Yesterday, Dad set up a new desktop computer that he'd built for us. This is my first post on the new computer! Yes, I'm sentimental.
Since my laptop is Pengolodh Lord and Loremaster of Gondolin, and Bobby's laptop is Rúmil of Tirion (even though he calls it Darwin), then this computer is Elemmírë of Taniquetil because, just like a Vanya, he
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Hope you enjoy these!
I'm about to set up Data Deposit Box because I hyperventilate at the thought of having non-backed-up files on Elemmírë, even though the likelihood of losing a hard drive on a computer not even two days old? I'm ridiculous, what can I say?
Oh no, not ridiculous at all! The pre-decessor of my current desktop HD died because of a MB failure and I just had it two to three days, I kid you not. Hubby just deleted the very recent back up an hour before, so I went like: Zhaan noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I think I cried. Learnt from it and I have most of my do-not-want-to-loose files on an usb stick or four ;)
So when we moved and we finally unpacked my recently brand new pc I was very very nervous. Besides that the dvd drive has issues reading software disks form time to time, it's doing grand. I just turn it on two times a week or so. I spent most of my time on this old lady Talyn (lap top).
As for music vids, here's my youtube playlist (just a fraction of what I like)
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