I Am Awesome!

Apr 25, 2009 19:39

I totally got four hours of sleep last night, and am as loony as Luna Lovegood on a full moon. Or something. O.o I don't even know. My emotions are running high, and I'm flipflopping a ton, so I decided that "stay in oblivious happiness" was a good state to be in until I finally crash. Sure, I could nap right now, but if I do I will only wake ( Read more... )

life, hobbies, abjd, rhianna, tea

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odangoatama April 26 2009, 01:35:19 UTC
I don't think you're crazy for enjoying your doll :P Trust me, I've seen way crazier. I'm also really glad you finally said something about it. I didn't know you were that worried about saying anything! Silly girl, your friends love you regardless of how you spend your time/money.

I also think you'll like Little Five a lot! Mom (and uncle, when he was alive) used to take me there quite a bit, and I bought some really great boots for $30 at Junkman's Daughter that I would still have today if I hadn't given them to Robbie. Lots of second-hand stores and a few crystal shops, so I think you'll really like it!

Oh, did I tell you that apparently I make jewelry lately? Weird. o.o;



dependonyou April 26 2009, 02:28:24 UTC
Yay, I'm not crazy! At least, not more than before. XD And yea, it feels nice to finally have said something about her. Might just be the sleep dep, but I feel a lot more cheerful. <3

I was sort of worried because I'm so "omg Rhianna omg stuff omg whee!" And I treat her like we treat our stuffed animals, and you know how that is, so I fret. I don't like friends thinking I'm the bad kind of crazy, you know? XDDDDDD

From everything I've heard thusfar, I'm bound to love Little Five. Of course, I have to take Rhianna. With so many crazy, eclectic shops, goodness knows what I might find for her. You know? And mmm, crystal shops. I'm going to find my happy place there, I'm certain. ... now I totally need a crystal fix. I'm sure I'll buy at least one tomorrow. ^_^ Evil temptress. <3

No you didn't tell me! I want to see. I want to know more! We should craft together some time. XD

PS: Who's in your icon? She's adorimible!


odangoatama April 26 2009, 03:25:20 UTC
Well finally getting stuff off of your chest always makes you feel better! <3

Yeah, I know what you mean :P But at the same time, some people just get attached to things like dolls and stuffed animals. Unless you start, you know, saving up for a college fund for her, I think you're okay XD

Yeah, it's a great place! *_* I hope you find tons of stuff! ^^

Let's seee...I've made crudloads of stuff. Among them are this necklace, this necklace, these earrings, these earrings aaand these. I've made lots more stuff recently, which I'll get pictures of when I'm not so lazy.

Totally up for crafting! ^^

Oh, that icon is from a little NicoVideo that I can't recall the link to. It's Isis from Yugioh, but it's basically fanart :P



darkserasenshi April 28 2009, 01:24:46 UTC
Holy crap! Those are gorgeous! I really need to keep up with LJ more often ^_^;;


odangoatama April 28 2009, 03:51:59 UTC
Hee, thank you!! *^^* I need to post more of them (and actually, uh, you know, post these in my journal).

That first necklace is completely gorgeous, but the pendant itches something fierce. I need some kind of backing to put on it. D:

I also want to make stuff for you guys but I have no idea what D: and I suck with the mail. But I do want to make something themed after my friends ^^



dependonyou April 29 2009, 00:16:47 UTC
I didn't get to respond, but those really are lovely, dear. I'm especially enamored with that first one you showed, the necklace. Have you tried putting just a little bit of felt to the back yet? Or are you like Joel, where felt/yarn/wool bothers you too? ::hugs::

I'll definitely want to see more of what you come up with, so you better keep sharing. ^_~


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