Sicilian adventures...

Jan 14, 2016 12:13

So my plans for my solo trip to New York are on hold. Temporarily but definitively on hold. I'm going to Sicily in March instead.

A friend of mine recently broke up with her boyfriend of nine years, and the trip to Sicily had been planned and booked as an anniversary present. She can't get her money back (apparently holiday insurance doesn't cover ( Read more... )

real life: travel, real life: friends

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Comments 4

katikat January 14 2016, 17:43:00 UTC
I've been to Sicily once, it's my favorite place in Italy. I know that people are all about Venice and Rome and whatnot. Me? PALERMO! It's been years and years since I was there, but I still remember the atmosphere, till this day. Incredible.


angel_vixen January 14 2016, 18:20:57 UTC
I've never been to Sicily, so I'll depend on your reconnaissance, especially in regard to cannolis! Despite the circumstances (I hope she and he both have been able to jog along all right on their new courses...), I hope you have a fantastic time! Have you begun deciding what you'll see while you're there?


denorios January 17 2016, 13:01:48 UTC
Well, Mt Etna is a definite so far, but I've got to confess, Sicily has never really been on my radar as a place to visit, so I don't really know what there is TO see yet! I think there are some good Greek and Roman ruins, and I'm always happy to get my history geek on - but I'm going to let my friend largely dictate what we do and see, since it's her trip really.


tsarina January 15 2016, 00:21:33 UTC
I have no Sicily recs, alas. But that is a good thing you and your friend can go together. Eat all the things!


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