Night 51: F21-30 Hallway

Aug 27, 2010 17:31

The latest intercom announcement filled Aigis with a sense of dread. Aborting her attempt at writing in her journal, Aigis stood silent for a moment then paced to the closet to retrieve her baseball bat. She would normally have offered her roommate some assistance during her first night in the institute, but Kay had already expressed during ( Read more... )

leela, stefan, nunnally, senna, scott pilgrim, aigis, damon, knives chau, erika, elaine, celty, morrigan, amaterasu, guybrush, alkaid, elena gilbert, ema skye

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Comments 53

F27 sortaheadstrong August 28 2010, 03:39:46 UTC
It was usually the dreams that woke her. Dreams of a time she could almost remember, ending so close to a happily. Or else it would be the sunlight that roused her as it shone in through the window. An alarm clock had never really been necessary; she was always up for one of those two unless Shinra was trying... something. And since this morning she could hear voices as she stirred, she had a feeling Shinra hadn't learned his lesson.

If you're trying to scare me again Shinra...

He'd tried, and though had succeeded to some extend had regretted it ever since since she’d nearly killed what she'd thought had been an alien trying to abduct her. Why'd he have to do weird things like that anyway?! It had served him right ( ... )


Re: F27 sortaheadstrong August 29 2010, 03:21:11 UTC
Maybe this would be what it was like when she did get her head back. A small room, possibly in a hospital that may have a roommate. Apparently she thought it was what would happen if she was dreaming it but... shouldn't Shinra be there? The idiot may have liked babbling on about how he liked her without her head, but he wouldn't just leave her once she got it!

... would he?

The fear Shinra had spoken of passed through the Dullahan a moment, causing her to open her eyes back. A quick check and her head was still there. The dream still. She sat up and sighed hard, trying to shake the feeling as she thought on it. Celty hadn't thought about it before since Shinra had always thought that she would leave once she got her head back but... what if he was the one who left for it? Was that the only reason he stayed around her in the first place? Because she didn't have a head? That wasn't her only "good" quality to him, was it?

I need to wake up she decided after a while. Wake up and try not to have dreams like this again. She'd be better ( ... )


Re: F27 sortaheadstrong August 29 2010, 16:03:40 UTC
The bed was abandoned quickly, Celty spinning round the center of the floor as she looked for something to view herself in. But the walls were bare save for the furniture, which became her next target. She went to the closet and threw it open, messing through the clothes a moment before turning on the desk. There had to be something! In the drawers she hoped for something like a makeup compact (as though a hospital would have something like that), but only found pens and what looked like a journal. Trying the other side of the room's similar pieces showed her the same - clothes in the closet and pens and a journal in the desk.

Calm down. Celty folded her hands as she began to pace back and forth. Don't panic. Just don't panic! There's an explanation! There's always an explanation! She stopped, looked up and spotted the door. If he just went and found somebody she could get this whole thing sorted out! Shinra preferable, but at this point she'd even settle for that batty old man of his if it'd get her some answers ( ... )


Re: F27 sortaheadstrong September 7 2010, 21:57:32 UTC
[gone here]


F23 jouer_sans_voir August 28 2010, 04:03:22 UTC
The day had given her much to think about, that was certain; Nunnally had quickly finished her dinner (or as much of the provided food as she cared to eat) and moved from desk to bed, intending to take a nap until night arrived. Sleep eluded her entirely, however, for she found her thoughts far too disordered to rest, and they returned over and over to the conversation with Renamon. Had she been wrong? She could very well have jumped to a conclusion without enough evidence -- this place wasn't home, she knew that very well, and there could be reasons other than Geass for memory loss.

Somehow, though, she couldn't completely dismiss the idea. She had to know for certain, but... what if she was right? What could she possibly think of that? Lelouch knew how she felt about the ability, and if he had still used it on those two men, she... she didn't know what to think. As she lay there, feigning sleep, one hand unconsciously crept up to her right eye, fingertips lightly brushing against the lid as though she could feel some mark left ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

Re: F23 jouer_sans_voir August 30 2010, 04:49:45 UTC
Ah -- and there he was. Though she had been expecting him, preparing herself and listening for his arrival, Nunnally still couldn't help but feel a jolt of surprise and renewed worry at the sound of the knock. She still didn't know what she would do if her fears did turn out to be true, but... all she could do was ask.

Nunnally carefully pushed to her feet again, absently brushing a hand across her shirt to straighten it, then moved to the door. As always she enjoyed how easy it was to do even so simple a task; just the fact that she could rise to open the door for him rather than call for him to enter was so pleasant that she wouldn't miss the opportunity. The task distracted her sufficiently from her other thoughts that she greeted him with a smile, albeit a small one, as she opened the door ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

Outside F30 vsyourface August 28 2010, 04:11:46 UTC
[From here]

Fortunately, one more thing Scott Pilgrim retained from grade school was the ability to count, so it didn't take long to find F30. What took longer was the hesitation outside Knives's door. This was weird. Not just because of the whole Landel's thing, but because the last time he and Knives had gone and done anything alone had been when they were still dating. The roles here were oddly reversed, too; here he was standing outside her door waiting anxiously to take her out, rather than the other way around. All that was missing was a snow-covered doorstep, really.

Okay, get over yourself. You have to do this, right? It's not a thing or anything. She's gonna get eaten or something if she doesn't go out and get armed, Scott told himself, taking a short breath before knocking. "Hey Knives," he said through the door. "Uh, it's Scott. Scott Pilgrim. You ready?"


knives_throw_u August 28 2010, 07:11:39 UTC
Knives opened the door and nodded. "Yeah," she replied, "Even though I'm a bit scared, I'm ready." Knives nodded firmly. She was still spooked, yes. Night had come far too quickly for her tastes. But with Scott at her side, she'd be able to handle it a lot easier. Definitely! She'd survive this, for sure.



vsyourface August 28 2010, 07:49:14 UTC
Scott jumped just slightly when the door opened, not having expected Knives to be ready so quickly. He shouldn't have been surprised, really; she had always been the one who was most likely to really anticipate things and get ready for them ahead of time. Still threw him, though, considering he was still feeling a bit hesitant himself.

In any case, he managed to force a semi-reassuring grin for her. "Great! Okay. Uh. Right! So! You stick by me, and we're both gonna be totally fine, okay? You'll barely even know you're in a possessed mental institute! Promise!" Scott regretted that last word almost the instant it came out of his mouth. How was he going to promise Knives that she wouldn't suddenly find herself going headfirst through a wall? Or turning into a lobster? Or getting riddled with bullet holes? The answer was: he couldn't. And yet, he already had. Now he had no choice but to stick with it.

Crap. Knives, here's hoping for an easy first night."...So yeah, c'mon. The shed's just out past the field, down that one long hall," ( ... )


windstwilight August 28 2010, 08:17:24 UTC
The dredges of sleep were wearing off slowly, consciousness pushing upward to break quietly. There was the static of the intercom going quiet, a missed announcement and a missed rant. It didn't matter, she guessed. It wasn't as if that guy had much to say anyway.

Checking on her arm gave the realization that it was better than she thought. Days kept tight in the sling had done wonders, and it moved creakily, but moved when she tried it. Nice. There was no way she was at full strength but at least she had the option of both hands if needed. More heartened than she was minutes ago, Senna slid into her uniform, slipping her sword in her sash. Falis's sword stood standing in her closet, and she couldn't even think of bringing it. Maybe once she had an idea of who needed it, or....

Yeah. She couldn't think about it tonight.

[to here]


F?? unchasind August 28 2010, 21:19:36 UTC
They hadn't seen the spiders' webs. The creatures were rarer out in the Wilds, more common in underground ruins or, if Flemeth's books were to be believed, in the Deep Roads. Perhaps that was why no one had been watching for them. The creatures were massive, larger than Morrigan in her own spider form, chitin streaked with ugly, rotted black. They smelled foul, a strange mix of blood and ichor and something unfamiliar, almost acrid. It reminded Morrigan of some of her more toxic potions ( ... )


F?? unchasind August 28 2010, 21:27:07 UTC
Her search was fruitless; she could find neither her own gear, nor anything similar. The most useful item she turned up was a strangely-weighted sort of club, left, of all places, beneath the pillow of the bed she'd awoken in. The meaning of that was clear enough, she decided: survive if you can. Her top lip curled in distaste. Not the Chantry, then, but some other pack of fools who'd underestimated the power of a mage. Of all of them, really; the others were almost certainly there somewhere. She would simply have to find them.

The only other items of interest she found were a strange bundle of what, in the gloom, she took for sticks. Not sharp enough to be terribly useful as weapons, but still, she could get some worth out of them. She bound her hair back, quick and messy and familiar, and secured it with the sticks so it wouldn't get in her eyes.

Now then. The escape. She was hardly going to lay about and wait for the Warden to come rescue her. She'd barely lived it down the last time, though at least she had seen ( ... )


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