Hypertime: April First

Apr 01, 2009 00:55

The Monitors observe the various universes. One for each universe.

But then there's Hypertime. Hypertime, which weaves in and out of various other realities. Some of these shards of timelines are critical to the support of the crystalline fragile structure of some universes.

But there are many that are just plain silly.

Here are but a few.

green lantern hal jordan, green arrow ollie queen, halcyon, miss martian, mad hatter, starman jack knight, secret, kid devil, oracle, "april fools", zinda blackhawk, black canary, flamebird, jericho, lian harper, batman, aquaman, nightwing, merlynne

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Comments 133

misschocolover April 1 2009, 06:24:03 UTC
Great Queen M'gann of the Empire of Tasty lounges sideways on her throne, built from the bones of 143 bodies, drinking 2% milk from a human skull. The bones had been carefully harvested from 143 people who also spent a lot of time drinking 2% milk. The extra-pretty pink-rhinestone-decorated skull on the top of the chair's high back was taken from a guy that drank WHOLE milk even. M'gann snapped his head off herself, but made someone else do the rhinestones.

On the floor, easily within her lazy reach, is a silver tray stacked high with choco cookies. Every few minutes she reaches down for another one, dunks it in her milk, and munches it with an audible 'NOM NOM NOM' sound.

Queen M'gann's life has been awesome ever since she enslaved all of Earth to become her choco empire. In a shelf on the wall behind her, her collection of Teen Titan heads float in their jars making various angry expressions at her. She likes to wave at them sometimes.

But right now she has chocos to eat.


etai_yazi April 1 2009, 07:26:49 UTC
Lian had finally snuck by all the guards, and monster's guarding the Evil Queen. Now it was time to defeat her! Time to bring the world back through Justice and Love.

Strowing in front of Queen M'gann, she refused to be distracted by the tasty chocos. She had a mission. Clenching her hand with the ring on it into a fist she called out "Star Sapphire Crystal Ring Makeup!"

Jumping and twirling, spinning and twisting, she slowly changed into her Star Sapphire outfit. A sailor fuku colored in bright violet, complete with choker, headdress and earrings. It even did her nails for her.

"Queen M'gann your days of ruling this world are over. I vowed to triumph over evil, to right wrongs and to carry love to everyone. In the name of the Corps of Love, I am Star Sapphire and I will punish you!"


misschocolover April 1 2009, 07:39:00 UTC
Queen M'gann sits up in her chair, finishing off her skull of milk before tossing the empty vessel into the 'dirty' pile.

"Star Sapphire? Shouldn't you be in the the sugar fields or something? I thought I banished you to a life of hard labor after I ate your parents!"


etai_yazi April 1 2009, 23:39:54 UTC
Lian sniffled. Her parents had fought valiantly and it was her duty to take this bad girl down.

"Sapphire KICK!" She aims a flying kick at the Martian.


Sister Zinda, skirt_of_danger April 1 2009, 06:40:22 UTC
With a deep breath to calm the butterflies in her stomach, Zinda Blake straightened her collar and clasped the dog-eared book bound in leather tight between both hands. She was nervous. Speaking in front of groups always made her feel queasy. But she felt she had a duty to speak to as many people as she could, and after a few minutes she would all right.

After adjusting the microphone, she cleared her throat and addressed the crowd. "Brothers and Sisters, the Lord our God has led me here to speak to you about the evils of drink and the sins of the flesh...."


aqua_chic April 1 2009, 06:51:00 UTC
Tula opens her mouth. And then closes it and throws her hands in the air.

"You know, I was wondering why all my clothes were getting stretched out. Now that we've got the how, can we go double or nothing for the why, Shortpants?"


titansleader April 1 2009, 07:10:19 UTC
Dick grinned, and held up a dress. "Do you think it's me?"


aqua_chic April 1 2009, 07:22:29 UTC
"Not your color honey, trust me." Tula nabs the dress and tosses it over the foot of the bed. "You know, you could have just asked me to take you shopping."


titansleader April 1 2009, 07:28:36 UTC
"You don't mind?" Dick asked. "I mean...it's not that I think I'm trapped in the wrong body or anything..."


nation_citizens April 1 2009, 06:54:04 UTC
Bob Billaboo sighs as he stares at his computer monitor, poking at the keys in boredom, and occasionally letting his eyes glaze over.

Suddenly, a strange glow appears nearby, surrounding a ring floating in the air nearby.


Bob shrugs as the ring flies onto his finger. "Whatever," he sighs...


starinopal April 1 2009, 07:05:35 UTC
"What do you think? Does it say 'Starman'? I think it's too loud."

"Shut up!"

"Listen to your one true love, Jackie. The gold is beautiful."

Jackie Knight takes another stride across the room, this one slower, as he examines himself in his new costume. It's the white star on the back of his dark gold jacket that really pulls everything together. "Okay. Yes. Yes!" Jackie finally says.

He's even more excited than before about taking on the Starman mantle. His partner Leon and his best friend Mikaila are grinning knowingly between each other. Now that the last-- and the most fun!-- part is done, Jackie can finally clean his apartment!

He starts for the first pile of clothing boxes. "Well, I guess it's time to--"

"NO!" They both yell at the same time.

"Awww, you guys agreed and I absolutely behaved while we played dress up!" Jackie makes a devilish grin in Leon's direction. "It's time to clean now. Don't make me get my big, powerful rod."

Leon snickers and Mikaila sighs. It was inevitable, and he hadn't picked up one thing while ( ... )


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