I Am Awesome!

Apr 25, 2009 19:39

I totally got four hours of sleep last night, and am as loony as Luna Lovegood on a full moon. Or something. O.o I don't even know. My emotions are running high, and I'm flipflopping a ton, so I decided that "stay in oblivious happiness" was a good state to be in until I finally crash. Sure, I could nap right now, but if I do I will only wake up at 9pm with absolutely nothing to do and no way to get back to sleep. Then I would be online until Joel had to go to work in the morning, and I would crash after dropping him off. Not good, given that I have plans to meet a friend tomorrow and take my first trip to Little Five Points. XD

Okay, so, let me try this update thing. I'm not sure how well it will work given my current state of mind, but hey, if it fails at least you all will be amused for a while and get a chance to laugh at me. Right? If I succeed, woohoo, I'll have finally have made a real life update! So here we go.

I'm working at the same place, and stuff's going about the same. There's really nothing interesting about work right now. It's work. I kind of want to start going back to night school, so we'll see where that goes. Go, fight, fantastic! Attorney here I come, one baby step at a time. Paralegal might just be my toddler or teenager stage.

Okay, trying (and probably failing) to make myself some tea. Let's see how it comes out. Hmm...

Now I've been trying to talk about something important to me since January, and never really got around to making the post. I have four or five half-formed posts, probably more like barely-formed posts, on the subject, saved in my journal under Private, that I promised myself I would eventually finish and post. I never did. Let me see if I can get through it now.

This may seem silly to some of you. I'm in crazy sleep dep mode, and it sounds like something my friends would say is crazy, but hey. It's important to me and that's what matters. You guys don't care if I'm crazy anyway; you already knew I was!

In January, I got a doll. Not just any doll, but an asian ball jointed doll. Some of you might know them as Dolfies, or Super Dolfies, or what-have-you. Some of you might know how much they cost, and how addictive they can be (Ragresen, I'm looking at you). Others probably don't even know what could possibly be so special about this doll. Well, I suppose I could start with the price tag. My doll is an MSD, which is to say a Mini Super Dolfie. MSD and SD have become sizing terms now, taken from the forerunners of the industry, but there's no reason to go into an abjd history lesson here.

My doll, standing somewhere near 18" high, is an MSD. She cost me, including eyes, wig, and clothes, about $325. This was every penny of the money I was given on Christmas, plus a little bit besides (the $25). I went with ragresen to a doll meetup in January, and that month a local seller had set up shop. I was almost overwhelmed with ferret shock, but managed to pull myself out of it. The thing is, by the time I had, I found that I was hovering obsessively over a doll that was on display to be sold. When someone picked her up, I immediately started talking to them; I probably weirded a couple people out, but I don't doubt they got over it when they learned I was a first time buyer.

After much deliberation, trying to guilt myself out of it, etc., etc., I finally came to the decision that I was going to buy her: as long as I didn't spend too much more than I had in Christmas gift cards. When I finally said I would buy her, which amused the seller more than anything because she knew it was coming, she started to take off the doll's wig. I stopped her short. NO, I wanted that doll, with that wig, and those eyes (these are very customizable dolls). If possible, I might even buy the clothes, because I can't well parade the doll around naked!

This was apparently an unusual decision, but I had simply fallen in love with the soft, dreamy blue eyes and the black and pink hair. It suited the sculpt (and boy, are there a lot of sculpts out there on the market). It was the doll I wanted. She was wearing a pink striped yukata with a pink plaid haori. Instead of a true obi, she had a bit of sheer organza tied around her waist in yellow (which was the only thing I didn't like, but eh, she needed something to keep it closed. I was even given (as a gift, no charge) a rainbow obijime of braided silk cording and a yellow wig brush.

I was perhaps the happiest person in that entire meetup, and everyone knew it. I positively glowed. I had my first doll. I had been hooked long before I'd ever seen one in person. I'd always been fascinated by the idea of a little proportional person to dress up in costumes and throw wigs on and parade around to eager spectators. And now I had her.

To most of you, this would sound like a stupid and expensive hobby, I'm sure. A childish one, perhaps, and one which really isn't worth such an incredibly long livejournal post. Especially not a livejournal post three months in coming! Really, Amie, how was this so hard to say?

Well, it was. It still is. My weekends are usually spent (when alone) taking Rhianna (because that is her name, and it took me quite some time to choose it) around with me to antique stores, garage sales, and flea markets trying to find chairs, clothing, and random cute accessories to take pictures of her with. My plans for every month include "can I make it to this month's meetup?" and "will I have a new outfit for Rhianna by then?" The answer has inevitably been no (though I made it to April's meetup!) because of time constraints and lack of knowledge of how to work on such a small scale. Still, I'm learning.

In a large way, Rhianna is a release for my passion for sewing. She is my release for wanting to be more girly than I already am, or can be in every day life. She is someone who can wear all the clothes that I can't get away with, either because they are too revealing or because I have nowhere to wear them, without making me feel jealous. She is a beautiful photography subject that makes me wish that I took better pictures (or had a working digicam again, gotta see if I can find the cords to the old one). She can wear any hair style or color I want, and will always look beautiful. She has perfect, smooth, alibaster white (okay maybe more of just really pale) skin. She will always be perfect, whereas I cannot be.

I'd throw in that she's a good friend and listener, but the same can be said for dogs, cats, any pets, stuffed animals, etc. when one has no live people to talk to. Plus, well, if I started talking that you guys would really think I'm crazy, and it's not like I'm that far gone. The doll isn't my life. I am not obsessed to an unhealthy level. I merely found a hobby that could be all consuming when I need something all consuming, a money sink when I needed/wanted something to spend money on, inexpensive when I was in a time that entertainment had to come cheap, something to focus on when I was depressed, something to enjoy when I was happy... you get the point. The hobby is, to me, a healthy outlet. And I'm really enjoying it.

It's really important to me, and I've only shared it with a couple of you. I don't know why. I feel guilty, like I'm spamming people who don't care. But I want to shout it to the rooftops: "I have a doll!" I want to picspam everyone I care about saying "Look what I just made her!" and "Look what I found!" So now, hopefully, that it's out in the open, and I've explained as well as I can, I can finally do that. And you know if I ever get too annoying you can just say "shut up, Amie!" I'll get the point. I really will. I hope. And in any case, I won't get offended.

OMG tea's done, I think. Here's hoping I did everything right. It's been ages since I brewed loose leaf. Wish me luck. I'm spazzing/hyper too much right now, so I think I'll stop here. Look mom, it's an update! <3 I love you all.

ETA picspam because I can. Oops, probably took more than 15 minutes. That's what happens when food timers start beeping when you're in the middle of something. XD Ah well.

Rhianna, on display, before I ever picked her up for the first time. This picture was sent to my Gran to tell her, basically, "OMG I want this I feel so guilty and I shouldn't buy her as she's too expensive!"

Professional Photo 01 - Taken by someone at the meetup after I had officially purchased Rhianna.

Professional Photo 02 - Same. I really wish I'd put the photographer in keyword credits or something. I don't remember who took these anymore! ;-;

Rhianna in Sakura This photo was taken the day after I got her, in the floral section of JoAnn's while I waited for Joel to get off work. I was squee tastic, and felt that the blossoms worked as a very nice backdrop for her.

Rhianna, Captain of the High...Armchair? Taken to show my Gran how the strangest stuff could be perfect for a doll. The wheel is actually a fishtank accessory that ended up not finding its way into the tank. The arm chair (while a bit wide for her) is actually a jewelry box! The necklace (shown better in a later picture) is actually a sterling silver baby bracelet.

Rub A Dub Dub (nekkid)

It's Rhianna In A Tub! (nekkid) These were taken last weekend, after the doll meetup. I had told one of the girls that I had found a possible bath tub for MSD girls, and promised pictures. Both pictures taken at ragresen's house. I figured the bath was the best place to also show off Rhianna's beautiful joints! The bath tub is actually an American Girl tub from Walmart that I realized looked far too small for an American Girl to really sit in it properly. I was right!

Jaunty Hat That same day, ragresen gave me a couple of MSD sized outfits and even a pair of shoes! The outfits need taking in (they are made for a less mature doll, and thus--oddly enough--for one with a thicker waist and such as they are disproportionate in the immature sculpts), but they look beautiful on her. This was taken that day in my car, to show her off to my Gran.

Yes, I have been using Gran as someone to squee to so I didn't spaz to people who didn't even know yet. XD

Anyone Care For Some Tea? Taken this afternoon in front of my computer, to show off the tea set I scored on my recent outing. This shows off her necklace really well, and I'm proud of it for a camera phone picture. Sadly, it doesn't really show off the tea set all that well, since she's only holding a cup and saucer.

And that's all... for now. Bwahahaha!

life, hobbies, abjd, rhianna, tea

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