Day 47: Sun Room [4th Shift]

Feb 05, 2010 10:39

[For Yuna!Fish and chips weren't his favorite thing ever, but he did make sure to eat it all. He just liked to think of the fish as the Filet'o Fish without the bun and it made it easier to eat. The french fries had been pretty well cleaned off and he'd even managed a bit of fruit, although he avoided the oranges and other sour things his nurse ( Read more... )

sechs, kenren, albedo, hanyuu, nunnally, emmett, haine, bella, usopp, scott pilgrim, yuna, aigis, tylor, leonard, ritsuka, the doctor, momo (xenosaga), tifa, mori, ayumu, lelouch, renamon, niikura, yue, battler, raphael, brainiac 5, haseo, ange, the flash, tim drake

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Comments 193

himetsuru February 5 2010, 01:47:38 UTC
Normally, Falis wouldn't have argued about going outdoors, especially considering how much she disliked the other option, but the rec field made her think about that game 'Rose' had played. Soccer. She didn't want to be anywhere near soccer, quietly afraid she'd develop this urge to play that was not her own. It was one thing to see her own body doing things it normally wouldn't, but something very different to believe those things were normal.

The bounty hunter put up enough resistance that her personal vulture allowed her to stay inside. Leaving the blonde girl on a couch, the nurse headed into the library to select a book that Falis would 'absolutely love'. Rolling her eyes, Falis pulled a leg to her chest and rest her chin upon her knee. This was going to be a long shift.



donetakinorders February 6 2010, 00:38:13 UTC
When the nurse told him that next shift he'd be in the greenhouse working with plants, Raphael had answered along the lines of 'screw that' and the conversation had quickly degenerated into another argument. About the only reason Raph didn't give in and take a swing at her like he really wanted to was because he could see the couple of orderlies keeping an eye on him and the last thing he wanted was to spend another day out of it. Luckily the nurse mentioned something about the sun room instead, and Raph jumped at the chance. Anything was better than messing around with a bunch of plants in his book ( ... )


himetsuru February 6 2010, 06:01:05 UTC
"Today or in general?" came the reply.

Falis took in the man that had been harried by the vultures to join her. He wasn't one she was familiar with, but that was probably for the best. It meant he probably didn't know anything about 'Rose'.

With a bit of a smirk, she pointed out a pair of orderlies off to the side that were keeping an eye on their little meeting. "See those two? They tend to follow me around. Got a name, or do I get to make one up for you?"


donetakinorders February 6 2010, 13:22:13 UTC
Raphael snorted, a smirk replacing the bored look that had been there a moment ago. "Both," he answered, though he wasn't sure if the question was rhetorical. If not, it might be interesting to hear about.

Like the bit about the orderlies, though maybe not for the reasons she thought it was. "Is that all?" he asked, shooting a disinterested look at the orderlies. "Thought everyone got 'em. Least I got some too. Figure I may as well ignore 'em, since it ain't like they fight fair or anythin'." If they had, he wouldn't have been wasting this much time playing along with their stupid routine after all.

"Name's Raphael. You got one?"


jouer_sans_voir February 5 2010, 02:37:16 UTC
It seemed that all she'd done today was move back and forth between two rooms, but honestly, Nunnally wasn't certain that she would be able to do much more than that unassisted. Even those short trips had left her tired and sore, but she still refused to accept any help from the ever-present hovering staff. She could do this on her own. She would not allow herself to be a burden on anyone, now that she had the ability to do this on her own, though not without difficulty ( ... )


host_club_honey February 5 2010, 06:38:12 UTC
Cloud did seem like a nice person. And it was good that he didn't have to worry so much since he already had friends here who could help him. After this morning though, the nurses weren't so keen on letting him go outside again. They were kind about it, but told him he would have a lot more fun in the Sun Room playing with some of the other children ( ... )


jouer_sans_voir February 5 2010, 07:27:54 UTC
Kittens weren't the only cheerful creatures wandering the room, it seemed, for Nunnally hadn't been sitting there long before she was joined by another. She glanced back to face the newcomer, offering a smile as she took in his appearance. Younger, maybe? Small, certainly, and carrying a pink stuffed bunny like a security blanket. More importantly, though, he seemed a lot happier than most people here, and she welcomed that, especially after the day she'd had ( ... )


host_club_honey February 5 2010, 15:39:12 UTC
Oh good, the girl was friendly! Honey favored her with one of his sweetest smiles as he jumped up onto the seat next to her, then set Usa-chan on his lap. He and Takashi and Soubi came and played with the kittens often enough, but he was glad they helped other people too.

"Mm, they're fun, but sometimes they like to hide," he explained, settling into his seat.

"I'm Honey! It's nice to meet you Nunnally-chan!" he nodded, adding another charming smile. "Are you new? Lots of new people came in today I think."


forcalmeternal February 5 2010, 04:48:24 UTC
Brainwashed patients. Need to travel with a weapon and friends.... Weapons she didn't have, friends she'd been looking for. Sometimes her weapon would be taken when she got kidnapped, but...that had been in Spira. Mm, but she didn't want to ask someone to go with her; that was kind of...inconvenient. It seemed that everyone had plans, mostly. Maybe if...maybe if there was a group that accepted new members...?

Yuna wordlessly followed the lady, thinking on this problem, when they passed the large room and Yuna happened to glance in. Hey, was that...? Ritsuka!

"Um!" Yuna caught up to the lady. "Can I go in there for a sec?" She pointed back at the room.

The lady answered that she could spend the shift there if she liked, and Yuna did a little bow without the arm movements out of gratitude and habit, and went into the room.

"Ritsuka!" Yuna called. "You're all right? Not injured anywhere?" she said urgently as she approached and knelt by the cushioned chair.


forgot_it_all February 5 2010, 07:02:14 UTC
He'd been halfway through the book's first act when he heard his name being called. A female voice even. He raised his eyes from the page and blinked when he realized who he was looking at. Yuna, the girl from the other day. She was coming up quick and soon she was kneeling down by the couch, looking up at him and asking him if he was alright. In his confusion, Ritsuka lowered the book to his lap and just stared at her for a second.

Was she really that concerned after just one-- Oh, right, she was still new. The night must have been terrifying for her. "Yuna? Yeah, I'm--"

He didn't normally hide his injuries, but he had a feeling if he let Yuna see the bandages wrapped around his forearm, she'd ask too many questions and get too worried. He slid the arm back behind him, hiding it against the seat cushions and nodded. "--I'm fine. But what about you? Did the night go okay?"


forcalmeternal February 6 2010, 02:03:25 UTC
"That's good." Yuna sank back on her heels in relief. Talking about how this place sucked and how she needed to run away from the fi-from the monsters had made her more antsy than normal, more worried for the people she'd met. It'd be easier, in some ways, to just distance herself, but...she'd never seen the value in that. If she was going to lose everything, right from the start, instead of cherishing it...what was the point?

"I'm fine!" Yuna answered, gingerly shifting her arm a little without looking at it. The little aches that had started in the green house had gotten a little worse, but it wasn't anything serious. She'd look at her skin and try to find the sources of the aches later.

Her eyes moved to Ritsuka's arm at the movement, and then over to the book. "Oh...I didn't interrupt you, did I?" she said sheepishly.


forgot_it_all February 6 2010, 02:41:08 UTC
She was so...trusting. It was weird, seeing someone he'd only met once worrying about him so openly and taking his word at face value. She was just genuinely worried about him, about staying in touch with him. For a brief moment, Yuiko's voice echoed in his head. Her voice asking if she could see him just for a little while, asking his mother why he hadn't been at school lately. He'd felt bad that she'd been turned away like that, but it had been for the best. His mother was having a bad period and he hadn't wanted her to get involved ( ... )


feartehreaper February 5 2010, 05:43:29 UTC
If 'ugh' could be considered a mood, Haseo was most definitely very 'ugh' right now. After that rather... interesting lunch, the Adept Rogue had little interest in whatever activities were waiting for the male 'patients' in the greenhouse- his annoyed inquiry at a nurse gained him a description that sounded sure to get dirt under his fingernails and no, it wasn't because he'd suddenly grown a leaning towards wanting perfect nails or anything, but that sort of thing just really wasn't included on his list of things he wanted done ( ... )


tostepforward February 5 2010, 06:26:02 UTC
Fresh air would be welcome, but exercising in front of all the other female patients would not. Ayumu had no desire to show just how fit she was under the simpering-helpless-female pretense, and so lagged a bit behind a little, protesting that she was too tired to go outside, couldn't she just get some rest? The nurse fussed over her for a moment, clearly displeased at the idea, but finally gave in, shooing her charge over toward one of the sofas ( ... )


feartehreaper February 6 2010, 01:21:02 UTC
"Huh?" Haseo had sort of seen this random woman walking up, but he hadn't expected her to come right up to him. He blinked, thinking for a moment that he might recognize her, but any familiarity was fleeting and gone by the time she got through her question. Even if he'd seen her before, he didn't think they'd talked or anything, so-- oh.

"Uh...," he answered, crossing his arms and thinking furiously, "No, not really." He wasn't sure what more to say- they're just rule of cool? For decoration? In 'The World' almost everyone had wavemarks- if not on their faces, then usually somewhere on their body. He'd heard something once about them having to do with the 'waves' or magical elements underlying the game's setting, but as far as he knew they didn't actually affect anything.

And here he was wandering around with them, where there were people who claimed to have never even heard of an online game. They didn't realize that Haseo wouldn't have put such permanent markings on his actual body ( ... )


tostepforward February 6 2010, 02:22:19 UTC
Wavemarks? Maybe a "wave" was something significant where he came from, but it certainly wasn't enlightening to her at all. Not that it surprised her that he wasn't inclined to explain everything to a total stranger, of course, but at least he seemed open to conversation.

Ayumu tilted her head to one side a little and shrugged. "They remind me of marks that I saw on someone else," she replied, pursing her lips for a moment with a thoughtful air. "Except his were more angular, not curved. And pointing the other direction." And as she spoke she traced something v-shaped on her cheek, mimicking the red marks on the face of the being she'd encountered the night before.


not_rly_fai February 5 2010, 06:13:59 UTC
It was well past lunch by the time the nurses led him into the Sun Room. Outside activity, they decided, was probably too much, but wouldn't it be nice to get out and talk to people again? His motions were still slow and he stumbled now and then as the effects of the sedative began to wear off, but at least it didn't hurt so much that way.

He found the nearest empty couch and took a seat at one end, knees drawn up close to his chest so that he could rest his head on them, arms curled around his legs in a clumsy, long-limbed ball. Hopefully that would be enough to let him rest and to keep others from deciding to speak with him. The sedatives were one thing, but having a drink, having anything to help him forget would be welcome.

[Touya and Yuki]


winged_moon February 5 2010, 07:45:13 UTC
It wasn't that hard to find Fai after all, but -- he didn't look like he was feeling very well. Maybe something had happened to him between the end of the arena battle and when Sakura saw him this morning. What it was, though...well, that was difficult to tell. Maybe back at home Yue could still use his powers while they were in Yukito's form, but here it certainly wasn't true. Yue wasn't even able to sense the magician's presence at all at the moment, which would explain why he'd gone unnoticed earlier in the day.

Yukito was somewhat inclined to leave the man alone until he felt better, and Yue reluctant to speak to him again after how the other night had ended. At the same time, though, there were questions that needed to be answered, first and foremost whether he really was Fai and what had happened during the last day. They hesitated for a moment, then Yukito glanced up at Touya, gave him a smile touched with a hint of sadness he didn't mean to display, then moved to carefully settle on the empty part of the couch ( ... )


guardiancomplex February 6 2010, 03:45:37 UTC
Touya was still unsure as to what Yuki was trying to get him to ask Sakura, but he figured he would just have to go with it. Partly because Yuki had told him not to say 'it', and partly because the nurses had come to take them to the next shift. Where, hopefully, they would get some answers from the ever-elusive Fai. Though Touya wasn't holding his breath.

Touya followed Yuki out of the cafeteria, fingers laced in between his, looking for Fai. They both saw him, and they both looked at one another simultaneously--but while Yukito looked a little sad, Touya's expression clearly said that he was distinctly troubled by this. Even if he thought it would be a good idea in the moment, now he was thinking twice about it. Harassing Fai wasn't his intent.

He let Yuki approach him--they knew one another better (relatively) and Touya didn't want to overwhelm the magician. He sat down next to Yuki, settling himself and looking down at the carpet. He was there, but he wasn't staring at Fai trying to figure out what had happened.


not_rly_fai February 6 2010, 08:00:28 UTC
Yuuhi looked up when the name was called and though he recognized the voice, he was slower than usual to respond. An after-effect of the drug perhaps. His blue eye glanced from Yuki to the man behind him, and he tried to make it look as if he didn't have to struggle just to smile.

"Hey," he offered, managing at least a friendly tone. He still felt unsure around them; Yue had to be furious at having his hand forced and Touya probably wanted him to stay far away from his little sister after everything that'd happened. For now though, how could he spin things? What could he say? Sakura might believe his stories, but Yue'd been there and he didn't know Touya well enough to be sure of much. It was probably best to let them ask their questions before giving an explanation. It was just a little more difficult with the drugs remaining in his system to listen to that logical part of his brain.


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