Day 43 - Recreational Field, Third Shift

Aug 17, 2009 08:25

Spending all of brunch talking to a "Vulcan" and pretending he was just as much of a hardcore fanboy as Spock was one way to start a day ( Read more... )

sechs, sakura, batman, venom, depth charge, stahn, yuffie, sora, allelujah, asch, renamon, yue, juri, beatrix, dean winchester, raphael, terry

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quickdrawbkiddo August 17 2009, 18:32:09 UTC
What a naive man that one had been, believing that everyone deserved to live. There were so many people that deserved to die, herself included, that only a fool would believe such nonsense.

Out in the rec field, Beatrix thoroughly stretched before moving away from the few others. Finding an open spot beneath the sun, she rolled her sleeves up and slipped into a very controlled kata. The swift and sure movements of her mastered tiger-crane style helped calm her mind and emotions. As her hands cut through the air, she turned her mind to the problem of HK-47 and his new allegiance to the Decepticons. Surely, the droid knew better than to double-cross them, but the draw of other robots that seemed to enjoy killing humans just like the droid did proved to be too much temptation. HK-47 was not stupid, but he might be overconfident in the merits of his new place as Megatron's lapdog.

Pity. She may have to kill him.



poolcuemurder August 18 2009, 00:13:51 UTC
'Original test subjects...?' So any visitors received had once been patients themselves? To what purpose? On what scale? He had asked (read: demanded) for more clarification from the nurse, but she acted as though she couldn't hear the intercom as anything other than Martin Landel. Further attempts ended the same ( ... )


quickdrawbkiddo August 18 2009, 02:45:28 UTC
Beatrix did not immediately respond to the man's words, waiting a few more seconds until she completed her kata. Stopping smoothly, she turned toward him and gav ehim the once over. He was shorter than her by a few inches, but definitely moved as she expected an assassin to. At least to the trained eye. The hair thing was a bit disconcerting, but she really didn't care. Eye patch, hair over face... what difference did it make?

"Not any more," she replied, her eyes cold, but not hostile. "You run an assassin's guild?"


poolcuemurder August 18 2009, 03:11:25 UTC
It was obvious the woman held some skill (his mind was already working through as to what sort of use she could possibly be in the long run. Some considered it a bad habit, he thought of it as being practical), but that would come in at a later time. Whether she was trustworthy or not had yet to be distinguished, nor what she wanted beyond his standing. It was too soon to be impressed.

"I run the Assassins' Guild, yes." An important distinction to make, the tone of his voice making that evident. "An" assassins' guild? Child's play. Killing was their business and anyone trying to either take it or destroy it would be crushed underfoot. That was how a successful organization was run. "What meaning does it have to you?"


quickdrawbkiddo August 18 2009, 03:29:18 UTC
The Bride raised an eyebrow at the emphasis on the definite article. Whatever this guild was, it was either from a time after Bill had disbanded the Vipers or he was from another world.

"Ah. The Assassin's Guild must have come into existence after my time if it existed in my world at all," she replied. "Tell me, are you familiar with a group that was called the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad?"


poolcuemurder August 18 2009, 03:57:49 UTC
There that was again. After my time, my world... It would be silly to swallow that so easily (what sane person would take those words with a nod and smile?), but what other explanation was there? Perhaps he needed to speak with Spock later, find if the man had identified any key points in history that would at least be telling of the discrepancies, if nothing else.

He shook his head at her question, resting a hand against his hip. "No. I'm afraid not." Was that all she had called him for? Was this strange woman really wasting the time of someone she knew to be Guild Head of a very dangerous organization for the simple fact that she wanted to know if he'd heard about her little snake club? The annoyance didn't show through his hair.

"What time are you from?" As long as he was here, she should at least be giving him answers.


quickdrawbkiddo August 18 2009, 04:09:09 UTC
Beatrix hadn't been expecting the man to know, but she had to ask since he supposedly ran the assassin's guild.

"2003," she replied, "Though the Deadly Vipers were disbanded near the turn of the century."

She tucked her hair behind her ear, sunlight reflecting off of the small metal plate in her skull near her temple. "I asked because I was once part of that group. You are new here," she stated. "I currently have a small group of assassins working in an alliance of sorts here with the common goal of locating the one responsible for our imprisonment and killing him. I prefer to work with professionals, no matter how insane they are."


poolcuemurder August 18 2009, 04:52:52 UTC
"2183." That answered that mystery quickly. After the Guild rose in power, all other groups were deemed obsolete. Of course he had never heard of her Vipers -- there was only the Guild ( ... )


quickdrawbkiddo August 18 2009, 05:10:28 UTC
"We have intimate knowledge of a location Landel personally appears during the nightly games he plays with us. It is behind heavy security in the form of a puzzle lock we have obtained half the keys to," Beatrix replied. "All intelligence gathered tells us that the entire building and the surrounding areas are his grounds and meeting him on our own terms is not currently feasible. Yet, we will not sit on our hands ( ... )


poolcuemurder August 18 2009, 07:13:15 UTC
Venom said nothing as the woman explained, the occasional nodding of his head being the only outward sign that he was, in fact, listening. Once she completed her basic report, he kept silent once giving her a quick "Thank you," processing the information given and thinking it out to himself, tying it into what he already knew, what he could assume, and questioning to himself about what made no sense ( ... )


quickdrawbkiddo August 18 2009, 07:17:59 UTC
"You can call me Arlene," Beatrix replied, crossing her arms. "And you?"


poolcuemurder August 18 2009, 17:10:06 UTC
Call her Arlene? Suggesting that wasn't her true name. It didn't matter. If she had a reason to hide what it really was, he wouldn't force the issue. It wasn't that vital at the moment.

"Venom," he answered before he turned his attention to the side, examining the others in the area. While the only one he immediately recognized was Sora, there was a hand-full of talent to be had in the field. He supposed if they were going to brainwash anyone for military purposes (what other federal training could they speaking of?), it may as well be those you would not have to train...

Was that really what they were trying to accomplish here?

Speaking of that. "Is that all you wished to see me about?"


quickdrawbkiddo August 18 2009, 17:21:22 UTC
Venom. Likely that name was as genuine as Arlene was. Beatrix just simply did not use her real name or her assassin alias in this place. She didn't care if people figured that out any more, but the idea of an assassin hiding their real name? That was a real stretch of logic there. Enough sarcasm.

"I wanted to assess you," the Bride replied. "My group is in need of one other to deal with the puzzle locks as several of the doors are coded to require a set minimum of people for them to even open." It went without saying that they had tried force and other means. "As I said before, I prefer to work with professionals and there are benefits to associating with us - weaponry being only one of them. If you are interested, I will extend you an invitation for tonight's run on a trial basis."


poolcuemurder August 18 2009, 18:02:56 UTC
So that was it, then. Venom wasn't surprised, but not impressed either. It also answered his question on how many men this group had (this door couldn't have had that many keys, making the number of allies sadly limited). Still, there wasn't any reason to not join for the night in order to assess what they were doing, if it needed better planning, and so on.

After all, if they were going to involve him in anything, he was not the only one on trial.

"I'll deeply consider it." He shifted his weight onto his right leg, letting the motion disrupt his hair enough to fix the woman with one visible eye. "Where have you planned to meet?"


quickdrawbkiddo August 18 2009, 18:22:12 UTC
"Outside the Sun Room doors," Beatrix replied, fixing Venom's eye with her own cold blue ones. "Both myself and one of the others have brief appointments at the beginning of the night, but we will be at those doors. We will not be lingering once all of us have gathered."


poolcuemurder August 18 2009, 18:44:01 UTC
He nodded his head again, purposely destroying the brief eye-contact between them (not that he needed to do much to accomplish that; she was taller than he was. He had to look up at her. This annoyed him) and ultimately masking his face once again.

The day was not over yet. Everything needed to be preserved and remembered in case this "trial" had to be put on hold. Interested in this little group of allies as he was, something else could come up. If it did, he needed to be ready, collected, and able to create plans in place of the ones that failed. If there was nothing else to say...

"Will that be all, Ms. Arlene?" If it was, he would like to spend some time alone to write down his thoughts, if it was all right by her.


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