Thinking about a New York break...

Dec 07, 2015 11:46

I have never been on holiday on my own before, and I think it's time I tried it. I seem to have fewer and fewer single friends, or friends without kids, or friends who can afford it - and if I wait to have people to go with, I'm may never go anywhere!

So I'm thinking of a New York city break. I don't think I want a beach or sun holiday - sounds weird, but I think if I was spending so much time just chilling by a pool with a book I'd feel more lonely, whereas if I went on a trip where I was doing things, visiting historical sites and tourist attractions, I'd be busy and occupied and not lonely. Plus, with a city break there's so much more to do and see than on a beach holiday.

So I'm thinking New York. I don't want to be on my own in a country where I don't speak the language, and whilst I've been to New York a couple of times I've never been on my own, so I've never had the opportunity to see the things I want to see. Which is mainly the historical stuff no-one else is ever interested in! And New York is a great city for walking tours, and that's a great way to be with people on my own.

Does anyone have any recommendations for decent, cheap-ish hotels good for single travellers? I'm not averse to hostels, although I'd prefer not to have to share a room which rules most hostels out! And ideas about the best time to go? I don't want to shiver through January or February, although I suspect that's a quieter, cheaper time to visit! It's my birthday in April, so I could potentially aim for that...

Any of you in the immediate environs of New York fancy meeting up either? I'd love to put faces to usernames!

real life: travel

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