AMC--Chapter Forty-Eight

Mar 30, 2006 10:37

I am posting a day early because Bobby and I are driving up north to Hershey tonight to see Stars on Ice, and I am off from work tomorrow. And I know myself. I will not wake up until ten (maybe eleven); Bobby and I will go out to lunch; we will find ways to distract ourselves for a couple of hours. By the time I find my way onto the computer, you ( Read more... )


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Comments 42

tarion_anarore March 30 2006, 20:01:11 UTC
I really like this chapter! I am going to cry when AMC is over. Really.

I forgot - again - what I was going to say. My internet crashed like 3 times while reading! Agh!

The What If? questions creep me out...


ann_arien March 31 2006, 05:49:16 UTC
I am going to cry, too. In fact, to make it easier, I have begun re-reading AMC, more slowly and with more attention to detail.

Feanaro's entire appearance in this chapter creeped me out, but I can see an understand the way he would go into a frenzy like that.


tarion_anarore March 31 2006, 18:07:57 UTC
Once we stop crying, we'll have to join forces and badger Dawn for a new story!! ;)

Yes, Feanor has always been ... exciteable.


tarion_anarore March 31 2006, 18:08:28 UTC
Dude, I so did not mean it like that.


atanwende April 1 2006, 21:19:08 UTC
I have to repeat now that I love your drooling Elves. I recently found myself drooling while applying eyeliner which made me feel rather senile. I mean, while sleeping - fine, I can live with it - but while perfectly awake? o.O I conclude; drooling Elves are ♥

But let's get serious again (which means that I will leave another comment in which I'll probably use words like "wonderful" excessively - so nice to know you have the same problem ;) - but at the same time forget what I wanted to say most):

The feeling when Nelyo and Macalaure arrive at home is rather eerie. At first it made me think "OMG, what has happened?" to be then rather happy that it was "nothing" but Feanor in a working frenzy and an obscure guest. By the way, I side with those who think it's Rúmil. And while I'm at it; poor Nerdanel really seems to need someone to side with her.

Carnistir goes on to say, “But what came to pass for him needn’t come to you, Nelyo-” I look with alarm at my baby brother, who speaks with a wisdom and in a voice beyond his years, and his ( ... )


atanwende April 1 2006, 21:19:57 UTC
Sorry, messed up the formatting. :(


dawn_felagund April 3 2006, 17:22:30 UTC
No worries. It happens. :) *shakes fist at closing tags*


dawn_felagund April 3 2006, 17:21:38 UTC
I have to repeat now that I love your drooling Elves. I recently found myself drooling while applying eyeliner which made me feel rather senile.

*giggles* I've found myself drooling while concentrating before too, especially while doing itsy-bitsy details on my miniatures.

The feeling when Nelyo and Macalaure arrive at home is rather eerie.

I'm surprised at the number of people saying this. But I'm not complaining! It wasn't intentional, but it was the effect that I wanted. *loves when that happens* :^P

By the way, I side with those who think it's Rúmil.

There are two guesses that I've gotten so far. One is right. One is not. That's all I'm saying. ;)

Feanor reminds me in this chapter of my maniacal behaviour when I'm writing essays.

Me too. :) I think it might be an artistic tendency; I try to sleep but can't because my brain wants to write write write! :)

And only three chapters to go? *wails* How shall I go on without my Friday afternoon reading sessions? ;)Don't worry. Soon enough I'll have another project done to rope y' ( ... )


digdigil April 3 2006, 11:24:43 UTC
Chapter 48 - AMC Comments

I love this chapter that is sort of a transition from the last one as Mae & Mac return from Alqualonde to Tirion. Mac is adorable, drooling on Mae and sloppily eating his bread & honey. Also, his costume ideas are so funny! I loved your descriptions of the costumes.

I love the paragraph about the New Year and the dancers. I love that you bring primitivism into the story to remind us that these are ancient times despite the Elves’ rather advanced civilization.

I love the family dynamics when they get home, and the undercurrent of trouble brewing between Feany & Nerds is a good portent of what is to come. And, of course, Turko & Carni are delightful, as always! “We suppose that the guest is a ‘he’!” LOL! That is so adorable!

I love the stuff about the Palantir! It’s so cool that you brought it into this story. It adds a nice degree of spookiness. And that Feany is talked about but not actually present in this chapter just adds to the spookiness.

I think on the seeing-stone. I am consumed by ( ... )


dawn_felagund April 3 2006, 17:33:05 UTC
I love the paragraph about the New Year and the dancers. I love that you bring primitivism into the story to remind us that these are ancient times despite the Elves’ rather advanced civilization.

I think that they may have been more primitive once, when they first arrived at Cuivienen. And there were scary things happening, so they needed a way of coping (since the Valar weren't much help. *ahem*)

But working with the different Elven cultures in this story has been such a delight for me! I've only scratched the surface, I know, but I hope to do much, much more.

(But does this mean he has some of the same ‘Peeping-Tom’ qualities of his cousin Finrod? Hmmm?)

Only where Fingon is concerned. >:^D *evil cackle*

1. Are the chapters going to get increasingly sadder?

Well, there's only three chapters left. My "Maitimo conflict" was to have him slowly lose the poise and special regard he's always treasured. As to whether he gets it back in this story.... *mum* You know he gets it back eventually, but that's all I'm saying for now. ;)

2 ( ... )


digdigil April 3 2006, 18:14:35 UTC
Well, there's only three chapters left. My "Maitimo conflict" was to have him slowly lose the poise and special regard he's always treasured. As to whether he gets it back in this story.... *mum* You know he gets it back eventually, but that's all I'm saying for now. ;)

There is something very hott about disillusioned Maitimo. So very vulnerable. Mmm. You should know that Alina and I secretly have the hotts for him. Sorry, Alina, I couldn't keep my mouth shut. You could probably figure it out, though, from our fics about him, although we do try to hide it with other characters.

*more mum* I don't want to spoil the ending....

I can understand that but think you are evol just the same.

He's in the last sentence of the epilogue, iirc. ;) And he's featured prominently in one of the upcoming chapters.

Oh thank you, Dawn! You have made me very happy!

I'll never tell.... ;)

Unfair question, I know!

At last, a straight answer: Yes. :)

Ahh!! Yess!! Ooo! *rubs hands eagerly awaiting next chapters*

Oh, a third theory! Well, of ( ... )


dawn_felagund April 3 2006, 19:28:29 UTC
You should know that Alina and I secretly have the hotts for him.

*giggles* I don't mind! After all, I think that Feanor and Fingon are pretty hott too. Especially Fingon as you write him.... *wipes drool* Like in "The Speed of the End"...pretty pretty!


rhapsody11 April 15 2006, 21:11:13 UTC
Oh Tyelkormo!!!! And indeed, he has grown as well.

I clear my throat, and they both jump, and Carnistir starts to squeal, but that quickly, Tyelkormo’s hand is over his mouth, his other hand indicating that he should be quiet. Absurdly, I find myself obeying, creeping down the hall to whisper, “What are you two up to?” gathering Carnistir into my arms. His head rolls back and forth, looking from me to the door, back to me, back to the door, until I seize his chin and force him to look at me. “Hmm? What are you doing?”

So... strange... no halflings running towards Nelyo and shouting his name? As you write on later, he must have enjoyed being the elder brother quite a lot!

Since I can remember, this has been Atar’s mantra. “I cannot!” Macalaurë and I would cry, in our youths, frustrated by Atar’s ever-escalating expectations. “It is impossible!” And always, he would answer: “But, my loves, nothing undone is impossible.”

Leaving us no choice, no excuse.

And there you have such a key part of why the Fëanorians were so driven to ( ... )


rhapsody11 April 15 2006, 21:12:35 UTC

So... strange... no halflings elflings running towards Nelyo and shouting his name? As you write on later, he must have enjoyed being the elder brother quite a lot!

Can you tell I will be playing D&D soon?


dawn_felagund April 24 2006, 14:41:43 UTC

What character(s) do you play, btw? My Meryth is an Elven ranger, with a very dumb handler (me) who completely forgot to use all his special abilities during one of our recent games....


rhapsody11 April 27 2006, 20:31:21 UTC
Rosie Underbough is a fiery and passionate halfling Rogue/Ranger. She is quite a thief (very interested in shineys) and got interested into the Ranger stuff after Kane, a paladin she regarded as her brother, died... under her hands while she tried to safe him. She's very good with a bow :c) She at least can make balloons out of unconscious drifting in the air wizards ;)

Valmir is my half-elf fighter and a wee bit of a cleric. A kinda warrior priest. His alignment is neutral, so depending on his mood, he'll try to turn undead or heal you. He just looooves his longsword.


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