Second time is the charm...?

May 06, 2011 20:54

Who: Conan, Cube, Danny, Luke, Megumi, and Tatsumi.... (Closed)
Where: Lander Boulevard, and surrounding area
When: Morning of May 6th, after Marco has been bitten and attacked
Rating: PG13?
Summary: Tatsumi's Chip has been removed and he is blood hungry with no end to his appetite in sight, he goes as far as attacking children. Luke is his next ( Read more... )

[ shiki ] megumi shimizu, [ petite princess yucie ] cube, [ shiki ] tatsumi, [ professor layton ] luke triton, [ danny phantom ] danny fenton

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invisibill May 7 2011, 22:47:56 UTC
[Something about this week was giving Danny a bad feeling. Maybe it was all the recent disappearances. Or maybe it was the fact that nothing had happened for a while. Whatever the cause, his restlessness had driven him to patrol today for much longer than usual.

Which would be why he was in the perfect position to spot a familiar little boy lying inside a trashcan.

Almost as soon as he spots Luke, Danny races down towards the ground and lifts him out of the pile of rubbish. He leans the boy up against a wall and shakes his shoulder.

Luke! That's your name, right Can you hear me?


invisibill May 10 2011, 04:12:46 UTC
Good. That's a relief.

[Danny carries Luke into the room and puts him down on the table.]


luke_triton May 10 2011, 04:22:13 UTC
[He was sure he looked as annoyed as his body probably felt about this whole fiasco. He was relieved that Phantom--and Cube, by the look on his face--seemed to think that, despite his protests otherwise, that something was wrong. If they had to tie him to the bed, he really didn't mind. It would be better than going back after Megumi, which is what he suspected his body would do without permission if he was left to his own devices.]

I'm. Fine. You can't make me stay! I don't even have to let you do anything, I could just leave!

[In the two seconds that he'd spent on the table without being held down he was already trying to escape, regardless of how he felt or his head spun in the process. He'd probably have gotten further than just onto his feet and wobbling, too, if Cube and Phantom weren't blocking the way.]


loyal_cube May 10 2011, 04:39:11 UTC
[Something was clearly wrong. Luke was a young gentleman. Cube knew this, mostly because it made him somewhat proud in a strange way that somewhere human youths were still practicing manners, like they should.

but right now, Luke was everything but a gentleman, and there wasn't any way Cube was going to let him get out of here before a proper examination. With a stern look, Cube snapped his fingers. Immediately following the sound came the slamming of the room's only door, followed by a clicking. It was locked, both physically and magically. It was a magic spell he did not normally use out of politeness and respect but it was needed at the moment.]

I'm afraid you're mistaken, Luke. As a doctor here, I've committed myself to doing what's best for my patients. Letting you run about without a proper medical assistance when you need to be tended to will not be permitted. So, please sit and allow me to examine you properly.


invisibill May 10 2011, 05:31:29 UTC
[Danny cringes at the sound of the door locking, the situation going against every instinct he had about never letting himself get cornered. But that wasn't important, he told himself. He had to see to it that the kid got the help he needed.]

I told you, you're in no condition to be running around.


luke_triton May 10 2011, 07:39:04 UTC
[He still hadn't gotten far, but at the slamming of the door he yelped, startled. He still heard the click, and he cringed visibly, stiffening where he stood. He'd probably never get used to magic by surprise, and considering he was now trapped in this room he could feel a sense of near panic. He wasn't sure why--mentally, he was relieved that he couldn't get out.]

[He definitely had never seen Cube look this angry, though. Not once. Even still, all the lecturing in the world wasn't changing that he couldn't stop himself from disregarding their instructions. He'd probably be writing both thank-you and apology letters for weeks after this.]

[He still really wanted to follow instructions, but his body just didn't seem to agree, and it seemed hyperactive now that the door was locked. He actually started to try and push against them, desperate to break past them--not that he could even get anywhere because the door was locked. His body didn't seem to care much about rational action, anyway.]

L-let me go...!


loyal_cube May 10 2011, 08:44:31 UTC
[Cube gave a disapproving sigh before walking over to Luke to take his hand, although Cube was expecting Luke to resist]

Only after you've been examined properly. I do not wish you any harm, you should know this. Please behave.


invisibill May 10 2011, 15:10:01 UTC
[Danny backs away from the table a little, now that someone else is taking over trying to talk sense into the kid.]

He's not possessed. I already checked for that.


luke_triton May 10 2011, 15:45:45 UTC
[Of course he knew Cube didn't mean any harm and just wanted to help. I'm not possessed.... Why can't I tell them!? If I could just say that I can't get my body to do what I want it to do...]

I told you I'm not possessed! Nothing's wrong with me.

[It was an accurate prediction for Cube to expect Luke to struggle when he grabbed his hand, because that is exactly what he did. He continued to fight, though the struggles were getting a bit weaker because of accumulated blood loss. His body probably wasn't convinced, but Luke was pretty sure that even if he continued to protest as much as he could, he probably wasn't getting anywhere. At full strength he probably wasn't string enough to get away from both of them.]


loyal_cube May 10 2011, 17:14:50 UTC
Oh, tank you... ah, Mister Ghost. I was beginning to wonder about that. Perhaps it's a curse or spell.

[Cube wasn't much taller than Luke, and definetly shorter than Phantom. Luke's struggles may be weakening but Cube did not wish to hurt the boy anymore than what he already seemed to be suffering from.]

I'm very sorry, Luke, but I'm going to have to call for some help since you refuse to stay still for your own well being.

[The small demon snaps his fingers once again. Along the ceiling, above the cot, a black void opens up. Unlike his other times summoning Soraoto, Cube wasn't asking for merchandise, just help, and thus.... no reason to use a magic circle. When Soraoto showed himself, he was just a pair of gloved hands attached to long black arms that, from the looks of it, seemed to go on forever. One hand stretched out to make itself and it's attached arm look like a question mark. It didn't speak but Cube seemed to under stand it well enough when he responded to it.I need assistance with Luke. He needs to be restrained, but ( ... )


invisibill May 10 2011, 21:24:37 UTC
Well I beg to differ. Something is obviously wrong. [His continued assistance on not needing any help was enough to tell Danny that.]

{He raises an eyebrow at Cube's actions.] Impressive. And its Phantom.


luke_triton May 10 2011, 22:10:43 UTC
[Even if he had been capable of providing his full cooperation, Luke wasn't sure that he'd be so cooperative right at that moment anyway. With his hands free, he'd started moving for the door despite knowing that it was locked--until the ceiling opened up into a big black hole and arms popped out. He couldn't even attempt to say anything at this, because he was a bit too busy staring at the disembodied hands in wide-eyed terror.]

[It took him a second to get his bearings again, but as the now-four hands reached out for him, he panicked and started backing away. He didn't realize that he'd backed himself into the corner until he actually bumped into the wall.]

[Being cornered reminded him of a few hours earlier when Tatsumi had pinned him to the wall, or even earlier when Megumi had done the same before biting him. He looked at Cube, frozen in place as the hands got nearer to him.]


*Abusing Cube's Magic Powers foreverin this log* *SOB* loyal_cube May 11 2011, 02:32:14 UTC
[Cube nods at Danny, agreeing but he turns a bit sheepish at being praised, and even blushes a little. however he nods again, taking note of the ghost's name.]

Ah, yes.... My apologies, Mister Phantom.

[The flash of fear in Luke's eyes brings Cube's ears to droop a bit. he knew how scary this was, and how Soraoto is only adding to it but there was simply no better solution.]

I'm sorry, Luke. I really wish I didn't have to resort to this.

[The small demon nods at Soraoto and the merchant demon soars through the small space of air between him and Luke to grab him by his limbs. A fifth hand creeps out and goes to hold Luke's torso, picking him up and carrying him over to the cot and placing him as gently as possibly onto the bed while still restraining the youth and his struggling. Cube walks over to Danny and snaps his fingers once more, two sets of restraints appear before their eyes and fall into Cube's arms. He holds out two for DannyPlease help me restrain him. As soon as we do, I can inspect Luke's injuries and possibly ask ( ... )


Sorry, Danny has issues with medical restraints. invisibill May 11 2011, 02:54:21 UTC
[Danny eyes the restraints doubtfully, their appearance bringing back far too many bad memories.]

Are these really necessary?


It's okay, Soraoto is there. lol loyal_cube May 11 2011, 03:07:33 UTC
[Danny's response only makes Cube feel worse about this and he turns away without a word. Quietly, the demon begins to work on the restraints, holding up one to an offering hand of Soraoto's.]

I'm sorry...

[Cube leaves the last restraint to his demon friend before he hesitates to begin examining Luke's head injury, doing his best to hold the boy still enough without hurting him. The whole situation makes him heart drop.

But Eirin told him to always do what was best for his patients and he planned to go so. In light of things, Soraoto's free hands make a some-what recognizable "TA DAAAH!" expression, open jazz hands and all, which Cube kindly ignores.]


Breaking posting order ftw! luke_triton May 11 2011, 03:30:26 UTC
[Luke watched most of these happenings silently and with no visible comment, complaint or otherwise. He'd just been carried across the room by a few sets of disembodied arms, and was now tied to the bed.]

[He wished he could explain how glad he was that he couldn't get himself back out the door. The disembodied hands were trying to do something funny--well, he figured that's what they were trying to do anyway. He glowered at the hands. It wasn't anything personal, but he couldn't help it. Even as the disembodied hands let go of him, he continued to wriggle against the restraints. However, they kept him mostly still enough to not actually disrupt any sort of examination taking place.]

[Cube was staring at his face. Even as he continued to wriggle against the restraints, he caught the doctor's face and just crossed his fingers and hoped that he could relay at least a little bit of his relief for all of Cube's instance on tying him down.]


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