Day 43 - Recreational Field, Third Shift

Aug 17, 2009 08:25

Spending all of brunch talking to a "Vulcan" and pretending he was just as much of a hardcore fanboy as Spock was one way to start a day ( Read more... )

sechs, sakura, batman, venom, depth charge, stahn, yuffie, sora, allelujah, asch, renamon, yue, juri, beatrix, dean winchester, raphael, terry

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Comments 136

thatdamnedninja August 17 2009, 16:37:33 UTC
[For Dean~]

It was just one of those days, Yuffie supposed. One of those days where she had a disc in hand and the wind in her hair. Back home, this'd be her cue to start training 'til she dropped; run, jump, practice flips and throws, ducks and rolls. Over grass, hill, bridge, river, and weather-beaten rooftop.

Except she wasn't home.

As much as she'd have loved to take somebody's--something's--head off, that wasn't an option until after nightfall. A bit of stress relief, that's what she needed! An outlet, something physical, tangible. Something that she could feel; something that she'd be able to hold onto for more than just a few minutes. Even if that thing had to be exhaustion… Well, she'd take whatever she could get her greedy little hands on ( ... )


theroadsofar August 17 2009, 17:11:05 UTC
Dean almost didn't turn around. He'd been pretty careful about not using his real name, not even his first name, and the only time he'd heard of a Dean was the one he'd impersonated to get the knife from Skuld.

Then again, there was that night where he'd been possessed. He still had no idea how many people he'd hooked up with then while that ugly black smoke was riding him before Sam nearly got himself killed looking for him and crashed the demon convention. Except that? That hadn't been a "long time", unless whoever they were was being a sarcastic douche. Anyway, he was the first patient here, so it wasn't like she could be talking to anyone else. Dean turned around.

It was a girl, a cute one he wasn't sure if she was legal but might be. To be honest, it wasn't the first time he'd run into a chick he didn't remember, but he would've definitely remembered gettin' laid here. That kinda fun wasn't exactly high priority, so he hadn't really tried much aside from seeing if Hello Nurse might bite and maybe spill something on Landels in ( ... )


thatdamnedninja August 17 2009, 17:37:12 UTC
It looked like he recognized her, too. Cool. Yuffie made it her business to recognize names and faces; that kind of thing was invaluable for a ninja. With a grin, she raised the disc in a salute, "Same old, same old," she said. And then she looked at him a little more closely, dark, bright eyes blinking once. "Geez. How much trouble can one guy get into, even in a dump like this? Last time I saw you, you were hobblin' around on crutches."

In contrast, Yuffie herself was entirely unscathed. Physically, anyway. It wasn't as though she knew Dean well; they'd barely spoken at all, just long enough for her to get a preliminary impression of him. He looked decently capable, but maybe he'd actually turn out to be some reckless guy who couldn't tell your run of the mill small-fry from a Dark Dragon ( ... )


theroadsofar August 18 2009, 01:00:29 UTC
He'd gotten his ass kicked here practically every night running now, and while that was crap luck, even for him, he hadn't ever got stuck on crutches in at least several months. According to Sam, he'd only been out of it for that one night (and last night, too), and even if he'd been on them while possessed, why would he? It didn't matter to a demon if the host body was injured to keep it walking: they just kept trucking like nothing was wrong and you might not know the host was injured until the demon left the body. Looked like the demon theory wasn't gonna cut it here. Dean still didn't know who she was or how she could've known who he was. There wasn't really any other choice but to keep going along with it and see where it got him. Unlike dicking around with "Spock", this was a lot more serious, especially when he was the one at the disadvantage here ( ... )


fourtharcana August 17 2009, 16:38:25 UTC
There was nothing like going out for a run after having a big lunch, Akihiko thought to himself as he jogged out the door to the Rec Field. If nothing else, it would serve to burn off a lot of his nervous energy. Something was off about the way the team was right then, and while he didn't know what, sitting around worrying about it wasn't his style in the least. The worrying was really better suited to Mitsuru, as much as he hated to push that on her.

He stretched out his hamstrings against the wall that separated the field from the courtyard, then stood straight, shaking the tension out of his arms and beginning to run along the perimeter.

[free as far as I know.]


scintillatingly August 17 2009, 23:21:54 UTC
While Sora had been enjoying his talk with Venom, he had been more than eager to get moving somewhere else once the announcement was made. The computer voice coming from the intercom was still weirding him out, but at least it looked like he was going to go one more week without having to meet an old friend who didn't even know who he really was anymore ( ... )


fourtharcana August 18 2009, 21:32:55 UTC
Akihiko turned, smiling when he saw the boy come up to him. He looked familiar - he didn't think he'd met him before, but he was pretty sure that he'd seen him around a few times. You got to know faces after a while in a place like this. "Sure. I'm Akihiko, by the way," he said, with a grin. "Man, it feels good to get some sunshine after all that craziness last night, don't you think?"

He didn't really wait for the answer - it was one of those things where you could talk just as well while you were running. That bandage on the boy's neck worried him, but...that was part of it, too. When did I get so used to brushing stuff off like that?


scintillatingly August 18 2009, 21:53:21 UTC
Sora was always happy when people introduced themselves right off the bat like that. It usually meant that they were open, friendly people, which also meant that there was a good chance of them getting along. Then again, he always went into conversations expecting that he could make friends with whoever he was talking to.

"Nice to meet you, Akihiko!" he returned as he ran alongside the other boy. "I'm Sora! And yeah, it's nice to be outside, but it's also kind of worrying, isn't it?" As they continued to jog along, his gaze moved down to the soft grass they were running on. It wasn't that hard to imagine dead hands breaking up through the soil here now that he had seen that sort of thing with his own eyes.

He really hoped that never happened again...


quickdrawbkiddo August 17 2009, 18:32:09 UTC
What a naive man that one had been, believing that everyone deserved to live. There were so many people that deserved to die, herself included, that only a fool would believe such nonsense.

Out in the rec field, Beatrix thoroughly stretched before moving away from the few others. Finding an open spot beneath the sun, she rolled her sleeves up and slipped into a very controlled kata. The swift and sure movements of her mastered tiger-crane style helped calm her mind and emotions. As her hands cut through the air, she turned her mind to the problem of HK-47 and his new allegiance to the Decepticons. Surely, the droid knew better than to double-cross them, but the draw of other robots that seemed to enjoy killing humans just like the droid did proved to be too much temptation. HK-47 was not stupid, but he might be overconfident in the merits of his new place as Megatron's lapdog.

Pity. She may have to kill him.



poolcuemurder August 18 2009, 00:13:51 UTC
'Original test subjects...?' So any visitors received had once been patients themselves? To what purpose? On what scale? He had asked (read: demanded) for more clarification from the nurse, but she acted as though she couldn't hear the intercom as anything other than Martin Landel. Further attempts ended the same ( ... )


quickdrawbkiddo August 18 2009, 02:45:28 UTC
Beatrix did not immediately respond to the man's words, waiting a few more seconds until she completed her kata. Stopping smoothly, she turned toward him and gav ehim the once over. He was shorter than her by a few inches, but definitely moved as she expected an assassin to. At least to the trained eye. The hair thing was a bit disconcerting, but she really didn't care. Eye patch, hair over face... what difference did it make?

"Not any more," she replied, her eyes cold, but not hostile. "You run an assassin's guild?"


poolcuemurder August 18 2009, 03:11:25 UTC
It was obvious the woman held some skill (his mind was already working through as to what sort of use she could possibly be in the long run. Some considered it a bad habit, he thought of it as being practical), but that would come in at a later time. Whether she was trustworthy or not had yet to be distinguished, nor what she wanted beyond his standing. It was too soon to be impressed.

"I run the Assassins' Guild, yes." An important distinction to make, the tone of his voice making that evident. "An" assassins' guild? Child's play. Killing was their business and anyone trying to either take it or destroy it would be crushed underfoot. That was how a successful organization was run. "What meaning does it have to you?"


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from_lienea August 17 2009, 22:06:17 UTC
At least he'd been able to sleep in this morning, and better yet, eat when he wanted to instead of when the schedule said it was time to. After breakfast (because it was breakfast for him), Stahn jumped at the chance to go outside; he wasn't used to being stuck inside all the time, especially in rooms with no windows.

When he spotted the red-haired man, it didn't even register on him that the guy was giving off "leave me alone" vibes; if anything, Stahn had learned to ignore those. Some kids, especially new ones, in the orphanage often claimed they wanted to be left alone, but the opposite was usually the case. Rutee still sometimes claimed she wanted to be alone when she didn't (although other times she meant it, and he'd at least learned not to be too persistent with her...).

"Hey," he said, sitting down with him. "Been here long?"


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from_lienea August 17 2009, 22:29:51 UTC
"Huh... I just got here the day before the field trip. You, too?" Stahn asked sympathetically. "At least I know somebody here." Leon was around here somewhere, right? Maybe even avoiding him? He was pretty worried, considering the night before.

"It'd be a little easier if this place was more like my world--well, my town. Lienea's... kind of... backwater compared to most others, so even during the day this is taking a lot of getting used to."


see_my_back August 17 2009, 22:17:29 UTC
Sakura was sick of being cooped up inside and it wasn't like she'd seen Naruto or Jiraiya anyway. So outside it was, thankfully, where she could do a little practice, watch for the others, and maybe even get some thinking done. Maybe ( ... )


donetakinorders August 18 2009, 00:39:36 UTC
Raphael was starting to feel a little stir crazy. He hadn't heard anything about if his brothers might be here or not, and while on one hand it was good that they didn't have to go through this nightmare of having a completely different body and all, he also would have felt a hell of a lot better if he'd had them around to back him up a bit. On top of that, this was his third day in this hell hole, and he still hadn't managed to break out or find out what the hell he was doing here in the first place. It was damn annoying and was a sure fire way to tick him off ( ... )


see_my_back August 18 2009, 04:07:08 UTC
Another interruption. Of course. Sakura stopped and turned, sizing up the guy in front of her. He was pretty much eye level with her, which meant for a boy, he was pretty short, even though he looked a little older than she was. Huh. If he thought he could make fun of her though, he had another thing coming. She'd decked Naruto for less. Well... not much less, but he'd totally had it coming.

Her green eyes narrowed sharply, "what do you want?"


donetakinorders August 18 2009, 06:26:37 UTC
Raph counted his blessings that this wasn't another human that he found himself on the wrong end of a pair of nostrils of. It was a lot better to talk to someone while making eye contact than glaring up into that. But being closer to his height and good at katas wasn't going to make him put up with that kind of attitude from anyone.

He glared back at her. "I was comin' over to see what your were doin'," he said. "You talk to everyone like that?"


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