Terrifying work = meme!

Apr 27, 2011 14:39

Pinched from bluemage55 :D

Name me a character! I will tell you:
* How I FEEEEEL about this character.
* All the people I ship romantically with this character, and my OTP.
* My non-romantic OTP for this character.
* My unpopular opinion about this character.
* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.

My fandoms:

- Everything ( Read more... )


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delta_mai April 27 2011, 14:01:00 UTC
Ooooh lots :D Rachel is in the above comment btw - someone already requested her!


- I LOVE TED OMG. Seriously. I'm very like Robin, but with Ted's sensitivity and PEDANTICNESS thrown in :D He's so fun and silly and his fun facts rule! I was walking around NYC last summer wishing he was there to tell me interesting stuff.

- I shipped him and Zoe so hard, I wished she was the mother :( I don't think they really let that ship develop - ships in this show (apart from Lily/Marshall) tend to follow the same pattern - there's this massive build up before they get together, which is written really well and then.... The relationship falls apart. Obviously there are exceptions but this tends to be how it goes. And I think that's so lazy. One of the reasons Sam and Jack (Stargate) never got together was because the writers were afraid people would lose interest once they did. Same with why it took Niles and Daphne so long to become a couple (Frasier).
Anyway, other ships.... I think that's pretty much it actually.

- Ted and Lily are great, but I think I love Ted and Robin as friends the mostest :D

- I like him? I think that's a pretty unpopular opinion :P

- Nothing. I think they're dealing with Ted really well :)


- I LOVE HER SO MUCH OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. I would seriously worship her if I could. I want her and Cordelia Chase (another worship-worthy character) to have a girls' night and snark about everyone. That would make me sooooo happy :D


- Rory and River have a great dynamic. I hope we get to see more of their friendship because despite being very different characters (which ofc makes their interactions engaging) they actually have a lot in common, in that they are both the kind of companion that's never really part of the group (Rory because Amy takes all the attention and River because she'll always be separate in some way).

- Again, loving her. And wanting her and Eleven to get together. Apparently these are unpopular opinions?

- I want a proper romantic scene with the Doctor. I want there to be at least one scene (if not episode) when Eleven knows enough about her to be in love with her. And I want to see them being a bamf married couple :D


- I changed his middle name. I'm sure he'd be cool with it.
Ok, so I first came across Troy in the epic March Madness this year. It was both his character and the epic campaigning of the fans that persuaded me to watch this show. I love Troy. He's absolutely adorable and yet totally epic all at once. I love how even though he's the "jock", he's still a total geek and really silly and kinda awkward with girls sometimes. He rules, basically.

- Abed because it's canon. Britta cos they're cute together. Trabed is my brotp, but I'm wavering on the romanticness because I ship Abed/Annie and Abed/Spy!Chick. But it's Community so everything goes :D


- I prefer Abed. But I still love Troy. I think normally it's the other way around? I dunno :(

Actually that's a lie. I want him to be able to speak to Levar Burton! :O

Hope that was good for you :P


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