i'm happy; hope you're happy, too.

Mar 29, 2010 15:59

I didn't think I'd get to this post until like Wednesday, but whatever, HERE IT IS. In case you don't follow me on Tumblr and are therefore blissfully unaware, I have, um, EXPLODED WITH EXCITEMENT FOR ASHES TO ASHES. It's - reached basically epic levels. I... am... more excited for this to return than I am for Bones? (Whatever, Bones, suck it up ( Read more... )

ashes to ashes

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Comments 11

theonlytwin March 29 2010, 20:45:30 UTC

i don't know why i'm yelling, i'm just REALLY EXICTED.

hang on a minute, are you implying sam tyler is not dead at all BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE AWESOME.

i like the molly is dead theory because it shows how intelligent this fandom is, but if you look at the original shooting script for the episode, that whole thing is handled completely differently (molly is never off screen) so i figure they changed it for pacing. (also in the shooting script: the implication gene's ex-wife is now a lesbian.)

80's music is hell of awesome and hey ehy hey have you seen the tracklist for the next series? because there is a track by the composer called "the kiss" OH WHO MIGHT BE KISSING I DON'T KNOW MAYBE GENE AND ALEX? (i love chris and shaz, but they don't exactly warrant theme music.)

I can't see Alex, no matter how "hopelessly in love" holy crap where did that come from?


daygloparker March 29 2010, 21:18:17 UTC
Inevitably, trying to prise details of exactly how the series will end is like trying to get Gene Hunt to drink herbal tea. All Hawes, dressed today in heels, high-waisted trousers and a dotty cummerbund, will say is, “I think it’s quite clear by now that Alex is hopelessly in love with the Gene Genie, whether or not she knows it.” She adds, “The last two scripts are mind-boggling. I don’t think there’s anything else like it.”

And... yeah. I am definitely implying that I think there's something more for Sam Tyler between life and death, and between aliveinthe70s!Sam and deadinthe80s!Sam. Everything about that just seems sketchy as hell. If he was dead-dead, wouldn't it just be easier to say, "He died, and I drank for five days, the end?" Instead, the fact that NO ONE WANTS TO TALK ABOUT - oh gosh. (Also, I want to be right, so.)

In conclusion, I've been listening to my pieced-together soundtrack now for like four days now. That one track's name is killing me. Internet, produce it now.


theonlytwin March 29 2010, 23:08:40 UTC
I LOVE HOW MUCH THEY LOATH US LIFE ON MARS. i seriously tried to watch it if only for my longstanding admiration of harvey keitel but no. just, yeah, no.

sam's death was HELL OF SKETCHY. they never found the body? really? i mean, that's carnival of souls dodge right there. (i think we all want you to be right.)

could i maybe have a zip of that pieced together soundtrack? i'll return you any music you like.


(The comment has been removed)

daygloparker March 29 2010, 21:26:50 UTC
WELCOME TO MY BRAIN? I guess? But seriously, I can't tell if it's the influence of LOST - BUT YEAH. Gene is the literal land of misfit toys! Basically! Constantly waiting for his equal! (I'm imagining Gene in the 1910s, just... like, that is epic lol.) And yeah, there is no way the "reality" Alex wakes up in 2x08 is ACTUAL ACTUAL reality. For one thing, there is the craziness with the chalk-drawn hearts in that episode.


grenadine March 29 2010, 22:56:56 UTC

How did it never occur to me that the guy in the hospital bed in 2x01 might not be the dead guy on the gurney in 2x08 AND THUS MIGHT BE SAM TYLER?

How--Jesus Christ. The next two months are going to just destroy me. I AM SUPER EXCITED BY THIS PROSPECT.

Anyway, I like that you did this! Because I think we have the same basic theory of What's Up, but there are totally some differences. I think it's because you're working with Greco-Roman ideas about the afterlife, and for whatever reason I ended up working mostly with Christian ones like Limbo? IDK.



sundayave March 30 2010, 00:58:48 UTC
HI! I'm sublondon on tumblr, aka the one who asked that silly question on theories ;), and occasionally stalk your LJ for Ashes and Spooks stuff, heh.

Anyway, I actually had that same thought about Sam being the man in the hospital bed in 2x01 just a few days ago, because hey! That ~theory~ doesn't negate Alex's story, and Sam meeting his end on a river and never finding his body is very dodgy indeed. Except it doesn't quite go down well with his having killed himself in the "present day". IDK. But yeah, end of 2x01 could potentially NOT be the end of 2x08.

and he could just shrug and say, "I'm the Gene Genie, Bolls. I am everywhere." Then they play Under Pressure, or Vienna, and I have a stroke because I'm so happy.


Also, your three conclusions: FUCK YEAH.


ohvienna March 30 2010, 01:43:13 UTC
he knows she'll leave Molly in the car, and that Molly won't actually stay there; he knows pointing a gun at Alex will panic Molly; he knows taking Molly hostage will give him NOT ONLY AN EXIT ROUTE, but will scare Alex enough to send Molly to school with her godfather rather than taking her herself (plus, paperwork), leaving her completely exposed and alone in her carPause! Um, how in the world does he know all of this will go down? If he wanted to get Alex alone, surely there are more foolproof plans than this? This makes more sense then this distraught man wildly shooting a little girl and Alex imagining the rest/or some as yet unknown thing happens to her as a result ( ... )


daygloparker March 30 2010, 02:16:10 UTC
(I have a whole other argument to the first part of this comment, that quite frankly, my brain is too tired to make at the moment, lol. So I will answer this part, because it can handle that. btw? OH SHOW I LOVE YOU. I love that the two of us have literally FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT THEORIES ABOUT WHAT IS WHAT.)

They are definitely bookends, though...It's part of the same scene, people, and places, Summers, the nurses...How can one be explained as objective reality and one not?

It's expectation. Think about it: Alex resists the temptation of Operation Rose, so rather than waking up at home (like Martin Summers promises her if she helps him), she wakes up in the false reality of a coma while still stuck in 1982. Right? Ostensibly speaking, Martin's actual body exists At Home, not in the false reality of the coma. All I'm saying is that the evidence for Martin Summers = dude in the hospital IN 2X08 is incredibly strong... but the evidence for him being the guy in 2x01? You base that argument solely on the fact that it's the same nurses ( ... )


ohvienna March 30 2010, 03:27:20 UTC
Like, it's a good and plausible argument - and one that I would be totally sold on after the fact - but it isn't solid. There is simply too much ASSUMED connection between the two scenes. To me.And re: the above comment, I LOVE YOU SHOW, and etc. I feel like all this that you're saying is assumption? I'm not really getting any connections of solid proofness right now ( ... )


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