It Isn't the Heat...It's the Humidity

Jul 16, 2022 23:29

Ye gods, I'm tired. I got a good night's sleep though. Dark circles under my eyes.

I read an article, "How to get organized at home when you have ADHD or mental health issues", which led me to a Web site called Struggle Care, which led me to a book, How to Keep House While Drowning. I requested the book from the library. It might help.

I keep ( Read more... )

organizing, sleep, weather, cleaning, errands, mom, auntie a, saving the planet

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Comments 6

jaelle_n_gilla July 17 2022, 18:03:49 UTC
Sorry to hear about your aunt! I hope it's false alarm *hugs*


days_unfolding July 18 2022, 05:02:37 UTC


ravengirl July 17 2022, 18:04:05 UTC
WOMAN- I need those books! Since 2020, my weight, depression and anxiety and overall hopelessness are up and my ability to keep house is NIL ( ... )


days_unfolding July 18 2022, 05:08:51 UTC
I've always said that my house reflects the chaotic content of my mind :) But having it clean and organized might calm my mind down.

I don't know why I'm perpetually tired, except my night-owl-ishness keeps me up late. I can't wait until I retire and can keep my own hours!

I'm not very close to my aunt, but what happens to her affects my mom, whom I am really worried about.

I think that we also had rain, but it was over before I woke up. I didn't swim because I stayed up late and got up late.


ragnarok_08 July 17 2022, 19:19:52 UTC
I'm so sorry about your aunt :(


days_unfolding July 18 2022, 05:09:01 UTC


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