Yesterday, Dad set up a new desktop computer that he'd built for us. This is my first post on the new computer! Yes, I'm sentimental.
Since my laptop is Pengolodh Lord and Loremaster of Gondolin, and Bobby's laptop is Rúmil of Tirion (even though he calls it Darwin), then this computer is Elemmírë of Taniquetil because, just like a Vanya, he
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Comments 19
My laptop is Palantir. Hee.
Got one of those, too? :D
That was very nice of Pa Felagund to build a mainframe for you and the Knight! Although our desktop is speedier in some ways, I am inordinately attached to iAngband (my ol' iBook G4) which keeps chugging along. It may be because OSX.x has been very, very good to me as opposed to the wretched MS Vista.
I'm about to set up Data Deposit Box because I hyperventilate at the thought of having non-backed-up files on Elemmírë, even though the likelihood of losing a hard drive on a computer not even two days old? I'm ridiculous, what can I say?
Not at all ridiculous. I now have a 160 GB SimpleTech external HD upon which I back up everything regularly.
Your penchant for naming hardware is infectious. My iPod is now iTinfang.
Paw Felagund is where my geeky blood comes from, incidentally! I remain the only person I know (aside from my sister) who got into trouble for not typing properly and for using ugly fonts on my school papers. (My dad being a printer by trade and spending much of his life designing the forms for several Baltimore-area hospitals.) I also developed a life-long loathing for clip-art.
And Tinfang?! LMAO!!
Bear with me. I'm actually tytping this on my laptop, who is much younger than I am and far more techy. We have acquired little broadband gizmos so we can - theoreticaly - go anywhere with the laptops as long as we have some sort of power. Scary!!!
Also, I went to the library today and got out books on Flash and Dreamweaver! Geeky knowledge galore! I haven't tried the turning-pages website yet, but it's on my List of Things to Do on Elemmire.
Who, btw, is a Tolkien character; I name all of my techy items after obscure Tolkien characters that are poets, historians, or rogue craftspeople!
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