Second time is the charm...?

May 06, 2011 20:54

Who: Conan, Cube, Danny, Luke, Megumi, and Tatsumi.... (Closed)
Where: Lander Boulevard, and surrounding area
When: Morning of May 6th, after Marco has been bitten and attacked
Rating: PG13?
Summary: Tatsumi's Chip has been removed and he is blood hungry with no end to his appetite in sight, he goes as far as attacking children. Luke is his next ( Read more... )

[ shiki ] megumi shimizu, [ petite princess yucie ] cube, [ shiki ] tatsumi, [ professor layton ] luke triton, [ danny phantom ] danny fenton

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invisibill May 7 2011, 22:47:56 UTC
[Something about this week was giving Danny a bad feeling. Maybe it was all the recent disappearances. Or maybe it was the fact that nothing had happened for a while. Whatever the cause, his restlessness had driven him to patrol today for much longer than usual.

Which would be why he was in the perfect position to spot a familiar little boy lying inside a trashcan.

Almost as soon as he spots Luke, Danny races down towards the ground and lifts him out of the pile of rubbish. He leans the boy up against a wall and shakes his shoulder.

Luke! That's your name, right Can you hear me?


Hi <3 Thank you for saving Luke! luke_triton May 8 2011, 00:58:40 UTC
[Luke stirred slightly at being shaken, blinking. His head was throbbing. Who was shaking him? Last he remembered, Megumi was holding him by his collar and saying something to he's against the wall, and being shaken. His head spun slightly, and he blinked a few more times to bring his vision back into focus.]


[Oh. It was Phantom. At least this person had no desire to either eat him, beat him up, or otherwise cause him bodily harm.]

[But as soon as that thought crossed his mind, his body seemed to remember that it had this odd disconnect with his thoughts, and he could feel himself fighting against Phantom's hold. Evidently, I've still gone completely mad, he thought to himself, because the next words out of his mouth were:]

Let me go! I have to find her!


invisibill May 8 2011, 01:50:51 UTC
[Wait, what? Danny looks over the kid's injuries and shakes his head.]

You're in no condition to go looking for anyone right now. I'm taking you straight to the hospital.


luke_triton May 8 2011, 01:59:14 UTC
No. I can't go to the hospital.

[This was said in a painfully matter-of-fact tone of voice, and Luke tried again to pull out of Phantom's grip.]

I have to go find Megumi. I'm not finished with her yet, so I can't go to the hospital!

[Internally, Luke wouldn't blame Phantom for thinking he'd lost his mind. He was fairly convinced that that was what had happened, anyway--no reason for someone else to think otherwise. If he was lucky, maybe some of his internal distress would make its way onto his face, but seeing as all of the internal protest in the world had not stopped his body and voice from being bent on revenge on Megumi, he figured willpower wouldn't change his facial expression either.]


invisibill May 8 2011, 14:35:13 UTC
[Danny had no clue what was going on here, but he didn't need to be a doctor to that this kid needed to see one right away.]

Tell you what, I take you to the hospital now, and then I'll go find this Megumi person for you. Is she the one who did this to you?


luke_triton May 8 2011, 16:37:33 UTC
[That is a fantastic idea is what Luke thought--and what he'd very much like to say. Unfortunately, it is neither what he said nor what he did next.]

No. I really can't go to the hospital. I have to find her. I really have to find her... Now let me go!

[He was yelling by the time he'd finished, and all he could be internally grateful for was that Phantom was bigger, because he continued trying to slip out of his grip.]


invisibill May 8 2011, 18:32:52 UTC
[Danny frowns down at the kid, automatically tightening his grip to keep him from hurting himself even more. From what he knew of Luke, this was extremely out of character.]

Sorry, I'm not offering an option on the hospital part. You're going. Think about the rest of it on the way, okay?

[And with that he carefully adjusts his grip on the boy to keep him from falling and leaps into the air.]


luke_triton May 8 2011, 19:05:32 UTC
[He might've agreed mentally that this was a very good idea, however his body still was bent on noncompliance. Even as Phantom was becoming airborne, he still struggled against his grip.]

Put me down! [He was almost screaming as he struggled against Phantom. Even worse, they were in the air--meaning getting free would also include plummeting to the ground.] I said I don't want to go! I said I can't go--put me down!


invisibill May 8 2011, 19:42:01 UTC
[Okay, something was very wrong. This little tantrum was going against everything Danny knew of the kid's personality. Danny mentally lists all the possibilities he knew of that could change someone's personality like this, even as he tightens his grip and speeds up.]

Out of curiosity, have you picked up any strange glowing objects recently


luke_triton May 8 2011, 19:51:05 UTC
No, I have not picked up any strange glowing objects. I haven't picked up anything and asking me questions won't change that I want you to put me down!

[Thank goodness Phantom was a lot stronger than he was, because Luke's struggling was probably making it very difficult to hold him.]


invisibill May 8 2011, 20:38:21 UTC
I'll put you down when we get to the hospital. Whether you realize it or not, you're hurt. And you're in no condition to run around by yourself trying to hunt someone down.

[Danny shifts his grip to make sure Luke can't pull free. Well, if it wasn't an object the other possibilities were overshadowing or running into a ghost who could control human.]


luke_triton May 8 2011, 20:50:30 UTC
[He continued to wriggle, despite it being fairly clear that he was not going to be able to wiggle himself free.]

I have to get revenge on her! That's what I have to go do! I can't do that if you are taking me to the hospital. I don't even need to go to the hospital, I'm fine!


invisibill May 8 2011, 21:03:11 UTC
I beg to differ. You're bleeding, acting weird, and I just pulled you out of a trashcan.

[He blinks.] Revenge isn't it? Funny, I didn't think you were the type. How about you tell me what she did, and I'll go have a talk with her.


luke_triton May 8 2011, 21:17:09 UTC
[That's right...I'm not the type. You've finally caught on. I've actually gone completely mad, that's what seems to have happened here.]

S..she didn't do anything..

[Great. Even after going completely mad he couldn't quite muster the courage to directly tell someone what Megumi had done months ago, even when saying so was completely unrelated to the current situation. He somehow had a feeling he wouldn't be able to verbalize that Tatsumi had said something to him about doing this and all of a sudden that seemed to be all he could do.]

You don't have to talk to her, I have to go talk to her. I have to go back. Can I go back? Please let me go back! I don't need or want to go to the hospital. And I'm not bleeding or acting weird.

[At least, he hadn't noticed he was bleeding. He had enough freedom of movement to touch his neck, and then his head. He felt the stickiness of blood on his head and cringed. He had been much better off not knowing that he was bleeding.]


invisibill May 8 2011, 22:41:21 UTC
[Danny gives the kid a disbelieving look.]

Obviously she's done something. And sorry, but no. I'm not about to let you run off and get yourself killed.


luke_triton May 8 2011, 22:45:54 UTC
I wasn't dead before you go there, and wasn't going to end up dead either.

[Yes. Yes I was! She'll kill me if I go back, she all but told me she would.]

Are we almost there? If I just have to see a doctor because you're making me, I'll do that and then leave.


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