This Post Is Entirely About Fandom

Jul 25, 2009 00:22

I don't suppose anyone has any good Harry Potter fanfic recs they'd care to pass along, would they? I've kind of been in a hankering for some Potterverse ever since seeing HP:HBP a short while ago and seeing the resulting meta and sort of mentally revisiting it, but since I've never really been in that fandom to begin with, I don't exactly know the good places to look (and frankly, am kinda too lazy to try).
Particularly, I'm interested in anything Malfoy-flavored: something about the Malfoys as a family unit would be preferred, although I could also go for Draco or Lucius gen, Lucius/Narcissa, or even the good old standby, Draco/Harry. I could also go for some Snape, even (especially if it's got my old favorite, Snape/Lupin in it).
And really, most anything you link to me with a "THIS IS REALLY GOOD!!" on, I'll at least take a look at, so, you know. Pass it on over. The only thing I won't take right now, actually is...PWP. I'm just actually more interested in narrative and characterization right now, than a jolly good smex scene.
(What's my fandom secret? it is: I oftentimes skim past the porn to get to the plot. Yes. Really. I know, right? I'm doing this whole fandom thing backwards. I am so ashamed.)

So, in case you haven't already heard, sometime late last week, the "lost" thirteenth episode of Dollhouse, "Epitaph One" (it's...a really long fucking story, so just go with it) got leaked onto the internet somehow. Considering how the internet works in general, I was surprised for approximately 20 seconds. I watched it late Friday night/Saturday morning. And...yeah. Wow.
This part contains no spoilers, I swear. I will say this much: it was a really, really, really good episode. Mind-blowing and captivating and moving and just plain cool. Also, considering it was shot on apparantly half the budget or some shit, really fucking impressive. It also made me cry like a little girl, though in my defense I was wretchedly sleep deprived at the time.
I don't even know, I'm just really torn, because the potential future this episode paints is so unspeakably bleak, and because I tend to merrily check my morality in at the door in the name of a good story I actually am quite fond of these horrible borderline sociopaths we call a main cast, and Joss Whedon apparantly wants to break them all into itty bitty pieces with a bigass fucking hammer. (Tiny sidenote, and something I think I have figured out about the show in general, judging from the split in my flist over it: in order to enjoy this show, you have to be willing to like the staff at least a little. Because otherwise you have nothing to watch the show for. I mean, Caroline/Echo is supposedly the center of the whole thing, and the Actives are all very cute puppies truly, but you know what? In their most frequent state, they're basically props, not characters. The only people you have to watch week in, week out, are the freaks holding their leashes.) I mean...Joss Whedon, loves putting his characters through hell when he thinks he actually has time to play with them, and this is a show that I'm sure he was 95% certain was going to be canceled at the time this episiode filmed, so I'm sure you can imagine? Yeah. He was basically throwing bricks left and right. Needless to say, people were hurt. BADLY. On an emotional level; least of all ME. So on the one hand, this would be a totally awesome show to watch, if this really is where we're going. On the other hand: WAAA, MOOOOOMEEE, I DON'T WANNA!!!
Of course, Dr. Just-Friends is now convinced this is the future of the show, and very happily "reminds" me of it's "canon" status every five minutes, every time we talk. Even if to do so he has to make a non sequitar. Because he's a bastard.
I just...don't know. I'm going to hold off on posting an actual, detailed reaction post until I've had a chance to rewatch it at least once more, and at this point I think I might as well actually wait until the DVDs are out and people have seen it "officially". I guess I'll be able to live with it, no matter what happens, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't still keeping my fingers crossed that the characters someone manage to pull a second Terminator movie manuver and escape this fate somehow. But at the very, very least, they'll be a season or two of happy-good (er, mind-rapey) times before we get there, right? Right?? And anyway, as of now, nothing is set in stone, right?...Right??


And last but I swear not least (well, maybe...a little), we get to Lost. So...yeah, I'm kinda, like, two going on three weeks behind on the Luau by this point. Already. Siiiigh.
I don't know, unfortunatly it's just been kind of difficult. For some reason my Lost muse just doesn't want to cooperate; here's hoping I didn't already drain dry my inspiration in those first couple of weeks. As you can probably guess by the earlier sections in this post, my mind has pretty heavily been elsewhere as of late, fandom-wise. It's like I try to think of Lost, but between Harry Potter and Dollhouse having a lot of buzz going on right now it's like my brain is trying to form some kind of pie chart between those two, and it's really not leaving slices for anything else.
I really do plan to try and catch up, I swear. There's a free day coming up, and anyway, my Queen day is next week, so I think I'm going to try and catch up before then, so I don't feel like a total asshole. I did manage to fill all the prompts last year, y'know, eventually, so if worse comes to worse I might be stuck doing catch-up again but, you know. Them's the breaks.

lost, tears for my fears, dollhouse, meta, writing, questions, frustrations, dr. boyfriend, fandom, writer's block, tv, crack, harry potter, requests, fanfic

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