Put these up on plurk a while back, figured I'd share them here, too. Not all pairings. Fair warning: a lot of these are pretty creepy and a few are outright violent. The Adekan one is non-con but dude it's labeled Anri/Kojirou what else could it be
Yozakura Quartet is immensely cute and I am constantly opening a new tab to look for fanfiction, except there practically isn't any. All I want to do lately is talk about the characters and the dynamics between them, or read about them, especially since for once it is a female-dominated cast that doesn't have everyone's feelings revolve almost
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ARTISTIC LICENSE NOTE: I tend to think of Byakuran as not keeping his memories from the future like the other characters, because otherwise he would still be pretty much omniscient and restraining him would be nearly impossible.
Revamped my icons, finally. And look, bearit posted a meme to give me an excuse to post one too! (Okay there may be some linearity issues in that statement but shhhh
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