Terrifying work = meme!

Apr 27, 2011 14:39

Pinched from bluemage55 :D

Name me a character! I will tell you:
* How I FEEEEEL about this character.
* All the people I ship romantically with this character, and my OTP.
* My non-romantic OTP for this character.
* My unpopular opinion about this character.
* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.

My fandoms:

- Everything ( Read more... )


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Comments 51

mycenaes April 27 2011, 13:43:10 UTC
Rachel Berry!


delta_mai April 27 2011, 13:48:06 UTC
Interesting one :D

- At the beginning of the show I loved her because she reminded me of how I was when I was like 10 - 13. I especially adored her in the second episode when she stood up against the celibacy club. Unfortunately, that was a real jump-the-shark moment (new term I've learnt - I hope I'm using it right!) and after that my love for her went downhill. I adore Quinn in season 1 because her story was so compelling, but thanks to crappy writing after she had the kid it was like the writers hit a reset button. There was NO character development at all. And I was like :/
Sorry extra little rant for ya! :O

- Remember that Telephone number at the beginning of the second season? SHIP. Also Puck because I enjoy the opposites. But mostly I don't ship her with anyone - she needs to learn to become her own person like she used to be.

- Rachel/Kurt. One of the only good things about s2 is how they've gone from sworn rivals to friends :)

- Bad continuity is bad.

- More stuff with her mum. That plot was a total let down.


da_phoenix13 April 27 2011, 13:43:40 UTC
I want to know what you think about:

- Ted Mosby
- River Song
- Rachel Berry
- Troy Barnes.

Aaaaaand go!


delta_mai April 27 2011, 14:01:00 UTC
Ooooh lots :D Rachel is in the above comment btw - someone already requested her ( ... )


she_burns1 April 27 2011, 14:00:19 UTC
I choose two (if that's okay)

* Community - Annie
* South Park - Wendy


delta_mai April 27 2011, 14:25:20 UTC
Two is fine! :D ( ... )


delta_mai April 27 2011, 14:25:49 UTC
Lol I had to do this in two parts because I exceeded the word limit! :O


- First of all, she's getting a post. I'm doing this 30 women meme, which I'm totally behind on, but she's getting a day :D So there's that.
I adore Wendy. She's a total bamf - remember, she shot someone into the sun way before Cartman made Scott eat his parents. She's a total feminist - among other things, she wanted to be in shop class instead of home ec, joined a boy band, and didn't understand why the girls wanted to dress up as whores. She's passionate and principled - she is always the one who fights for moral issues and, let's face it, she's damn good at it. Plus she kicked Cartman's arse. Who can't love her for that?

- WENDY/STAN FOREVER. Trey (or Matt, I forget) once said that Wendy and Stan "are meant to be together, but the world conspires to keep them apart". Epic romance ftw. Also, they compliment each other so well, challenge each other and inspire each other.
Stan: Tell her she's my muse! That's she's a ( ... )


dance_the_dance April 27 2011, 15:04:16 UTC
Tara from True Blood, and Lafayette, if you do multiple characters. :D


delta_mai April 27 2011, 18:33:52 UTC
I do indeed :D


- I love her. She so much fun (or at least she was, way back in s1 when she was insulting everyone), she's strong and she's awesome.

- I love her and Sam. Still hoping they get back together - they have an excellent dynamic and a beautiful relationship. Of all the characters of the show, they are probably the ones that have experienced the most pain (except maybe Sookie), so I think they could find solace with each other.

- Tara and Sookie's friendship is lovely, but I love Tara and Jason. I wish we'd see more of them as friends.

- I don't know the fandom enough to know what's popular and unpopular!

- Ah. I WISH they'd stop having shit stuff happen to her!!!! It's like all the worst stuff happens to her and it's just not fair.

I'll do Lafayette later :)


dance_the_dance April 27 2011, 18:55:18 UTC
Aww yay, ITA with everything you said, and I'm so glad that you like her! :D I think that is a pretty unpopular opinion already, heh - I'm not really in the fandom either, but I don't think she's hated per se, it's just that no one seems to like her. There was some multiple-choice poll where you chose your favorite True Blood characters and she had like 4 votes when most other characters had 30-150. :/


delta_mai April 28 2011, 01:21:06 UTC
I know, I get the same impression. It's just so unfair. She's just really badly used in the show - just as a victim really. Her story is great but so tragic and she doesn't need another painful plotline. Sighs.


- Great character. Show would not be the same without him. I cannot sing his praises enough.

- Um... no-one. Bitch is fine by his sweet self.

- I love his relationship with Tara cos it's gorgeous. Also the snark with the other employees at Merlotte's is great :D

- I don't know - how is he seen in fandom?

- The kidnapping plot was intruiging and I think it gave us some character development that was needed. But that's it. No more bad stuff happens to our boy, KAY?


lovemoony4ever April 27 2011, 15:28:34 UTC
Firefly - Jayne
Community - Duncan ;)


delta_mai April 28 2011, 00:22:18 UTC

- Gotta love Jayne :D He's hilarious, edgy and yet has a soft side and although his morals are loose, he'll mostly do the right thing :D

- Jayne/Kaylee is a great ship. I considered Jayne/River for a while but couldn't really see it. Jayne/Simon is a fun possibility :D

- Hmmm.... Probably River and Jayne. It's one I would have liked to have seen developed had the series continued. I can see them being bamf partners once she accessed her abilities :D

- I don't have one, I don't think!

- As with every Firefly character, I wish we'd got to learn more about him. There was that delicious hint about his family and ill mother in The Message which I would have loved to have learnt more about ( ... )


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