I don't suppose anyone has any good Harry Potter fanfic recs they'd care to pass along, would they? I've kind of been in a hankering for some Potterverse ever since seeing HP:HBP a short while ago and seeing the resulting meta and sort of mentally revisiting it, but since I've never really been in that fandom to begin with, I don't exactly know the
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Oh god. Yes, actually, IAWTC, and because part of what drew me to this pairing in this place was that tension and darkness, I wouldn't necessarily have it any other way. (...In my defense, things seem to fastforward a bit in my series because we kind of hurry through that initial rough part right away in the very beginning, the months of him being stuck body-hopping and her being incredibly cold to him, and then skip on to better things. Oh, and, yeah, fine: there are some things that I totally think are canon that I still don't want to write, sometimes. But part of why I like writing fanfic is to not do things I think are going to be on the show, anyway ^^;;) I guess as beautiful a disaster it'll be to watch, and as absolute faith as I have in Joss for getting to bring it to us (...iiif he gets time, which is sort of my other concern), I'm still not ( ... )
But srsly, considering that the pairing I had the oddest craving to read after HBP is Bellatrix/Draco, I'm with you. I don't need actual sex, more just delicious mindfuckery. But I wouldn't even know where to begin looking!
A little bit of info came out of the Comic Con today, regarding Epitaph One and the memories. It's a simple four word sentence, and it's not a big thing on the surface, but could be a big thing depending on how things play out. I don't want to just blurt it out though, so let me know if you want to know.
I love the 'post-apocalypse' genre, it's a favourite actually, but wow, I felt the despair way too acutely.
Here's my thing, that I think I only realized lately: I love apocalypses, but only if they have that snapback of hope at the end. That's part of the reason I can never get into the Terminator series, because they can never seem to make up their minds if our world is doomed or it isn't, and I find that really frustrating in this way I don't think I can articulate. There was an eensy bit of hope in "Epitaph One"'s conclusion (everyone's fate was left just open enough...though things still look pretty bad for Boyd, Claire/Whiskey and Topher), but from my perspective it felt incredibly over-weighed by the complete and utter woe.IDK. The more I think about it, the more I'm able to feel less distraught and accept it, but ( ... )
>Here's my thing, that I think I only realized lately: I love apocalypses, but only if they have that snapback of hope at the end.
YES. That's exactly it for me. In Epitaph One, the future seems completely irredeemable. What, will they wait until all the butchers kill the mind-wiped dumb-whatevers and themselves and then come out from Safe Haven and repopulate the Earth? Yikes, Caroline as Eve? I don't think I like that. I really hope Adelle is still alive. And Dominic. A new humanity from the genes of those two....okay, my mind is going to its happy place right now...yes, it's a weird place...but it's definitely happy.
I'm gradually dealing with it too. The cloud of black hanging over my fangirl heart is now a muddled grey.
>never have I been more glad that Joss Whedon's ( ... )
Well, I can already think of one...maybe Dominic was still at the Dollhouse at the end there, and Caroline was just too freakin' tunnel-visioned to even notice. (Yes, I am obviously kind of overly heavily occupied with the mystery of where the HELL was Dominic after that one flashback. Alllll the crazy shit that went down, and that's still the first question I would ask Joss Whedon if we were trapped on an elevator together. Question two may or may not be, "Do you need any more writers on staff??")
I really hope Adelle is still alive. And Dominic. A new humanity from the genes of those two....okay, my mind is going to its happy place right now...yes, it's a weird place...but it's definitely happy.*deep breath* ...Okay, um...does it make me a bad fangirl if every time someone starts squeeing about the prettiness that would be Dom/DeWitt babies (which, not gonna argue there, obvs), my ( ... )
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