Second time is the charm...?

May 06, 2011 20:54

Who: Conan, Cube, Danny, Luke, Megumi, and Tatsumi.... (Closed)
Where: Lander Boulevard, and surrounding area
When: Morning of May 6th, after Marco has been bitten and attacked
Rating: PG13?
Summary: Tatsumi's Chip has been removed and he is blood hungry with no end to his appetite in sight, he goes as far as attacking children. Luke is his next ( Read more... )

[ shiki ] megumi shimizu, [ petite princess yucie ] cube, [ shiki ] tatsumi, [ professor layton ] luke triton, [ danny phantom ] danny fenton

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Comments 111

Action luke_triton May 7 2011, 01:11:19 UTC
[Luke kept himself mostly occupied with school. There wasn't much else for him to do with his time and he liked learning anyway. Besides, school was one of the very few places he was allowed to go to without someone walking with him, and he took full advantage of this.]

[Besides, it was nice to get out and enjoy some quiet. Meryl's house tended to be a bit noisy at times, and the walk to school was always so peaceful.]


ACTION FOREVERRRR totallygaaay May 7 2011, 01:20:33 UTC
[Red eyes continue to watch Luke before Tatsumi decides upon a plan. After dropping off the roof into a nearby ally, Tatsumi casually walks out and heads up the street, towards Luke's direction. He's rather close now and simply smiles and waves.]

Ya! Good mornin'!


/o/ luke_triton May 7 2011, 01:23:41 UTC
[Luke jumped and turned. He wasn't used to be talked to on his way to school.]

Oh! Good morning, Mr. Tatsumi.

I don't usually run into anyone on my way to school!


\o/ totallygaaay May 7 2011, 01:34:56 UTC
Ya? It is pretty early...

[Tatsumi's steps begin to slow the closer the to walk together. Something about that smile of Tatsumi's seems off.]

... I bet most the monsters aren't even out at this time of day. It must make ya feel safe.


Megumi-Stalking Action Time! luke_triton May 7 2011, 04:13:23 UTC
[Luke had no idea where Megumi was. He didn't know where she lived, even what side of town. His mind kept screaming that he ought to just go home and rest...he felt tired and a bit wobbly on his feet, but he couldn't convince his body that that was what needed to happen. Instead, he kept on wandering around the city, thinking as he walked. Why am I doing this? Why can't I stop?!]


undeadstalking May 7 2011, 10:48:18 UTC
[ Megumi knew what to do after seeing Tatsumi's feed. At least, she knew what to do if she wanted to make sure she'd live this weekend. Even if she and Tatsumi were allies at times, she knew they actually just didn't really like each other and would prefer to save their own hide first. So coming across the werewolf while he was on a rampage? Not a good idea.

... And yet, she had expected some juicey drama to start over all of it over the network, but nothing had happened yet. And curiosity was slowly but surely getting the better of her. Maybe if she would just be careful enough, she could go outside for a moment and take a peek of any chaos. The girl grabbed her parasol against the sun and to hide with if things got really bad and went outside, walking around outside the Horton building. ]


<- has directional fail (Bizzy not Luke) so will assume Luke has ended up here yes luke_triton May 7 2011, 13:29:20 UTC
[The fact that his rational mind was screaming that Megumi could both eat or kill him did not seem to be enough to overcome the fact that his body, for some reason, was absolutely bent on tracking her down and exacting revenge. The strangest part was that tracking someone down to take revenge on them was so very much unlike him--he'd never felt any need to do this to anyone, least of all someone who he knew could get the best of him in the process.]

[But tracking her down he did. He reached Horton after a bit of walking, and saw a parasol wandering around outside of a building. He approached quietly, until he could be sure. Yes. It was definitely Megumi. Before he could think about it, he picked up a rock and threw it at her back.]


[Oh no. She's going to kill me. Why can't I stop?!]


I'm totally okay with this. /o/ undeadstalking May 7 2011, 13:55:05 UTC
[ As aware of her surroundings as Megumi was trying to be - Tatsumi could still pop up right here, after all, and the last thing she wanted right now was to be caught off guard by the other Shiki - she didn't quite notice Luke sneaking up until she felt a small rock hitting her in the back. It didn't hurt too much, but it was enough to be an annoyance. For a moment her heart would have skipped a beat if it would still be beating in the first place as she realised it might be Tatsumi, but then she heard the voice.

That brat again, huh? She was pretty sure she had scared him off well during the few conversations they had, so why was he back here like this? He should know better by now, right? ... It was strange, to say the least. But hey, Megumi wasn't complaining too much. Harassing him was some amusement in this place, after all. ]

... What, you again? [ She turned around now to face Luke, still looking slightly confused even though a smile played around her lips. ]


invisibill May 7 2011, 22:47:56 UTC
[Something about this week was giving Danny a bad feeling. Maybe it was all the recent disappearances. Or maybe it was the fact that nothing had happened for a while. Whatever the cause, his restlessness had driven him to patrol today for much longer than usual.

Which would be why he was in the perfect position to spot a familiar little boy lying inside a trashcan.

Almost as soon as he spots Luke, Danny races down towards the ground and lifts him out of the pile of rubbish. He leans the boy up against a wall and shakes his shoulder.

Luke! That's your name, right Can you hear me?


Hi <3 Thank you for saving Luke! luke_triton May 8 2011, 00:58:40 UTC
[Luke stirred slightly at being shaken, blinking. His head was throbbing. Who was shaking him? Last he remembered, Megumi was holding him by his collar and saying something to he's against the wall, and being shaken. His head spun slightly, and he blinked a few more times to bring his vision back into focus.]


[Oh. It was Phantom. At least this person had no desire to either eat him, beat him up, or otherwise cause him bodily harm.]

[But as soon as that thought crossed his mind, his body seemed to remember that it had this odd disconnect with his thoughts, and he could feel himself fighting against Phantom's hold. Evidently, I've still gone completely mad, he thought to himself, because the next words out of his mouth were:]

Let me go! I have to find her!


invisibill May 8 2011, 01:50:51 UTC
[Wait, what? Danny looks over the kid's injuries and shakes his head.]

You're in no condition to go looking for anyone right now. I'm taking you straight to the hospital.


luke_triton May 8 2011, 01:59:14 UTC
No. I can't go to the hospital.

[This was said in a painfully matter-of-fact tone of voice, and Luke tried again to pull out of Phantom's grip.]

I have to go find Megumi. I'm not finished with her yet, so I can't go to the hospital!

[Internally, Luke wouldn't blame Phantom for thinking he'd lost his mind. He was fairly convinced that that was what had happened, anyway--no reason for someone else to think otherwise. If he was lucky, maybe some of his internal distress would make its way onto his face, but seeing as all of the internal protest in the world had not stopped his body and voice from being bent on revenge on Megumi, he figured willpower wouldn't change his facial expression either.]


modernholmes May 11 2011, 13:15:34 UTC
[Conan arrives to visit mid-morning on Thursday. He appears quiet and more than a little stressed. But this needed to be done. According to his deductions, Luke had most likely seen the face of the attacker. It could be the clue they needed to solve this case.

He knocks lightly on the door of Luke's room and sticks his head inside the room.]

Hey Luke, how are you doing?


Tuesday? X_x; luke_triton May 11 2011, 14:27:37 UTC
[Now that Luke had control of what he was doing again, he just had a headache and was otherwise on edge. He was worried about Robin because he'd gone through everyone's posts on the communicators, and he was still feeling bad about how uncooperative he'd spent the last few days being.]

Good morning.

[He didn't have much to say on how he was doing. Instead, he shrugged and showed Conan that one hand was still tied to the bed. Graduation from restraints probably wouldn't come until later in the day.]


XD, that'll teach me to post before coffee modernholmes May 11 2011, 14:32:35 UTC
[Conan makes his way into the room and climbs up into the chair by Luke's bed. He makes note of the restraint, but doesn't say anything about it.]

Its been a long week for everyone, hasn't it?


I can usually survive till about midday sans coffee, except on clinical days luke_triton May 11 2011, 14:38:26 UTC
[He nodded.] see Robin's...

[He did know that in Discedo people came back after death, but the fact that nothing had been said since was making him nervous. He knew Robin had to come back. Everyone always did. Right?]


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