I don't suppose anyone has any good Harry Potter fanfic recs they'd care to pass along, would they? I've kind of been in a hankering for some Potterverse ever since seeing HP:HBP a short while ago and seeing the resulting meta and sort of mentally revisiting it, but since I've never really been in that fandom to begin with, I don't exactly know the
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I love the 'post-apocalypse' genre, it's a favourite actually, but wow, I felt the despair way too acutely.
Here's my thing, that I think I only realized lately: I love apocalypses, but only if they have that snapback of hope at the end. That's part of the reason I can never get into the Terminator series, because they can never seem to make up their minds if our world is doomed or it isn't, and I find that really frustrating in this way I don't think I can articulate. There was an eensy bit of hope in "Epitaph One"'s conclusion (everyone's fate was left just open enough...though things still look pretty bad for Boyd, Claire/Whiskey and Topher), but from my perspective it felt incredibly over-weighed by the complete and utter woe.
IDK. The more I think about it, the more I'm able to feel less distraught and accept it, but I think I'm going to have to actually grit my teeth and watch it all happen before I can really wrap my mind (and heart) around it.
...In the meantime, though, never have I been more glad that Joss Whedon's fandoms seem to always have no problem with going AU. No matter what happens, there will always be happier times fic where we can choose to ignore it ^^;
>Here's my thing, that I think I only realized lately: I love apocalypses, but only if they have that snapback of hope at the end.
YES. That's exactly it for me. In Epitaph One, the future seems completely irredeemable. What, will they wait until all the butchers kill the mind-wiped dumb-whatevers and themselves and then come out from Safe Haven and repopulate the Earth? Yikes, Caroline as Eve? I don't think I like that. I really hope Adelle is still alive. And Dominic. A new humanity from the genes of those two....okay, my mind is going to its happy place right now...yes, it's a weird place...but it's definitely happy.
I'm gradually dealing with it too. The cloud of black hanging over my fangirl heart is now a muddled grey.
>never have I been more glad that Joss Whedon's fandoms seem to always have no problem with going AU
Thank the heavens for AU!!! And speaking of AUs, have I told you lately how glad I am that you're in this fandom? Well I am. You're our AU Queen *hands you crown encrusted with jewels the colour of Dominic's eyes*
Well, I can already think of one...maybe Dominic was still at the Dollhouse at the end there, and Caroline was just too freakin' tunnel-visioned to even notice. (Yes, I am obviously kind of overly heavily occupied with the mystery of where the HELL was Dominic after that one flashback. Alllll the crazy shit that went down, and that's still the first question I would ask Joss Whedon if we were trapped on an elevator together. Question two may or may not be, "Do you need any more writers on staff??")
I really hope Adelle is still alive. And Dominic. A new humanity from the genes of those two....okay, my mind is going to its happy place right now...yes, it's a weird place...but it's definitely happy.
*deep breath* ...Okay, um...does it make me a bad fangirl if every time someone starts squeeing about the prettiness that would be Dom/DeWitt babies (which, not gonna argue there, obvs), my first thought is always that I feel sort of compelled to point out Adelle is...probably of or very close to the age where that's likely no longer possible? *cringe*
And speaking of AUs, have I told you lately how glad I am that you're in this fandom? Well I am. You're our AU Queen *hands you crown encrusted with jewels the colour of Dominic's eyes*
Aww! How'd you even know blue was my favorite color? ;)
I can see that being the kind of thing they'd change. That's the way memory works, so it makes a lot of sense.
>"Do you need any more writers on staff??"
You'd better ask that! And then put in a good word for me (even though you've never read my writing, lol) ;P
>I feel sort of compelled to point out Adelle is...probably of or very close to the age where that's likely no longer possible?
I thought the exact same thing as I typed it! So no, no bad fangirl hand slapping (or should that be mind-wiping?) for you. My fix? I've decided that Adelle definitely has a background in science, and due to the dire situation and her feelings of guilt regarding her role in the decimation of man, develops a fertility drug while at Safe Haven so that she can contribute to rebuilding the species. There. Done. ;)
>Aww! How'd you even know blue was my favorite color? ;)
Oh I just had a hunch ;)
...oh my god, Adelle DeWitt on pregnancy hormones. Oh my GOD, Adelle DeWitt and a not-yet-fully-reconciled Laurence Dominic being thrown into the deliciously awkward situation of her being knocked up after they have random it's-the-fucking-apocalypse hatesex and now they have to try and deal with this shit together. OH MY GOD.
Um. I'll be in my bunk.
I don't know if that fic should be sarcastic and realistic or dramatic and angsty. Could go both ways really, though a delicately balanced mix of both would probably be best. Who can we convince to write this thing? Anyone have Joss' number? It can be an AU webisode series or something :P
And then when they finally calm down, someone asks her who the father is. And she says Dominic. And then everybody goes "...WHAT??" some more.
...And, really, just picturing the look on Dom's face as this is all unfolding is enough to keep me amused for days.
Though also, because Dom can be kinda, uh, brusque at times, especially when he's had the rug yanked out right from under him, I'm sort of picturing this scenario: DeWitt says something along the lines of "I'm pregnant, it's yours", and he just STARES at her for like, five minutes, eyes wide and expression completely unreadable, and then, finally, he goes, "Aren't you kind of old?"
(And in the background, somebody may facepalm.)
Pffft!! XD "When they couldn't hit it anymore"? (That's not until, like, the third trimester! Boy, I'd sure hope somebody else would've noticed by then...)
Oh god, now I'm picturing the cliched HornyOnPregnancyHormones!Adelle, like, cornering Dom like a wild beast going in for the kill.
*several hours later*
"Wow, Dominic what happened to you??"
"Kill me...oh god...can't walk...she's insatiable...so tired...make it stop..."
I know! It made no sense at all! LOL.
"Kill me...oh god...can't walk...she's insatiable...so tired...make it stop..."
LOL! Emphasis on the 'OL' XD I can't stop laughing at the image in my head. And you know Adelle would be stalking after him. Oh I need air!
"...uh, Dom? Is that...what are *you* doing up here?"
"SHH!! Keep your voice down, you idiot. If Adelle finds me-"
"...I just...I'm so, so tired. SO tired. I'm sore in places I didn't even know I had. I think I might have broke something. God, I'm so tired."
"...O...kay. I'll just...yeah."
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