I Am Awesome!

Apr 25, 2009 19:39

I totally got four hours of sleep last night, and am as loony as Luna Lovegood on a full moon. Or something. O.o I don't even know. My emotions are running high, and I'm flipflopping a ton, so I decided that "stay in oblivious happiness" was a good state to be in until I finally crash. Sure, I could nap right now, but if I do I will only wake ( Read more... )

life, hobbies, abjd, rhianna, tea

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Comments 51

classical_wolf April 26 2009, 00:43:10 UTC
I think I know what kind of doll you're talking about :) Pics if you have them? And yes, tea is good ♥


dependonyou April 26 2009, 00:51:30 UTC
Oh man I totally forgot to put up pictures, didn't I? O.O ::runs to remedy this and maybe take a few more::

Thanks so much for reading through my gibberish. I've got no clue how much sense I made, if any at all. XD I'll show one of her 'nekkid' pics too, so you can see if this really is the type of doll you're thinking of. XD


miintikwa April 26 2009, 01:15:22 UTC
I think dolls are awesome! You should SOOOOOOOOOO spam us with pictures! I wanna see!


dependonyou April 26 2009, 01:17:11 UTC
::works on emailing herself all the pictures on her phone so she can edit them into this post:: Check back in about... 15 minutes? <3 Probably less.


miintikwa April 26 2009, 01:31:50 UTC
Yay! :D


dependonyou April 26 2009, 01:51:00 UTC
Edited! <3


tehanu_gin April 26 2009, 01:27:01 UTC
Haha, I was wondering about the history of that doll. No doubt you'll be bringing her with you tomorrow. You're not crazy. I think it's healthy for you.

Tea is easy. Hot water, tea leaves, done.


dependonyou April 26 2009, 01:57:03 UTC
Heh, I forgot I never told you what was going on with Rhianna, did I? I just kind of... showed up with her one day when we were hanging out. Oops! Bad Amie. >.> ::snuuuuugs::

Yea, but first I wasn't sure if the tea was too old, and then I couldn't find my steeper, and then I couldn't find a mug the stepper fit into, and then of course I was lazy and didn't want to just boil water. In the end, though, it turned out well. >.>


odangoatama April 26 2009, 01:35:19 UTC
I don't think you're crazy for enjoying your doll :P Trust me, I've seen way crazier. I'm also really glad you finally said something about it. I didn't know you were that worried about saying anything! Silly girl, your friends love you regardless of how you spend your time/money.

I also think you'll like Little Five a lot! Mom (and uncle, when he was alive) used to take me there quite a bit, and I bought some really great boots for $30 at Junkman's Daughter that I would still have today if I hadn't given them to Robbie. Lots of second-hand stores and a few crystal shops, so I think you'll really like it!

Oh, did I tell you that apparently I make jewelry lately? Weird. o.o;



dependonyou April 26 2009, 02:28:24 UTC
Yay, I'm not crazy! At least, not more than before. XD And yea, it feels nice to finally have said something about her. Might just be the sleep dep, but I feel a lot more cheerful. <3

I was sort of worried because I'm so "omg Rhianna omg stuff omg whee!" And I treat her like we treat our stuffed animals, and you know how that is, so I fret. I don't like friends thinking I'm the bad kind of crazy, you know? XDDDDDD

From everything I've heard thusfar, I'm bound to love Little Five. Of course, I have to take Rhianna. With so many crazy, eclectic shops, goodness knows what I might find for her. You know? And mmm, crystal shops. I'm going to find my happy place there, I'm certain. ... now I totally need a crystal fix. I'm sure I'll buy at least one tomorrow. ^_^ Evil temptress. <3

No you didn't tell me! I want to see. I want to know more! We should craft together some time. XD

PS: Who's in your icon? She's adorimible!


odangoatama April 26 2009, 03:25:20 UTC
Well finally getting stuff off of your chest always makes you feel better! <3

Yeah, I know what you mean :P But at the same time, some people just get attached to things like dolls and stuffed animals. Unless you start, you know, saving up for a college fund for her, I think you're okay XD

Yeah, it's a great place! *_* I hope you find tons of stuff! ^^

Let's seee...I've made crudloads of stuff. Among them are this necklace, this necklace, these earrings, these earrings aaand these. I've made lots more stuff recently, which I'll get pictures of when I'm not so lazy.

Totally up for crafting! ^^

Oh, that icon is from a little NicoVideo that I can't recall the link to. It's Isis from Yugioh, but it's basically fanart :P



darkserasenshi April 28 2009, 01:24:46 UTC
Holy crap! Those are gorgeous! I really need to keep up with LJ more often ^_^;;


twocheeseplease April 26 2009, 02:11:13 UTC
Oh you silly goose! You should never feel bad about a hobby or something that's fun to you. I easily spend that much on fabric, and most of it just sits around in a cupboard.

I'm glad you showed us pictures too! She's so sweet!


dependonyou April 26 2009, 02:33:06 UTC
XD I guess I'm just a big scaredy cat and a dork. <3 I'm glad you all support me so much!

As for fabric, have I ever mentioned my 3+ bins (50 gallon) of fabric? <3 I'm right with you there. I figure she might not use much, but maybe I'll actually USE some of it with Rhianna.

I'm so happy everyone thinks she's as pretty as I do. I seriously need to get her a faceup (basically a makeup paint job). She has no color to her at all, and no eyebrows. It doesn't bother me, but I'm sure she'll look more natural with it. I'm going to have the artist go as natural as possible.

And just so you know what I'm talking about later, if I get some of my stamps as textile stamps, and you wonder why I'm using the small ones for that? It's because they'd be for her. XDDDDDD


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