It Isn't the Heat...It's the Humidity

Jul 16, 2022 23:29

Ye gods, I'm tired. I got a good night's sleep though. Dark circles under my eyes.

I read an article, "How to get organized at home when you have ADHD or mental health issues", which led me to a Web site called Struggle Care, which led me to a book, How to Keep House While Drowning. I requested the book from the library. It might help.

I keep forgetting to mention that I started using my Cloud Paper (bamboo toilet paper). It's not as soft as what I had been using, but I'm getting used to it. Very strong though.

Had a nice nap. Conked out immediately.

Ran errands. It was way humid out. (You can feel the humidity inside too.) Returned library books. Bought soda. Picked up my salad and baking ingredients. Ran in to get blueberries (for my oatmeal) and margarine (because I had to switch cinnamon raisin bread recipes because my bread maker makes a maximum 1.5 pound loaf, and the recipe was for a 2 pound loaf). Saw a pumpkin pie on clearance, so I got it.

I've decided to stay home tomorrow because it's supposed to rain. I thought about swimming tomorrow, but it will be raining. Maybe I could go after the rain stops?

Put the groceries away. Talked to Mom. She's doing okay. My aunt is back home, but she's wondering how she can get out of the house and go to doctor's appointments and such. She's been having symptoms like her cancer has come back.

I put a few things away in the kitchen, but I lose momentum when I talk to my mom. I had thought about making my salad, but I think that I'll do so in the morning.

organizing, sleep, weather, cleaning, errands, mom, auntie a, saving the planet

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