The Calm Before the Storm

Feb 01, 2022 22:45

It's raining cold rain. Brr. I hope it stops when I need to go out to get the headlight fixed.

I'm waiting impatiently for the Omicron surge to be over so that I can get my hair cut and my passport renewed. Patience, Adrienne.

Learning German is really calling me. I don't know why. Maybe there's something that I need to learn in Germany? But I ( Read more... )

piano, writing, weather, cleaning, italian, errands, aargh, news, coronavirus, travel, medium, german

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Comments 15

kaishinmystik February 2 2022, 13:37:05 UTC
Those bomb scares on the first day of Black History month is appalling. It is hard to stay hopeful about the state of things in this country, sigh. And I do hope the storm is not too intense.


days_unfolding February 3 2022, 01:21:13 UTC

Lots of snow, but then storm wasn't too bad otherwise. More snow tomorrow!


kaishinmystik February 3 2022, 02:05:49 UTC
Oh gosh! Stay as cozy as possible.


spikesgirl58 February 2 2022, 14:16:43 UTC
Stay safe!


days_unfolding February 3 2022, 01:21:38 UTC

Thanks! I holed up indoors with a jacket on.


sleepybadger February 2 2022, 15:33:10 UTC
My best friend got her passport renewed because she doesn't have a Real ID yet, and she thought it would take forever to come (but she doesn't have to go anywhere for a while), but it was about a month from when she sent in the paperwork to when she got it, and she didn't pay for it to be expedited, so hopefully when you send yours in, it will also get processed quickly.

Hope you are safe at home with all the snow!


days_unfolding February 3 2022, 01:22:22 UTC

That's good to know.

Thanks! I holed up indoors with a jacket on.


kensmind February 2 2022, 18:27:28 UTC
Your medium articles are very impressive.


days_unfolding February 3 2022, 01:22:34 UTC

Thank you!


one_raido February 2 2022, 20:08:12 UTC
I was going to suggest dadi for Italian practice.


days_unfolding February 3 2022, 01:23:55 UTC

I don't know if she actually would have time to help me practice. Reading Italian should help though.


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