Who: The people signed up
here.When: Throughout the day/night.
Where: All over Dissidia.
What: Kidnappings. So many kidnappings.
Type: Whichever you like.
Notes/Warnings: Separate threads for separate kidnappings, i.e. DOOKU and KEFKA yoinking TERRA and SALEH.
Throw away the key and then turn off all the lights )
It wasn't like she could always help it. Sometimes, before she realized it was even happening, her legs would have already carried her away. That was exactly what this is, wasn't it? She'd convinced herself she'd had every good reason to go off on her own and train- she didn't want to be a burden to anyone else, and she needed to get stronger, both physically and mentally, before the next battle. She couldn't let her teammates down again. They were all fighting to win, and what had she done..? Run away, like always.
Not anymore.
Yet, here she was, doing the very thing she'd tried to vow never to do again. She'd almost had a fight with Lightning... over Fang. She knew Lightning meant what she'd promised, but Vanille couldn't help but feel that it was a promise she probably wouldn't be able to keep forever. Fang was their enemy, at least in the terms of factions. It wasn't like she could betray her teammates any more than they could betray theirs. Even if the people on that side were bad...
Why Fang? She wasn't like that at all. It didn't make any sense... That was why she couldn't help but think maybe there were people on the other side who didn't belong, the same as her... Could they really just fight them without worrying about what happens to them if they lose the war? Of course not. Or at least, Vanille couldn't. Especially since it involved Fang.
Caught up in her thoughts, she hadn't even realized it when she'd gone through one crystal and then headed toward another. She didn't even know where this one would lead. She had her weapon, and she'd been told about the mannequins, but... She'd never fought them before. Especially not alone. She was scared, but, she needed to, for everyone's sake... For Fang's sake.
Reaching out, she touched the crystal, letting the portal transport her.
When she stepped out, she found herself in what looked like... A castle? She'd definitely never seen it before. The look she got was brief, though, as, upon taking a few steps forward, everything tossed, and she was transported again- much like when they'd been summoned for the last battle. She was nearly thrown off of her feet. This time, however, the place she ended up was much darker. That... Shouldn't have happened, should it?
She regained her footing much more quickly this time, taking a few steps forward, blinking in the low light. Where was she..? "Ummm... Hello? Is anyone else... Ahh..." Her voice seemed to almost echo off of the walls, and as she advanced another few steps she felt her shoulder collide with something cold and metallic. Reaching out, she brushed her hand over it, realizing what it was. They were... Bars?
"Hey. Heeeeeey? Is anyone down here? Hello?" Bringing her other hand up, she wrapped them around the bars, trying to give them a little rattle. The sound reverbated, but she didn't hear anything else. Instead of trying again, she started feeling around, maybe for a door, or something else that she could let herself out with. "Where's... There has to be a..." Hands brushed over something that felt like a lock, and she pushed on the metal to find that it wouldn't budge. She gave it another little shove, this time pressing her shoulder against it. "Come on! Open!"
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