Terrifying work = meme!

Apr 27, 2011 14:39

Pinched from bluemage55 :D

Name me a character! I will tell you:
* How I FEEEEEL about this character.
* All the people I ship romantically with this character, and my OTP.
* My non-romantic OTP for this character.
* My unpopular opinion about this character.
* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.

My fandoms:

- Everything ( Read more... )


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delta_mai April 27 2011, 14:25:49 UTC
Lol I had to do this in two parts because I exceeded the word limit! :O


- First of all, she's getting a post. I'm doing this 30 women meme, which I'm totally behind on, but she's getting a day :D So there's that.
I adore Wendy. She's a total bamf - remember, she shot someone into the sun way before Cartman made Scott eat his parents. She's a total feminist - among other things, she wanted to be in shop class instead of home ec, joined a boy band, and didn't understand why the girls wanted to dress up as whores. She's passionate and principled - she is always the one who fights for moral issues and, let's face it, she's damn good at it. Plus she kicked Cartman's arse. Who can't love her for that?

- WENDY/STAN FOREVER. Trey (or Matt, I forget) once said that Wendy and Stan "are meant to be together, but the world conspires to keep them apart". Epic romance ftw. Also, they compliment each other so well, challenge each other and inspire each other.
Stan: Tell her she's my muse! That's she's a constant source of inspiration to me!
Although my OT3 is Wendy/Stan/Kyle (because Style is so epic and canon). They could totally make it work :D Also, after the Mysterion episodes I shipped her with Kenny. Because she's the only one who can really understand him and, let's face it, notice him. Also also Bebe cos they have a similar dynamic to Britta/Annie :D

- I don't really have one! Lol, poor friendless Wendy! :P

- Fandom pretty much either hates or ignores her. Plus I gather that Stendy is the pet hate ship of fandom. So the fact that I love her and ship her with Stan is pretty unpopular.

- WE NEED MOAR WENDY. Just anything more of her would be great. But I love how they've developed her character from shrill, fickle and jealous to strong, challenging and independent. If S15 is going to be the last one, I definitely want to see more of her. She needs her own episode.

Great choices!


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