Night 50: Main Hallway, 2-Center

Jul 16, 2010 17:56

[From here]All quiet so far. None of the usual sounds of combat could be heard coming from the Sun Room. It seems they'd beaten the usual crowd of people heading through there. Of course, this just meant they'd be the first to be ambushed. Wonderful ( Read more... )

tk-622, cloud, agatha, anise, depth charge, ema skye, zack, hime, the scarecrow

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Comments 56

gald_digger July 17 2010, 20:29:43 UTC
[from here]

It looked like some other patients were catching up, so they probably needed to keep up a good pace if they wanted to get to the goods first. Anise walked ahead of Tem at a brisk pace, though she frequently checked behind and around her, in case there was anything lurking around here. She was pretty sure she'd seen a few scuffles in and around this very hallway before, so she knew she needed to be on her guard.

She was plenty confident that she and Tem could handle the average monster, but getting in a fight now was still the last thing she wanted.


loyal_soldier July 17 2010, 22:56:51 UTC
No hostiles he could see so far. Good. There didn't even seem to be anything that he could see over the rail into the Sun Room, either, although there was an odd little flitting bit of... something down there that he wasn't trusting enough to write off.

"Best to keep moving. This place doesn't always have guards, but it's one of the high chance areas." He could understand why patrols would be kept semi-random, but didn't they have enough creatures here to cover everywhere? But that would mean trying to find some logic in why they didn't just leave the fekking doors to the cells locked, and that was pretty much futile.


mistressmadgirl July 18 2010, 01:26:27 UTC
At the sound of the voice Agatha turned away from her dark corner and stepped forward, sword in one hand and power source in the other. It'd be best to subdue everyone quickly, less damage would be done that way, so she didn't hesitate or bother to speak. She just turned on her weapon and rushed at the bigger of the two, lashing out with the crackling, sparking foil.


gald_digger July 18 2010, 04:04:04 UTC
It wasn't like Anise needed the warning, but she didn't really mind it. It was good to know that the guy she was traveling with was both informed about the institute and smart enough to know when to be careful. It beat having a reckless idiot for a partner any day.

"Got it!" Anise called back as she walked on ahead. She was almost past the railed section when something moved in the shadows, approaching them slowly... then breaking into a dash. Instinctively, Anise jumped away from the charging figure, but she soon realized that she wasn't the one being targeted.

"Look out!" she shrieked.

What was that weapon? It was a sword, from what Anise could tell, but it crackled in a way that seemed to warn of more danger than the average blade.


toxicspiderman July 17 2010, 22:45:49 UTC
[from here]

S.T. kept talking as they kept walking. "They'll need a way to show instructional videos. Unless Martin Landel is really that much of a sadist and sticks to slide shows." Slide shows were better for surreptitious naps, and for selective surgery on company promotional materials. (Nothing said buzz-kill like a before-and-after of a new "safe" outflow pipe, and GEE, Inc. didn't have a video budget. Or any budget, really.)

"It's just up to the left. First door." If that was a no-go, the lounge was diagonally opposite. And the exercise room, where one might keep the StairMastering hordes content in their futile climbs.


scarefaux July 18 2010, 20:55:32 UTC
Keeping close behind Sangamon as they continued down the corridor, the Scarecrow was starting to feel a lot like the Lion- jumping at even small noises, eyeing the areas outside the light, keeping his own light close at hand in the event something did spring from the darkness at them. He felt cowardly, but with good reason: this was the Horrible Hallway! Being human, there was also the chance he could die- that only made him more concerned ( ... )


toxicspiderman July 19 2010, 02:46:35 UTC
Either the Scarecrow had taken up juggling as a royalty-appropriate hobby (which seemed more appropriate to worlds where the peasantry wasn't actually made up of happy socialists tending opium fields) or he was really rattled. Granted, he had reason. Was that a lightsaber? It wasn't making the noise, though ( ... )


scarefaux July 19 2010, 18:49:06 UTC
As Sangamon worked on getting the door open, the Scarecrow stayed ducked behind the balcony railing- he had to admit it didn't seem to provide much of a hiding spot- peering over the edge and watching as Depth Charge prepared himself for a fight. Though he couldn't see very far in the darkness, he could tell the witch (or wizard, though it was probably the former, given the number of witches that seemed to inhabit the hallway) wielding the magic wasn't the good kind of witch at all.

The former strawman looked to Sangamon as he removed the first bolt, the piece landing on the floor with a noisy ktunk. He felt so useless! He couldn't fight, couldn't help, and couldn't even open the door. At least if he was made of straw, he couldn't die- humans were so fragile. What use was he now ( ... )


should be timed for before everyone else! scalyfishman July 18 2010, 08:03:21 UTC
Moving through the hallway, Depth Charge kept his flashlight trained to the corners and around the walls they passed. Too many places to hide up here. All was quiet, for now, but you couldn't trust your senses in this place, and especially not on the second floor.

"He said we'd be hearing from him again some time tonight," he continued, lowering his voice as they passed the balcony, "but, well." His eyes flicked up to one of the speakers overhead. "You get the picture."


mistressmadgirl July 18 2010, 08:06:38 UTC
Finally. Agatha wasn't the most patient woman ever, even under normal circumstances, and sitting in the dark watching for some roaming prisoners was not an engaging activity! But now the beams of flashlights were showing. Now... well, fighting wasn't Agatha's favorite pastime, but actually doing it was at least higher on the list than waiting till it inevitably happened.

There were two of them that Agatha could see, neither one in much detail given the lighting conditions. It didn't really matter, though- they needed to be stopped. Agatha got to her feet, and blue sparks flashed in the darkness as she turned on her electrified foil.


chainsaw_royal July 18 2010, 08:54:20 UTC
"And it seems our other broadcasting guide is staying silent as well," she noted, glancing over her shoulder at the mesh bag containing the radio. "Well, at least the monsters are staying quiet too."

Of course, saying something like that was just asking for trouble, so Hime wasn't even particularly surprised when sparks of electricity lit up the darkness ahead of them.

"Hmhmhm... what have we here?" said the Royal, shining her flashlight at this new foe and eying her curiously. No monster this one, though surely a threat. Was this one of those brainwashed patients, then?


scalyfishman July 18 2010, 14:59:11 UTC
His answer was sidetracked; Depth Charge's attention was caught by the sight of something flashing in the near distance, electric blue sparks of something that gave him a momentary flash of Cybertron before he came to his senses and swiveled around to face them. Hime was already on it, her flashlight trailing towards the source- a red-headed human female, dressed differently to the both of them and carrying a long, crackling bla... oh, fantastic.

"Personally? I'd bet on a brainwashee," he said in a low voice, taking a cautious step backwards as the young woman advanced and raising his crowbar in warning- the last time he'd crossed one of those he'd managed to break a couple of ribs, and they were still pretty slagging sore. And while she herself looked just as harmless as the guy on the field had, Primus only knew what a sword could do if she got too close for comfort. Besides. He had Hime to think about, too. "Fight or flight, princess?"


zack_fair July 27 2010, 03:15:40 UTC
[From here. Feel free to jump them, Agatha!]

While everything always looked a little different when it was dark, Zack was still able to navigate easily enough. He strode forward and lit up the railing that looked down onto the Sun Room. Judging by both what he heard and the bits of light that were coming from there, he was guessing that there was a fight going on. Normally he would have been eager to jump in and give a hand, but he wasn't sure how well the drop would treat him, and they needed to stay on task.

"So, I guess this means you went to see her church with her?" he asked Cloud with a smile as he started to take the left toward the chapel. He couldn't say he was that surprised, though, since Aerith had always loved it there. Even if he'd disappeared, why would that have changed? He was just glad that she'd found other people to share it with. And hopefully sold some more of her flowers, on top of it!


notthistrain July 27 2010, 21:40:14 UTC
The blond nodded. "That's where I met her first. ...Well, no. She was selling flowers on the street before that but we didn't get to chat much then." Mostly because he'd been too busy trying to get some of the civilians out of the area after the explosion in the reactor they'd caused, though he'd still made time to buy from her. Then the second time he'd kinda fallen into the place, but that was still a story for another time.

Cloud had assumed that Zack would know about Aerith's usual hang out as well, seeing as she'd considered him her boyfriend and all. That was still strange to think about, the two of them dating before he'd even met her. He imagined they would have been rather cute together. There was another reason to find her again. It wasn't fair that the two of them should be so suddenly separated after only having just gotten the opportunity to see each other again.

He too heard the noises from downstairs, but from what he could hear they didn't seem to be caused by anyone they knew. He hoped this was the case


mistressmadgirl July 28 2010, 00:47:14 UTC
The travelers' own lights and noises didn't carry quite as well as those of the fighting downstairs, but they were clear enough. Agatha turned, saw them, and sighed heavily, not really bothering to try not to be heard. They should know how annoying they were, and it wasn't as if her turning her electric foil back on, as she did a moment later, wouldn't have revealed her anyway.

"You people just don't take a hint, do you?" she asked in a longsuffering tone, not yet advancing from her position in the center of the corridor. Might as well let them have the opportunity to turn back.


zack_fair July 28 2010, 06:32:57 UTC
She'd been selling flowers. Even after Cloud had met her, she'd been doing that. Zack couldn't help smiling to himself at the thought. Maybe she'd only done it as a way to remember him, but he appreciated the gesture either way. It was a fitting way for his two friends to meet, in his opinion. While Zack was sure that Aerith had abandoned that business after going on her journey with Cloud, that wasn't the point. She'd done it on her own. She'd gotten by without him ( ... )


scientist_skye July 29 2010, 17:02:56 UTC
[From here. HI THERE, ROOMIE! :D]

Despite the fact that stealth was probably the smarter option, since only an idiot calls attention to herself when unarmed, Ema couldn't help herself. Before she even bothered to fully take in the scene around her, she called out:


Maybe they'd be able to talk her down? It was worth a try... right?


mistressmadgirl July 29 2010, 19:21:58 UTC
[OH GOD. D: (Also, the lingua europa would be mutually comprehensible with German.)]

Whatever had happened, or stopped happening, to language around here was incredibly annoying. None of the prisoners could understand her warnings! They gave her a job and then they went and made it harder for her to do. Jerks.

Still, her own name needed no translation. It was being called by a girl about her age, dressed as a prisoner and therefore not supposed to be here. "Get back," said Agatha firmly. Since that probably wouldn't be understood, she gestured left-handedly in the direction the girl and, now that Agatha looked, her traveling companions had come from. The gesture was a bit awkward, since she was holding the power source in that hand, but the sparking foil was going to stay in a sensible guard position in case one of the three decided to do something stupid.


fourstonewalls July 30 2010, 02:05:18 UTC
Ema charged forward; Lana was expecting it. She took one step further towards Agatha, and pulled the candlestick from her pocket. Not attacking; just making sure everyone's positions were properly explained. Anyone trying to get to Ema would have to go through her. Not that that would be terribly difficult.

At least tonight they'd arrived in time. Agatha might not be quite herself, but she was uninjured and there was no evidence that she'd seriously injured anyone else here tonight.

"We'll have difficulty negotiating without a common language," Lana said, mostly to Ema, given that she was the only likely to understand more than a word or two. "That leaves one obvious option." Lana tucked the hand with the candlestick into the small of her back, as she turned partially away from Agatha. "And I don't mean fighting."


scientist_skye August 4 2010, 21:13:10 UTC
So much for the unrealistic hope that Agatha spoke English. The language she used to warn them was unfamiliar, but the message was clear: Go away. Ema gave Agatha a long, examining look as Lana moved between them. There was no recognition in Agatha's face, no hint that there might be any sort of mercy should they charge forward. Right now, they occupied opposing sides, and Agatha was armed far better than she or Lana was. Where had that sword come from, anyway ( ... )


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