Sicilian adventures...

Jan 14, 2016 12:13

So my plans for my solo trip to New York are on hold. Temporarily but definitively on hold. I'm going to Sicily in March instead.

A friend of mine recently broke up with her boyfriend of nine years, and the trip to Sicily had been planned and booked as an anniversary present. She can't get her money back (apparently holiday insurance doesn't cover break-ups, what a shock) and she doesn't want the trip to go to waste, so she's asked me to go with her instead.

Anyone ever been to Sicily? I've been to Italy before, but only Rome, Florence, Tuscany kind of region. We're flying into Catania, and we've got a week in a self-catering villa. The weather won't be warm enough for sunbathing and swimming, so we're looking at more of an historical, gastronomic trip instead. Gimme all the cannoli!

We're both sort of...sad and excited at the same time. She's sad she's not going on this trip she'd planned with her boyfriend, and I'm sad for her and for her heartbreak - but we're both excited about going on holiday together too. So it's a bit weird.

real life: travel, real life: friends

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