brace for impact! Once the anchor hits, weigh it in, and then I want to see everybody with a partner that can fly getting their asses in gear! There's a whole bloody navy out there, and I'd like to give them a bloody nose at least! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"


1/? the_1st_heart September 28 2010, 06:46:30 UTC
Will let out a sigh of relief, watching Nanoha return with Alicia. She made a mental note for herself to keep a better eye on her friend.

"Glad you're okay, Alicia. Sorry I didn't keep a better eye on you..." she said. "Let's go and mop up stuff here and push on."


2/? dreamshifthero September 28 2010, 06:51:56 UTC
"Uh, sure, Captain, but what about those of us who... well.. can't fly?" Alicia asked, bracing herself and Renamon for impact. "Gonna shove us off?"

"...don't tempt him, we're in a middle of a war!" Renamon shouted.

"Oh, c'mooooon, he wouldn't do that. 'sides, I've already fallen pretty far before, remember?" Alicia replied.


3/3 lvl1mustache September 28 2010, 06:54:55 UTC
Luigi was... not thrilled at what was going on. Poking his head out from a hatch in the Halberd, the plumber watched the battle from its "safeness"

"We should go out and help!" Tsukaimon said.

"Ahh.... n-nuh-uh. It's-a safer in here...!" Luigi replied.


1/3 lyricalmagical September 28 2010, 17:16:57 UTC
Nanoha looked to Hoshi. "That may work, but we need to make sure there's a solid opening to use any sort of combined attack. Something like that can also leave you wide open to attack, since it takes longer to set up."

She smiled and looked ahead. "I'll certainly keep it in mind."

With that, she reached to her D-Comm, broadcasting again to all allies, though addressing a few in particular.

"Captain Gilder, Simon, Meta Knight," she said. "We've got a small break in their ranks here, so that'll give us a few moments breathing room. Now's the time, I think, to push forward and hit their ships directly."


2/3 simonthedigger September 28 2010, 17:23:57 UTC
"Sure thing!" Simon said as AeroBreakermon came up upon the front of the Halberd. "If your guys are knocking out their airfield, then the next best support is those damned ships."

He paused, and looked over at RookChessmon. "And about time you got your ass out here!"


3/3 alteredfate September 28 2010, 17:26:00 UTC
Alicia smiled and nodded towards Will. "Don't worry, I'm fine!" she said, and scratched the back of her head a bit. "I just... got a little carried away."

She blinked as she saw BishopChessmon pointing forward. There may have been a brief lull; but it wasn't going to last long, obviously.


soul_on_light September 28 2010, 20:28:03 UTC
Hoshi nodded in understanding, smiling at Nanoha before observing their situation right now. She waited for any further orders or instructions to continue on their assault for Tetha.

When she did that, apparitions of her past lives appeared to her sides. 'Have something planned, guys?'

'Yeah. Just keep your damn eyes opened,' Tsubasa said to her.

'Yeah... I need to get to the Funbari Onsen to see how things are going on their end, same as the Hinata Inn...' Hoshi trailed off as she continued conversing with herself, pretty much.

She and Angewomon looked at Alicia's BishopChessmon pointing forward. Was something coming?


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