Greetings from Elemmírë of Taniquetil!

Apr 06, 2009 20:37

Yesterday, Dad set up a new desktop computer that he'd built for us. This is my first post on the new computer! Yes, I'm sentimental.

Since my laptop is Pengolodh Lord and Loremaster of Gondolin, and Bobby's laptop is Rúmil of Tirion (even though he calls it Darwin), then this computer is Elemmírë of Taniquetil because, just like a Vanya, he always stays in one place.

What have I done on Elemmírë so far? Well, the first thing I did was answer a whole bunch of email because the network was out at work today, so I was behind. I've downloaded the SWG website files from Pengolodh's folder on Data Deposit Box. I've added Gmail, the SWG, and my webhost to the shortcut toolbar because Eru forbid I should have to type out the monstrously long ""! Installed Java so that I can use the webhost. I answered an LJ comment from a_wayfarer *waves*. I'm about to set up Data Deposit Box because I hyperventilate at the thought of having non-backed-up files on Elemmírë, even though the likelihood of losing a hard drive on a computer not even two days old? I'm ridiculous, what can I say?

And I am listening to streaming web music! I know there is probably a better name for it, but I don't know it because Pengolodh doesn't have a sound card, so--as I remarked to a friend the other day--the whole YouTube, streaming media craze? Totally missed it. I watched a couple of Obama speeches on YouTube at work during the few days that the blocking software was down, but that's been it. I have a group of RL friends who constantly send links to videos, and I find myself getting irritated with them, as though they should intuit that I cannot watch them ... well, rather, I cannot listen to them.

So, flist, in welcoming Elemmírë of Taniquetil to the wild and woolly world of the Internet and fandom and my online life in particular, I would like to ask those of you with a favorite online video to link to it here so that I can finally watch some videos online. I know, I'm a dork, but it's amazing how left out I've felt because I can't watch freakin' online videos and everyone else can.

One last note before I wrap up this entirely too long and utterly pointless post: I am so spoiled by Pengolodh that I never realized how lazy I've become on the Internet. In the breakneck pace of my everyday life, I find shortcuts wherever I can. I was filling out an online petition on Elemmírë today, and I enter my first name and typed "D" and waited ... for it to auto-complete. And I was angry when I had to type out my full name, my full email address, and my other details! Pengolodh would have done all of that for me. But, Elemmírë, I'll give you time to learn. *pats*

Now I really need to send out the first batch of B2MeM marathon emails ... yikes!

computer, daily life

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