A Draft of My Essay about My Experiences with Psychosis

Jan 12, 2022 20:49

I now have a solid draft of my essay about my experiences with psychosis for Medium. If you're interested, would you read it and let me know of any comments that you might have? It's around 850 words. Here's the link:

A Journey Through Psychosis

x-posted from Dreamwidth

writing, medium

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Comments 16

kaishinmystik January 13 2022, 04:03:33 UTC
I tried to open the link but it says, Access Denied. Just fyi It sounds interesting.


platofish January 13 2022, 04:12:12 UTC
The google doc is locked from public view


days_unfolding January 13 2022, 04:25:07 UTC
Oops. I changed it to anyone who has the link can view.


sunshine_two January 13 2022, 04:40:35 UTC
Interesting read. What do those voices tell you now?


days_unfolding January 13 2022, 04:53:29 UTC

Not much. Just random words, but I haven't heard one in over a year.


madman101 January 13 2022, 12:08:57 UTC
Interesting to know. I experience very real hallucinations due to fatigue and drinking. Mind-blowing. I have a few LJ friends who are schizophrenic, if you want to get in touch.

I read the piece, to the best of my present ability. I cannot comment on the theme/meaning/thoughts, etc., due to my disabled CFS brain at the moment. Hopefully, I can do this later.

For the moment, I can say: Chop up the largest paragraph, down to two or three. Vary the length of some of your sentences, by inserting (or breaking into) smaller ones. Similarly, by switching around the structure of some sentences can provide more variety.

Not that you don't write well. As it stands, the piece remains very interesting.


days_unfolding January 13 2022, 17:24:41 UTC



madman101 January 14 2022, 10:35:25 UTC
I had an idea, last night, but was only able to reread your essey just now, and I think it might be right. Consider mentioning how what happened to you might have affected others in your life. And/or other aspects in your life, perhaps finances, routines, etc. Doing a little of this might help others better able to imagine themselves in your shoes.

Just to add: I, personally, would be curious as to any possible insight or questions these hallucinations might have given you into the nature of reality, the mind, spirituality, whatever - of any. But that's just me.

PS - I noticed that your LJ has two identical INTRO pages, (fyi). Having read the Intro, I wondered what might have come of your camping ambitions? Planning to do more in the spring?


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