Day 47: Sun Room [4th Shift]

Feb 05, 2010 10:39

[For Yuna!Fish and chips weren't his favorite thing ever, but he did make sure to eat it all. He just liked to think of the fish as the Filet'o Fish without the bun and it made it easier to eat. The french fries had been pretty well cleaned off and he'd even managed a bit of fruit, although he avoided the oranges and other sour things his nurse ( Read more... )

sechs, kenren, albedo, hanyuu, nunnally, emmett, haine, bella, usopp, scott pilgrim, yuna, aigis, tylor, leonard, ritsuka, the doctor, momo (xenosaga), tifa, mori, ayumu, lelouch, renamon, niikura, yue, battler, raphael, brainiac 5, haseo, ange, the flash, tim drake

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Comments 193

finalwitch February 5 2010, 06:24:22 UTC
The blurring sensation of bewilderment hung thick in the air, like a mantra to relieve a curse. Only this proved opposite: a curse to end a prayer. Had the meeting been fated from the start or a mere luck of the draw? Ange did not know. She couldn't begin to reason out the transition of events. Perhaps this was the kakera Bernkastel promised to search for, that one-in-a-trillion lifetimes of a chance. Perhaps she had really died in the fall, splattered her grey matter across pavement and glass, and arrived in Heaven.

Or Hell. Either could work.

The chance to relive wholesome exercise was instantly rejected, and the young woman was led to the Sun Room. A few patients were already milling about the area, but she gave them no attention. Instead, Ange sank into the nearest vacant couch, her hair over her face, her eyes to the floor. Names from lunch fell in and out of conscious thought as she took note of the implications. Ange. Battler. Greta. Onii-chan.She could wring her hand at the decision. Even a fake Battler deserved her true ( ... )


purpletaint February 6 2010, 01:34:38 UTC
A daze. This was how time had passed. Slinking silently through the enshadowed and darkened hallways of his mind; the places forgotten by time, the spaces filled with nothing, for nothing remained. He could blink away the tiredness, but nothing would change. Nothing remained except a startling similarity between reality and dreams. All the happened during the nights here had become something questioned. Something considered ( ... )


finalwitch February 6 2010, 06:03:47 UTC
The path to introspect severed mid-step, and Ange leveled her vision to the one who'd addressed her. This "one" proved small, with an unusual head of white hair and eyes of violet. She blinked, mildly surprised. Now why did that strike familiar? His words, too. There existed a quality she'd known prior to this encounter. Like they had spoken previous--

Ah. Right. He had to be the instigator of the hangman games on the bulletin. The boy with over six hundred not-siblings and two true. Seemingly like her. Kind of ( ... )


purpletaint February 6 2010, 08:21:50 UTC
Memory had held. Something that had remained stable in the flux. Again, his head tilted opposite, and then the boy sat with no prelude, the couch shifting under his weight. There was something curious about her mentality, but she had seemed curious enough as it was. This was simply another ideal, to go hand in hand with rigging his games. He had never gotten mad about that. A part of him was delighted. He couldn't tell you why.

All this slid by, silence settling like a shroud as his mind worked against constraints he himself had placed. Hansel and Gretal. Bread crumbs. A trail to lead. A witch that devoured. Witch?

"Witch?" he murmured, an echo. "Perhaps warlock instead. Oath-breaker, blood-betrayer." Oh, fiery destroyer of hearts still beating. The boy leaned forward, chin on hands, elbows on knees, to copy the girl and stare at the floor. "Perhaps I have gotten lost along the way."


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mukuchi February 5 2010, 11:55:03 UTC
Fish and chips, huh? Mori'd eaten it here at the Institute before, but he was always surprised at the strangely international menu they managed to provide during the day here. Of course, it was always commoner type food, never French courses or Italian delicacies or anything like that, but still, for commoners, it must've been pretty good. He liked it just fine at any rate ( ... )


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mukuchi February 6 2010, 02:29:28 UTC
What Lelouch said was true, and Mori remembered that Lelouch wasn't one to read his body language like others were. No one could really interpret him like Mitsukuni could, but that was a given. Anise was getting pretty good at it though, and Chekov was learning, so he supposed it wasn't an impossible skill. His friends back at Ouran all figured it out - or looked to Mitsukuni for a translation. Mostly it was the latter now that he thought about it.

Raising his head, he looked over to where Mitsukuni was now sitting with the other girl and he realized that they were settling in for a chat. It was definitely better to leave them alone then. Let them have their space to become friends and eventually Mori would meet her. Dropping his gaze back down to Lelouch, he noticed the bow focusing rather intensely on his notes and he nodded slightly. Right. Talking. "How are you?"


no_dont_go February 5 2010, 10:11:54 UTC
Aigis was led by the strange woman--“her own personal nurse” the woman had explained--to a large room filling up with other patients of the institute. Normally Aigis would have focused on gaining her bearings when introduced to a new place but the sudden transformation had been, well, too sudden. She could barely keep up with anything her nurse was saying, let alone focus on the building they were in when her body was just so… so much more human.

“You really should get some social interaction every day or else you won’t ever get over your anxiety.”

Anxiety? Aigis’ mind finally caught up with her nurse. She hadn’t been able to address the "Angela" issue either ( ... )


idontregret February 5 2010, 14:10:05 UTC
Sera would have liked working in a place where flowers were kept. Heat, however, wasn't so sure about the idea, and he could have sworn the nurses seemed relieved. It might have had something to do with being able to avoid handing him any instruments he could possibly harm any of the other patients with. Or the staff, which was really the more likely choice. And it was just as well, since he figured he could check the bulletin again to see if Argilla or Roland had responded ( ... )


no_dont_go February 5 2010, 17:39:58 UTC
Aigis snapped out of her thoughts and turned her head to look at the stranger. A man with messy red hair was holding a kitten out towards her. It struck her as odd. She found her new body automatically blinked in confusion for her.

"Do you need me to hold that for you?" she asked. People didn't normally act so familiar with strangers did they? Perhaps he was just confused like her nurse had been. Did he think she was "Angela" too?

Keeping her eyes on the man, Aigis tried to scan the area for data but her sensors refused to work properly. It seemed that her new body, while feeling and acting more lifelike, had somehow taken a step backwards in the area of data analysis. And that... wasn't good.


idontregret February 6 2010, 00:59:44 UTC
It wasn't obvious? Sure, it might have helped if he actually knew what he was doing himself, but he'd thought the gesture would have been enough. Perhaps he'd been wrong about girls liking cats. If he set it down it might just go back to toying with his pant leg again, and that would get annoying fast.

"Just take the damn thing," he grumbled. Maybe he could rip the thread from the hem in the meantime. He'd rather be forceful about things than stand around looking like an idiot. There were far too many other things for him to worry about than whether or not she had any actual interest.

Not being able to find his comrades here didn't mean anything yet. Argilla could be on the rec field while Roland could be in the greenhouse with the other men. They simply hadn't seen the board, was all, and next time he spoke with them he'd try to get across the necessity of it. That sounded a little ironic even in his head, but that wouldn't keep him from saying it all the same.


number_crunch February 5 2010, 10:22:19 UTC
Having made his proclamation for the day, Sho hovered by the bulletin board, putting together tessellated pieces of paper into a multi-sided and ever growing polyhedron. Four, eight, twelve, each a study of equilateral faces and even angles.

So, this Alvin Draper was interested in his work, huh? Well, he really didn't have the best materials here, but maybe he could help him get some stuff together. Really, he hadn't built anything since his first night and since then had been too busy focusing on the problem that was Joshua. Well, that plan was in its finishing stages, so what the hex. He could take a shift to see if this zeptoliter could tell art from garbage.

[For Tim]


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number_crunch February 5 2010, 22:26:24 UTC
Sho looked up from his work when he was addressed, giving a surly look to the one who approached him. Not that he ever greeted anyone with any other sort of look. Snorting, he collapsed the module he'd been working on down a dimension and put the flattened pieces away for now.

"That's my identity function," he confirmed. "And you're the attometer from the board? Alvin or whatever?"

He didn't look that impressive. Just another teenage tetrahedral. Well, not that he could make any conclusions based on so little data. He'd find out what this was about for now.


itstaichoutoyou February 5 2010, 10:49:45 UTC
While getting some fresh air sounded appealing, Hitsugaya wasn't in the mood for playing with dirt right now. During lunch, he had forced himself to eat, so he could replenish his reiatsu, because he had missed breakfast; however, all his effort had backfired. It was humiliating to admit, but he had eaten a little too much food. The fact that he wasn't used to eating foods like fish and chips that were heavy in oil and batter didn't help matters. Right now, he just wanted to rest for a bit.

[Reserved for one Hinamizawa goddess]


meironohosoku February 5 2010, 22:34:57 UTC
Really, Hanyuu would've been content to curl up on one of the couches and rest for a while -- maybe see if she could spot Rika or Arlene. She was a little worried about her friend since it seemed that she had skipped lunch; Hanyuu knew it was a little silly to jump to conclusions so quickly, but... Rika had already disappeared twice before. Despite what the girl had told her of the world she came from, Hanyuu couldn't help but worry and fret while they were trapped in this world ( ... )


itstaichoutoyou February 5 2010, 23:06:00 UTC
Hitsugaya's turquoise eyes met the girl's purple ones. Purple was an unusual color for hair and eyes, but he wouldn't hold it against her. People back home used to think that Hitsugaya was a freak because of the strange color of his hair and eyes. When he noticed her fidgeting, he decided to give her a break. "It's fine. You can sit down if you want."

He gave her a few moments to be seated before he spoke again. "I'm Hitsugaya Toshirou. And you are?"


meironohosoku February 6 2010, 00:47:05 UTC
The relief was instantaneous; Hanyuu released the breath she had been holding and even managed to give a small, albeit still nervous, smile. "Th-thank you!"

At least he hadn't gotten angry... Hanyuu hadn't really known anyone to get angry over something like that anyway, but it was still nice to know she hadn't needed to break into a chorus of apologies.

"Hanyuu," she replied, once she had taken a seat. "Furude Hanyuu. It's nice to, ah... meet you." That... may not have been the greatest thing to say, given the place they were in, but the spirit was still working on her conversation skills.


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