I wanna do it! Let's draw straws!

Sep 13, 2010 19:05

Who: The people signed up here.
When: Throughout the day/night.
Where: All over Dissidia.
What: Kidnappings. So many kidnappings.
Type: Whichever you like.
Notes/Warnings: Separate threads for separate kidnappings, i.e. DOOKU and KEFKA yoinking TERRA and SALEH.

Throw away the key and then turn off all the lights )

oerba dia vanille [final fantasy xiii], terra branford [final fantasy vi], saleh [fire emblem], selphie tilmitt[final fantasy viii], count dooku [star wars], fabiola iglesias [black lagoon], kefka palazzo [final fantasy vi], shuyin [final fantasy x-2]

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Comments 30

World of Darkness (Terra and Saleh kidnapping) heavenslament September 13 2010, 23:35:42 UTC
The portal crystal flared brightly as it brought Terra to the World of Darkness. She stepped away in order to give Saleh some room for when he arrived after her. This seemed the perfect place for the next stage of training. It was near Order's Sanctuary but still neutral territory, and thus a place where they could encounter mannequins to fight. Knowing her techniques wouldn't do Saleh much good if he couldn't put them into practice, so now it was time to see if he could manage just that.

The young woman frowned softly as she peered around at the pillars and tendrils of dark energy. No mannequins in sight yet, but she wasn't discouraged. Sooner or later, they always appeared--usually sooner. It was just a matter of time. She smoothed her skirt and kept a hand on her sword hilt, alert and wary.


World of Darkness (Terra and Saleh kidnapping) mountain_sage September 13 2010, 23:47:43 UTC
The portal crystal flared again as Saleh arrived in the World of Darkness. He, too, stepped away from the crystal, looking at the pillars and energy tendrils. He could feel the darkness, and it certainly was unsettling. But his spirit would not break.

The sage checked his own belongings; his healing staff, and his two spell tomes, Excalibur and Divine. He would refrain from casting his offensive spells for this exercise, but he carried them regardless, just to be on the safe side. As there were no mannequins in sight yet, Saleh turned to Terra, acknowledging her presence with a silent nod.


heavenslament September 14 2010, 00:40:08 UTC
Terra nodded back and gestured for them to head further into the stage. For a few moments, she heard nothing but the sound of their footsteps. The silence was a little unnerving but Terra didn't let it get to her. That too was a part of the area's nature, unless combat was taking place.

Upon finally spotting a crystalline figure far ahead, Terra paused and evaluated. It was a replica of Kefka, the Phantasmal Harlequin. She debated looking for another target, but...no. This would be good practice for Saleh, should he ever encounter the real one.

She glanced back to her companion, raising an eyebrow. "Do you want me to go first, to demonstrate, or do you want to give it a try based on what we've already done?"


mountain_sage September 14 2010, 00:47:28 UTC

Saleh peered at the crystalline figure, pondering his options. It was not a figure that he recognized. Perhaps he should see its capabilities first, but then again, he wouldn't always have such an opportunity in a real battle. Still, a little review couldn't hurt for this little exercise.

"I'll let you go first. I'd like to see it's capabilities."

At least it would help, should he encounter the real Kefka. Hopefully.


Planet's Core (Fabiola) nomeremaid September 14 2010, 21:55:20 UTC

The mannequin here this time around was a relatively weak one- at least, it was compared to those belonging to most other people in this place. She rebounded from one of the rocks overhead, curbing her perennial surprise about how much better she could move in this area than most others, and focusing on her aim. She hit a knee instead of a thigh- though the fact that she'd hit the leg at all (and not higher, like the stomach) was bolstering, and she twisted as she dropped onto what she assumed was the 'main' part of this area in particular, guns cocking once again.

This was training- or as much of it as she would allow herself, all things considered. The mannequins, she knew, only looked human, which made them far easier to shoot at than had her target been someone trying to 'spar' with her. There really was no 'sparring' when your opponent had two shotguns. There was only dodging or getting hit- even if only a graze- by the spread of the shotgun's blast. She raised her guns again, and her mannequin did the same, and at ( ... )


Planet's Core (Fabiola) insidiafalsa September 16 2010, 17:56:01 UTC
He had heard the shots from far off, and being the nature of one who watches, he chose to remain quiet and wait until it was over. The cover of several rocks was more than enough to find an adequate place to hide. The woman in question seemed to use firearms rather than magic or a sword. Which meant this was going to be easy.

There was no pause in his actions- he was swift and silent. Hand on hilt, his sword was out before he made his move. Closing the distance between them in one agile dash, he raised the blade to lie gently against the back of her neck.

"My apologies, but I do believe your playtime is over."


Planet's Core (Fabiola) nomeremaid September 18 2010, 07:46:34 UTC

She tilted her head up and back, as if she were looking up at him- in fact, she was simply checking out how much space there was between herself, his chest and the blade. Pale eyes narrowed at the face of her captive-he looked vaguely familiar, but for the life of her, she couldn't place him. That was alright though- it didn't really matter. She'd be getting far enough away to think about it shortly.

"It is, I think, a bit rude to call someone's training 'playtime'," she began, raising her hands as if she meant to give up. "Would you not agree?"

Of course, instead, she offered a small, tight smile, tilted her head back as far as it would go and then dropped into a split, the air ringing with the too-loud clicks of her guns reloading. She didn't stay in front of him for long, rolling forward and to her feet, weapons pointed at him as she got her bearings once more.

"But you are correct. Perhaps it is time I took on an actual challenge."


Selphie (The Rift) fiesty_nunchaku September 15 2010, 02:59:21 UTC
Still no sign of Rinoa. Just those annoying mannequins. Was there anywhere in this world where they weren't? She only hoped Squall was looking too. She was pondering where to look next when -

A snap of motion and the nunchaku connected with the skull of a manequin that had started to get up. "Heh. Thought I'd gotten you." she remarked conversationally. " Got to hand it to you: compared to the others you were pretty stubborn."

She sighed. Maybe she should have asked someone to search with her. Apparently she had been alone for too long if she was having chats with fallen mannequins.


Crystal World (Rosa) holyrosary September 16 2010, 00:40:05 UTC
Rather than sequester herself away in the sanctuary of the Cosmos base, Rosa had taken to wandering, giving herself over to thought. She'd realized Kain was withholding something about his condition from her and only after talking to another member of his faction she she realize what it was. He'd been branded for betraying his own. Poor Kain. She could not help but wonder how many times in his life betrayal would rear its ugly head, and in every case, his choice in the matter being stripped away from him ( ... )


KUJA | DESERT PALACE. narcissistic September 16 2010, 22:20:15 UTC

[ ooc; HEY GUYS. Fff, this so unintentionally late, but anyway, in case people missed it, Kuja's palace is functioning as a portal trap for anyone that should enter it during this small time period. Originally, I thought it'd be a good idea to nab Vanille and Serah ( especially since Vanille's run off), BUT THE OPTION'S HERE AND IT WORKS FOR PRETTY MUCH ANYONE. ♥ ]... He supposed he could play along. For now. On the highest floor in his private chambers, Kuja was in the mirror of his large vanity, not primping, but staring and thinking rather intently about how he would go about playing this game. His eyes narrowed on his reflection as he nearly upset himself with a thought, reaching quickly for a powder box on the dresser. Uncapping the lid, he took a large blush brush to his cheeks in absent sweeps, paling and perfecting a complexion that needed nothing, but his mind was elsewhere ( ... )


1/2 brightsiding September 19 2010, 09:59:10 UTC
Before she'd even walked though the portal, Vanille knew she probably shouldn't be doing what she was doing. It felt like exactly what it was- running away. Even under the pretense of training for the next battle, she it wasn't just that. Even if it was, it was still wrong for her to go off all on her own, especially when she didn't know her way around as well as she probably should have. She knew how to get back to Order's Sanctuary, and that was what mattered, but... This still felt like she had just turned her back on everyone else. That she'd simply run away again ( ... )


2/2 brightsiding September 19 2010, 09:59:49 UTC
It didn't move.

After a few more minutes of that, Vanille took a step backward with a huff, and then spun around again, looking for something, anything. Maybe there was a crystal in here she hadn't seen? Maybe that was how she'd gotten in here in the first place? But... Nothing.

Wherever she was, she was... Trapped.

She'd run off, and gotten herself trapped... Who knew where? She knew she shouldn't have done it, but... She still had. She didn't know where she was, or how to get out.

Sinking down to the floor, she hugged her arms around her knees, hiding her face.

"What am I supposed to do..?"

((ooc | Now with 500% less fail! ;; And also 500% more long I am so sorry! And aaa, since she's trapped, and this was kind of long anyway, we could just call this one done with so everyone can get a move on with other things? Unless someone wanted to join her, that is. ;; ))


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