Terrifying work = meme!

Apr 27, 2011 14:39

Pinched from bluemage55 :D

Name me a character! I will tell you:
* How I FEEEEEL about this character.
* All the people I ship romantically with this character, and my OTP.
* My non-romantic OTP for this character.
* My unpopular opinion about this character.
* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.

My fandoms:

- Everything ( Read more... )


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delta_mai April 28 2011, 00:22:18 UTC

- Gotta love Jayne :D He's hilarious, edgy and yet has a soft side and although his morals are loose, he'll mostly do the right thing :D

- Jayne/Kaylee is a great ship. I considered Jayne/River for a while but couldn't really see it. Jayne/Simon is a fun possibility :D

- Hmmm.... Probably River and Jayne. It's one I would have liked to have seen developed had the series continued. I can see them being bamf partners once she accessed her abilities :D

- I don't have one, I don't think!

- As with every Firefly character, I wish we'd got to learn more about him. There was that delicious hint about his family and ill mother in The Message which I would have loved to have learnt more about.


- Mah English home boy! :D I love the commentary he gives us on the characters' antics, and his dry humour. Also, the way he winds them up about England kills me. "But then in England, everything means vagina."
Kinda true :D

- I'd like to see him and the Drama professor... :P Nah, kidding (mostly).

- I love his relationships with Jeff and Chang. They crack me up :D

- *shrug*

- I just want to see more of him. @D


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