I am posting a day early because Bobby and I are driving up north to Hershey tonight to see Stars on Ice, and I am off from work tomorrow. And I know myself. I will not wake up until ten (maybe eleven); Bobby and I will go out to lunch; we will find ways to distract ourselves for a couple of hours. By the time I find my way onto the computer, you
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Comments 42
I figured it was better to surprise you all with it a day early than bear the wrath of AMC posted late.... ;)
Heh heh...I do love the hypotheses that come up whenever AMC provides enough plot to create a little mystery! ;)
The "secret guest" will be revealed soon enough. Until then.... *mum*
I also enjoyed reading about the New Year festival. I'm guessing, from the nature of it, that you're setting the New Year around the winter solstice?Yes, although would there have been an actual solstice then? This whole world of non-existent sun is hard to work in ( ... )
Well, you've indicated that there are at least rudimentary seasons. Potentially, the Valar could be manipulating the Trees to create a seasonal cycle so that temperate plants can grow. And if there are seasons, there'd be something like a solstice, though it might not be called that.
I like the idea of some form of seasons, even if they are so slight that they would not be perceptible to us now. And I had Winter Solstice in mind for that festival. I just find myself bothered by the notion of a lightless land and "sleeping" plants more than nearly anything else in the Sil.
(As for Circadian rhythms between Tree time and Sun time and how "nocturnal" vision adjusted to daylight...not even going there!)
Bwaaahahah! I can so imagine Fëanor talking the lords against the wall. Precious.
Carnistir goes on to say, “But what came to pass for him needn’t come to you, Nelyo-” I look with alarm at my baby brother, who speaks with a wisdom and in a voice beyond his years, and his eyes glisten with tears.
... oh dear little Moryo. You weird your brothers out just a wee bit too much. And you make me cringe. Poor little one. And poor Nelyo. ... It needn't, but it sort of will, won't it? (The guest is Rúmil, isn't he?)
And oh, the Palantír! And the blasphemy! *wibbles*
... but you did the "Hither Lands" thing again!
<--- just so I don't just shower praise on you. 's balancing, you know... ;)
I'm not saying. But you'll know soon enough. ;)
... but you did the "Hither Lands" thing again!
<--- just so I don't just shower praise on you. 's balancing, you know... ;)
*giggles* Thanks for noticing! I'm going to do a massive Search and Replace once I start working on Draft 2. I've decided on the "Outer Lands"; that seems to be more canonical than "Hither Lands" (which I'm fairly sure is fanon).
While looking for some maps for the Sil reading over at the Henneth-Annun list, I thought of you because I found this map. :^))
The bad thing is, on the one hand I can't wait for the next installment - on the other hand,the sooner I get it, the sooner it'll all be over... *wibbles*
Well, the map works as long as it's meant to be made by somebody in the "Hither Lands"... although I'd assume even then people would rather speak of Middle-earth on a map. But I'm silly with such things anyway. ;)
But there is a positive way to look at it: Without devoting hours each week to reworking AMC, think of all the new projects that I can do. My Midhavens novel will (hopefully) be done by the end of the summer; I'm going to start work on the Feanor/Nerdanel project; and there is a certain Feanor/Erestor novella that will probably be started within the next week.... ;)
(But regardless of when I finish it, you have to wait for your birthday! Mwah! >:^D)
I'm afraid to think who it might be, though I have the uncomfortable feeling that the guest is none other than Melkor.
Hmmm. I've gotten two theories so far on who the mystery guest is. One is right and one is wrong.
Here's the only hint I'm giving: The hint as to who is the mystery guest is part of the canon. Tolkien's, not mine. ;)
Of course, there was that beautiful interlude of Feany and Maitimo getting caught up in experiments and long conversations, laughing and joking ( ... )
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