I wanna do it! Let's draw straws!

Sep 13, 2010 19:05

Who: The people signed up here.
When: Throughout the day/night.
Where: All over Dissidia.
What: Kidnappings. So many kidnappings.
Type: Whichever you like.
Notes/Warnings: Separate threads for separate kidnappings, i.e. DOOKU and KEFKA yoinking TERRA and SALEH.

Throw away the key and then turn off all the lights )

oerba dia vanille [final fantasy xiii], terra branford [final fantasy vi], saleh [fire emblem], selphie tilmitt[final fantasy viii], count dooku [star wars], fabiola iglesias [black lagoon], kefka palazzo [final fantasy vi], shuyin [final fantasy x-2]

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Planet's Core (Fabiola) nomeremaid September 14 2010, 21:55:20 UTC

The mannequin here this time around was a relatively weak one- at least, it was compared to those belonging to most other people in this place. She rebounded from one of the rocks overhead, curbing her perennial surprise about how much better she could move in this area than most others, and focusing on her aim. She hit a knee instead of a thigh- though the fact that she'd hit the leg at all (and not higher, like the stomach) was bolstering, and she twisted as she dropped onto what she assumed was the 'main' part of this area in particular, guns cocking once again.

This was training- or as much of it as she would allow herself, all things considered. The mannequins, she knew, only looked human, which made them far easier to shoot at than had her target been someone trying to 'spar' with her. There really was no 'sparring' when your opponent had two shotguns. There was only dodging or getting hit- even if only a graze- by the spread of the shotgun's blast. She raised her guns again, and her mannequin did the same, and at the same time, they darted forward, her doppelganger a split-second too late because of the shot she'd landed.

That split-second was all the time Fabiola needed to finish her- it- off.


Planet's Core (Fabiola) insidiafalsa September 16 2010, 17:56:01 UTC
He had heard the shots from far off, and being the nature of one who watches, he chose to remain quiet and wait until it was over. The cover of several rocks was more than enough to find an adequate place to hide. The woman in question seemed to use firearms rather than magic or a sword. Which meant this was going to be easy.

There was no pause in his actions- he was swift and silent. Hand on hilt, his sword was out before he made his move. Closing the distance between them in one agile dash, he raised the blade to lie gently against the back of her neck.

"My apologies, but I do believe your playtime is over."


Planet's Core (Fabiola) nomeremaid September 18 2010, 07:46:34 UTC

She tilted her head up and back, as if she were looking up at him- in fact, she was simply checking out how much space there was between herself, his chest and the blade. Pale eyes narrowed at the face of her captive-he looked vaguely familiar, but for the life of her, she couldn't place him. That was alright though- it didn't really matter. She'd be getting far enough away to think about it shortly.

"It is, I think, a bit rude to call someone's training 'playtime'," she began, raising her hands as if she meant to give up. "Would you not agree?"

Of course, instead, she offered a small, tight smile, tilted her head back as far as it would go and then dropped into a split, the air ringing with the too-loud clicks of her guns reloading. She didn't stay in front of him for long, rolling forward and to her feet, weapons pointed at him as she got her bearings once more.

"But you are correct. Perhaps it is time I took on an actual challenge."


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