Night 50: Main Hallway, 2-Center

Jul 16, 2010 17:56

[From here]All quiet so far. None of the usual sounds of combat could be heard coming from the Sun Room. It seems they'd beaten the usual crowd of people heading through there. Of course, this just meant they'd be the first to be ambushed. Wonderful ( Read more... )

tk-622, cloud, agatha, anise, depth charge, ema skye, zack, hime, the scarecrow

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should be timed for before everyone else! scalyfishman July 18 2010, 08:03:21 UTC
Moving through the hallway, Depth Charge kept his flashlight trained to the corners and around the walls they passed. Too many places to hide up here. All was quiet, for now, but you couldn't trust your senses in this place, and especially not on the second floor.

"He said we'd be hearing from him again some time tonight," he continued, lowering his voice as they passed the balcony, "but, well." His eyes flicked up to one of the speakers overhead. "You get the picture."


mistressmadgirl July 18 2010, 08:06:38 UTC
Finally. Agatha wasn't the most patient woman ever, even under normal circumstances, and sitting in the dark watching for some roaming prisoners was not an engaging activity! But now the beams of flashlights were showing. Now... well, fighting wasn't Agatha's favorite pastime, but actually doing it was at least higher on the list than waiting till it inevitably happened.

There were two of them that Agatha could see, neither one in much detail given the lighting conditions. It didn't really matter, though- they needed to be stopped. Agatha got to her feet, and blue sparks flashed in the darkness as she turned on her electrified foil.


chainsaw_royal July 18 2010, 08:54:20 UTC
"And it seems our other broadcasting guide is staying silent as well," she noted, glancing over her shoulder at the mesh bag containing the radio. "Well, at least the monsters are staying quiet too."

Of course, saying something like that was just asking for trouble, so Hime wasn't even particularly surprised when sparks of electricity lit up the darkness ahead of them.

"Hmhmhm... what have we here?" said the Royal, shining her flashlight at this new foe and eying her curiously. No monster this one, though surely a threat. Was this one of those brainwashed patients, then?


scalyfishman July 18 2010, 14:59:11 UTC
His answer was sidetracked; Depth Charge's attention was caught by the sight of something flashing in the near distance, electric blue sparks of something that gave him a momentary flash of Cybertron before he came to his senses and swiveled around to face them. Hime was already on it, her flashlight trailing towards the source- a red-headed human female, dressed differently to the both of them and carrying a long, crackling bla... oh, fantastic.

"Personally? I'd bet on a brainwashee," he said in a low voice, taking a cautious step backwards as the young woman advanced and raising his crowbar in warning- the last time he'd crossed one of those he'd managed to break a couple of ribs, and they were still pretty slagging sore. And while she herself looked just as harmless as the guy on the field had, Primus only knew what a sword could do if she got too close for comfort. Besides. He had Hime to think about, too. "Fight or flight, princess?"


mistressmadgirl July 18 2010, 19:28:01 UTC
"I'd drop that, if I were you. You're not supposed to be here," said Agatha coldly, when she saw the man brandish the crowbar. She wasn't sure how much he knew how to use it, but either way she'd rather they didn't try anything.

The madgirl continued to move toward the two, the electric foil extended in threat. "I'd rather not hurt you," she continued, her voice no kinder than before, "but I will, if you act stupid."


chainsaw_royal July 18 2010, 23:16:24 UTC
"I think she's got the right idea - a steel crowbar may not be the most conductive of materials, but who really knows what kind of voltage that sword has," Hime noted clinically. "I do have a wooden bat though..."

Fight or flight, was it? Unknown enemy blocking their way with a rather threatening looking weapon. Depthcharge might not think she looked so intimidating, but Hime counted herself as testament that one shouldn't discount women with strange weapons as threats. On the other hand, was that an electric rapier? Really?

"I want one," she muttered quietly. Still, she began backing away to buy them a little more time hopefully, since this woman claimed not to want to hurt them. As she did, she whispered to her companion. "Depth Charge, given our current equipment and abilities, and assuming she is more than adequate with that weapon, what are your chances of being able to disarm her?"


scalyfishman July 19 2010, 15:22:18 UTC
When Hime put it like that- well. Metal crow bar, electricity... didn't sound too smart. And that girl, human or not, looked like she meant business. As much as Depth Charge hated to admit it, after his last two encounters (one where he'd nearly had his shoulder melted and the other where he'd broken bones-- slag, were they working their way down or something?), he'd learned his lesson. His eyes darted across to Hime, who seemed to have the sensible option in mind alread--

"... you're such a woman," he hissed back, but without any real venom. Truth be told, he wouldn't have minded something like that either-- but that was irrelevent right now. Depth Charge took another wary step back. "My chances, huh? Let's just say we're more likely to be warped to Cybertron." He grimace-smiled. "Then again. Can't say I'm not a gambler."

But if they were going to stay to fight, he was going to wait for the brainwashee to strike first this time. He wasn't falling for the same trick twice.


mistressmadgirl July 20 2010, 17:04:02 UTC
They were conferring. That wasn't good- if they were at all decent fighters, Agatha certainly didn't want them strategizing, and their slow retreat didn't look like people who were about to run.

"Not leaving?" Agatha inquired. "That's too bad!"

The man was clearly ready for her- that's what she got for announcing her presence, apparently- so it'd be best not to overcommit. Agatha began to thrust lightly and quickly, as much testing his resistance as actually trying to hit him. It wasn't as if she needed to cut him, anyway. The charged weapon would cause him some serious problems at a touch.


chainsaw_royal July 20 2010, 20:25:13 UTC
"What can I say? I see a piece of hardware I like and I have to have it," she replied dryly. "Though, if it's out of your price range..."

It seemed they'd overstayed their welcome though, as the brainwashed patient seemed intent on attacking them now. When she lunged, Hime dodged to the side, already switching out her knife for the aforementioned wooden bat. It seemed the woman was intent on going after Depth Charge first though.

"Fall back," she commanded, starting to back step the way they came. "We can find another route."


scalyfishman July 22 2010, 07:32:08 UTC
Right on cue the woman launched herself at him and Depth Charge felt his skin buzz and crackle with static as the blade stabbed forward and he lurched back. "Slag it-" Okay, that was it. If there was one thing he figured this body wouldn't be able to take it was a few hundred (thousand?) volts to the face, and with how quickly she could move... Pit, he'd only barely managed to dodge it this time, and-

"Working on it," he called back; his focus was elsewhere, concentrated on working himself back out of range, just long enough for him to put his hands up without them being sliced off. "Okay, okay! Back off, already! We're leaving! See?"

Slowly, he carried on backing down the hallway- further and further back until the wall next to him blocked the light falling on the three of them and he stepped into shadow, out of the hallway.

[To here]


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