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Comments 35

because someone on your flist is sure to pick Reborn thelovemafia August 26 2010, 15:39:21 UTC
I ask for Hanna is Not A Boy's Name from you! ... even though it hasn't updated in weeks. ;)

If no one picks Reborn I'll ask you again, because I'd love your thoughts.

Also yes, awkward as heck.

Ask me anything for the meme, by the way! :) 'cause I'm unlikely to put it up but I want to answer any questions you have!


ALSO thelovemafia August 26 2010, 15:41:11 UTC
I was going to ask for Lee, but then wanted you to pick any character you wanted. :)


Lee it is! demoerin August 26 2010, 16:32:10 UTC
A) My OTP - Veser/Lee, no surprises. I believe we've covered "Why does Veser look so bitter about all the love Lee's sending Mum's way?" Wholly inappropriate crush is a go! I don't feel as skeevy about it as I could, because they approach each other on a mostly equal basis - Veser feels free to swear and insult and tell his biggest secrets to Lee, and Lee hangs out with him and takes all his nonsense in stride.

B) The runner up - seal wife/Lee. Partly because of "he does already love her, so why not" and "he'd at least be better than Hatch!" But also because I wonder what he saw in her. Seriously, he never saw the barely suppressed urges to homicide? In my head there is an addendum to canon that goes "If the seal wife met Lee first he'd have appreciated her for who she is and she could have jumped him with all joy and freedom, HAPPY ENDINGS ALL ROUND". On the other hand, I also like the idea where she's ensnaring him with her voice, sucking away his will, and leading him to doom for her own use and pleasure, as singers from the sea ( ... )


(I must express my) love, love, love thelovemafia August 29 2010, 08:15:08 UTC
THE LAST BIT. THE LAST BIT ABOUT HANNA AND LEE. OH. MY. EXPLOSIONS OF HAPPINESS AND LOVE AND COLOUR EVERYWHERE. The only thing that TRULY expressed 50% of my glee is this White Collar .gif of Neal; I've linked it in html in case the size eats your bandwidth. MY TRUE FEELINGS ARE THAT POSTED UNCUT X 2. I APPROVE SO MUCH OMG.

I mean that .gif expresses all my feelings for your comment ever omg with JOY. I want to hug this comment to me and GIVE IT ALL MY LOVE. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. BUT TO SUM UP:

2. "If the seal wife met Lee first he'd have appreciated her for who she is and she could have jumped him with all joy and freedom, HAPPY ENDINGS ALL ROUND". I LOVE THIS. \O/ MY HAPPY ENDINGGG. The seduction-song one is pretty awesome too ( ... )


lacewood August 27 2010, 07:09:55 UTC
Kyoko's denial and delusion capabilities are so amazing it is kind of hard to be sure of ANYTHING. XD

And wasn't Ren the one who made the decision to take the role? I didn't get the impression that Lory encouraged or discouraged it, beyond maybe pointing out that it was a pretty bad idea (WHICH IT IS). Though getting Kyoko to play Ren's SISTER (with a BROTHER COMPLEX) is a pretty special brand of sadism, so no doubts on his genius jerkassery (and seriously, Lory, I am still waiting for Love Me to acquire its first male member! Heck, I volunteer Hiou, he sure doesn't seem all that loving of his hypothetical audience)

For the meme... uh, any of the main trio in Reborn? XD


demoerin August 28 2010, 00:05:50 UTC
Kyoko is amazing in many ways. XD And oops, I guess I'm too used to blaming Lory for wacky acting situations. I don't actually remember what happened in the beginning of the arc; should probably skim it again. Hiou in the Love Me section would be hilarious - but I'm not sure I want much more of him, if he's honestly Moko's love interest. Please let's shoot that one down soon, mangaka! PLEASE.

I pick Tsuna for the meme! By reason of bias.

A) My OTP - Gokudera/Tsuna. Because Gokudera so had a crush on Tsuna in the early days and it won my heart instantaneously. I remember fondly that bit in his character bio that said "he has an almost odd admiration for Tsuna". Thanks Amano, I will take this reminder that the series is a joyous fanservice fest and run with it! I love how bad these two are at each other. Gokudera makes up a Tenth Gen Boss to adore and obey, Tsuna treats all gestures of affection or admiration as a reason to run screaming (fair enough, considering), and at no particular time, they meet in the middle and refuse to do ( ... )


lacewood August 29 2010, 01:08:50 UTC
I think the foreshadowing for this arc when Ren made his ~decision~ happened like 2 (3?) arcs ago, so no surprise if either of us is remembering this wrong. XD

Hiou would be the brattiest Love Me member ever, but I'd be happy to see ANY horrified guy in the pink overalls. XD I think Hiou is pretty much... definite, ahaha. But just... can we have this happen like TEN YEARS DOWN THE ROAD, please. After Moko has finished taking over the industry with Kyoko and stomping over hearts with COMPLETE DISDAIN.

a and b) They're both cute, but much like Haru, I don't think Tsuna's ever been able to realise how serious Gokudera's devotion is XD

c) Man, I would never have even considered this if it wasn't for a fic, and if I wasn't... BIZARRELY FOND of ships where either party has tried to kill the other/both have had to duel each other to the death orz (Also, if I hadn't lost my ability to take Xanxus seriously)



demoerin August 29 2010, 18:32:45 UTC
Hiou would be the most hilarious Love Me member! Unless it was Sho, but that would be a nightmare too. The idea of Hiou/Kanae remains creepy, but if it does happen there would probably be a timeskip, which could be really interesting...

I don't think Tsuna's realised Gokudera's that serious either, but at least they've both outright said they want to be BFF, in spite of all the boss & subordinate hero worship. It drives me batty that Haru doesn't spell out in small words that she'd like to date him before they get to the "mafia boss's wife" bit, and that Tsuna can't haul out that Vongola intuition and get a hint that Haru is legit. into him. C'mon you two, resolve something!

Duel-to-the-death ships are exiciting. Often in shounen you get a type of Bond of Honour out of something like that anyway. :D Xanxus/Tsuna, though - I can love the fics, but trying to parse the pairing in my own head doesn't work.


I read this out of context because I never pay attention to cut text like I ought to pen_over_fist August 27 2010, 07:17:34 UTC
"If I didn't know better I'd swear Kyoko was through-and-through lesbian."


pen_over_fist August 27 2010, 07:18:04 UTC
That aside, for the pairing meme.

Chrome? ='D


demoerin August 28 2010, 00:16:04 UTC
A) My OTP - MM/Chrome. I feel guilty about this, but there you are. There's something about the way all that messed-up energy of MM's focused immediately on Chrome that made me flip out (and mentally dress them both in biker gear, and then they make out. Er.). They're opposites in many ways and could be mortal enemies, but I can't see Chrome giving a damn enough to buy into that, and it could weird MM out in delightful ways.

B) The runner up - the anime makes Ken/Chrome look really cute, okay. I see it in the manga too, with how het up Ken got about Chrome kissing Tsuna. They'd be adorable and slightly inhuman and loving mostly in a way that's hard to recognise. However, I would like to take this moment to note ALL THE GIRLS. ALL OF THEM/Chrome as another strong back-up plan.

C) The anti-ship - I could say Glo Xinia/Chrome, but I don't want to dignify the idea of that as a relationship. The only thing I can think of is Hibari/Chrome because of your convincing argument! Apparently I like Chrome with everybody. Although this morning I ( ... )


pen_over_fist August 28 2010, 03:28:01 UTC
A) Why would you feel guilty, it's hot and . Although personally I like Chrome/MM.

B) Ken/Chrome is like one of the only upsides to the anime, to be honest. ALL OF THE GIRLS/Chrome is the best ship.

E) A-awww that was cute ;; I don't understand what the point of the Chrome/Uni fanbase is? BUT IT HAS A FANBASE...


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demoerin August 27 2010, 23:55:36 UTC
A) My OTP - Norrington/Jack. I'm not sure I'd have seen this pairing without fandom, but once fandom showed me the way it was such fun. The snark! The sailing and scruffiness and naval battles, the freedom and duty, the would-be "star-crossed lovers" stuff that generally devolved into funtime porn for all. This was such a great fandom. ♥
B) The runner up - Beckett and Jack had all the sex. ALL OF IT. I can't imagine that this didn't feature in their backstory. Then things went wrong of course, very wrong in every way - maybe the laws of nature decided others should get to have sex too, and made it physically impossible for Jack and Beckett not to react to each other like oil and water. The unknown beginning mixed with the spectacularly bad end fascinates me. Also I would like to yell BARBOSSA/JACK, GIBBS/JACK at this point, so everyone's aware.
C) The anti-ship - Will/Jack. I just can't, my feelings on it are basically "...".
D) My unpopular fannish opinion on said character - Keith Richards being his dad in movie 3 is the best! Hush ( ... )


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demoerin August 29 2010, 18:53:51 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed! Some people seem to get so traumatised by the idea of old people in romancin' situations, so I was wondering if I should have given a warning. Thank goodness you have a more robust attitude. :D

I feel that same about Norrington/Jack. The fandom for this one is just amazing!
Absolutely! It's probably my favourite fandom to have been in. As for Jack/Beckett I guess people just didn't like the second and third movies as much as the first, and definitely didn't like Beckett that much.

Aagh, it does make one feel mean, but thank you. He does have a pretty good job at the moment, so at the worst we're only wishing him to boredom, I think. I hope. ahaha.


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