The Calm Before the Storm

Feb 01, 2022 22:45

It's raining cold rain. Brr. I hope it stops when I need to go out to get the headlight fixed.

I'm waiting impatiently for the Omicron surge to be over so that I can get my hair cut and my passport renewed. Patience, Adrienne.

Learning German is really calling me. I don't know why. Maybe there's something that I need to learn in Germany? But I ( Read more... )

piano, writing, weather, cleaning, italian, errands, aargh, news, coronavirus, travel, medium, german

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Comments 15

lenine2 February 3 2022, 21:42:28 UTC
Here is my German teacher on Lessonface:
Matthias Koehler

I like him very much. I had to take a break due to my mother and to finances, but when I take it up again it'll be with Matthias.


days_unfolding February 3 2022, 23:55:14 UTC
I looked at his record in Lessonface and marked him as a possibility. But I found someone cheaper on Italki that I'm going to try. My first lesson will be at midnight on Sunday!


lenine2 February 4 2022, 00:04:24 UTC
Midnight! Mine were at noon my time, which is 7 PM Matthias's time. I don't think I'd have any brain cells awake at midnight. Please post about how you like it. Maybe we could correspond together in German.


days_unfolding February 4 2022, 01:04:22 UTC

I'm a night owl. Getting up early is challenging to me. But otherwise, I would have had to schedule it back to back with Italian, which would drive me crazy in short order.


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