Night 50: Main Hallway, 2-Center

Jul 16, 2010 17:56

[From here]All quiet so far. None of the usual sounds of combat could be heard coming from the Sun Room. It seems they'd beaten the usual crowd of people heading through there. Of course, this just meant they'd be the first to be ambushed. Wonderful ( Read more... )

tk-622, cloud, agatha, anise, depth charge, ema skye, zack, hime, the scarecrow

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scientist_skye July 29 2010, 17:02:56 UTC
[From here. HI THERE, ROOMIE! :D]

Despite the fact that stealth was probably the smarter option, since only an idiot calls attention to herself when unarmed, Ema couldn't help herself. Before she even bothered to fully take in the scene around her, she called out:


Maybe they'd be able to talk her down? It was worth a try... right?


mistressmadgirl July 29 2010, 19:21:58 UTC
[OH GOD. D: (Also, the lingua europa would be mutually comprehensible with German.)]

Whatever had happened, or stopped happening, to language around here was incredibly annoying. None of the prisoners could understand her warnings! They gave her a job and then they went and made it harder for her to do. Jerks.

Still, her own name needed no translation. It was being called by a girl about her age, dressed as a prisoner and therefore not supposed to be here. "Get back," said Agatha firmly. Since that probably wouldn't be understood, she gestured left-handedly in the direction the girl and, now that Agatha looked, her traveling companions had come from. The gesture was a bit awkward, since she was holding the power source in that hand, but the sparking foil was going to stay in a sensible guard position in case one of the three decided to do something stupid.


fourstonewalls July 30 2010, 02:05:18 UTC
Ema charged forward; Lana was expecting it. She took one step further towards Agatha, and pulled the candlestick from her pocket. Not attacking; just making sure everyone's positions were properly explained. Anyone trying to get to Ema would have to go through her. Not that that would be terribly difficult.

At least tonight they'd arrived in time. Agatha might not be quite herself, but she was uninjured and there was no evidence that she'd seriously injured anyone else here tonight.

"We'll have difficulty negotiating without a common language," Lana said, mostly to Ema, given that she was the only likely to understand more than a word or two. "That leaves one obvious option." Lana tucked the hand with the candlestick into the small of her back, as she turned partially away from Agatha. "And I don't mean fighting."


scientist_skye August 4 2010, 21:13:10 UTC
So much for the unrealistic hope that Agatha spoke English. The language she used to warn them was unfamiliar, but the message was clear: Go away. Ema gave Agatha a long, examining look as Lana moved between them. There was no recognition in Agatha's face, no hint that there might be any sort of mercy should they charge forward. Right now, they occupied opposing sides, and Agatha was armed far better than she or Lana was. Where had that sword come from, anyway ( ... )


mistressmadgirl August 4 2010, 22:39:26 UTC
Huh. Almost everyone else Agatha had confronted had shown signs of either retreating or making a fight of it by now, but these women seemed to be settling in to hold their ground, as if they'd found what they were looking for. Odd. There wasn't much in this hallway.

"That did not mean stick around," she sighed. They wouldn't understand it, chattering away in something she thought might be some kind of English- she couldn't even be sure of that, let alone understand it- but sometimes you just needed to complain.

Now, how to approach these? One was armed, another was holding a candlestick as if it were a weapon and taking a very protective stance toward the one that didn't have anything. Those two first, maybe? To keep them from interfering in the harder fight, like that damn kid had done?


fourstonewalls August 5 2010, 03:02:18 UTC
"What is she most intent on right now?" They didn't need a common tongue for go away to be a clear request. "And what isn't she doing?" Come on, Ema. See it. Or must I be more concerned about the aftereffects of that noise.

Ms. Tenjou, on the other hand, might well have come to the same conclusion but have missed the nuances. Very well. Lana tilted her right hand, moving the flashlight without any sudden, large motions. It traced out a line along the floor, much closer to Lana's feet than Agatha's, but unwavering. Then it snapped back to its position between them. "She's not attacking." Her voice was clear and well-enunciated; Ms. Tenjou might get a few words. "If we can keep it that way, we can wait this out. We need to stop anyone else from interfering."

She slid one heel backwards, and then joined it with the first. Retreating to advance. It wasn't an option much used by the prosecution, but an electrified sword did remarkable things to widen the scope of appropriate tactics. Cutting a deal, that's all they ( ... )


roseoverture August 6 2010, 09:08:00 UTC
Utena wasn't taking in much with the linguistic handicap, frankly. The most she got were the most obvious bits - "get away or eat electricity on a stick" and Lana drawing a line in the sand (or the floor, as it were). That she interpreted to mean keep the redheaded woman at bay, which made sense to Utena; the longer they could keep her away from any other patients, the better. Whether that was through pure defense or through putting on some fighting moves, she didn't know yet. All she knew was that she was ready to do whatever she could to make sure everyone came out of this alive and unhurt.

For now, Utena stayed her ground while Ema and Lana took their retreating steps, her sword raised but only in a defensive stance for the moment. If the redhead made any sudden moves, she was ready to spring forward and block aggressively.


scientist_skye August 6 2010, 18:01:41 UTC
"She's trying to get us to leave. She's not attacking," Ema mumbled in reply. Apparently Lana did intend to stand their ground and prevent other people from getting close. Ema was a little surprised, but more than that she was grateful. Attacking Agatha was not something she had considered when they set out earlier that night, and it was a course of action she wanted to avoid.

Utena seemed to get the message clearly enough, for which Ema was also grateful. She had taken an obviously defensive stance that communicated that she didn't want to fight, but she would defend if Agatha charged.

So, even without words, hopefully the trio had made their stance clear. It was up to Agatha now; hopefully she wouldn't attack.


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