Nightshift 39: Main Hallway, 1-Center

Mar 07, 2009 12:15

[from here]

He paused at hearing a noise in the hallway. Akihiko whipped his head around, searching for the source. "You're paranoid," he told himself quietly, when he didn't see it.

He shrugged again, noting the Sun Room door was partially open. He pushed the door open and stepped inside.

[to here]

methos, albedo, subzero, endrance, guy, diego, dias, adelheid, anise, depth charge, nigredo, mele, willy wonka, two-face, porky, claus, akihiko, allelujah, indiana jones, claude, haruno sakura, brooklyn, shikamaru, rangiku, gin

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Comments 117

icy_demise March 7 2009, 17:56:34 UTC
[From here]

Surprisingly, SubZero was the first person in this part of the hall. Neither HK nor Arlene were anywhere to be seen. With nothing else to do, SubZero waited near the entrance to the sun room for the other two assassins to show up.

He didn't relax, though, and kept a wary eye on the hall in case something decided to attack him while he was alone.


quickdrawbkiddo March 8 2009, 07:21:54 UTC
[from here]

The Bride was pleasantly surprised to see SubZero was already there. She knew she'd be delayed with the Norn, but the other assassins were typically later than she was.

With a nod, Beatrix leaned back against the wall next to SubZero.


icy_demise March 8 2009, 07:28:37 UTC
SubZero returned the nod before letting his attention return to keeping an eye on the hallway and whatever people decided to head into the sun room.

"You were looking at my hands a lot last night," SubZero commented. It was something he hadn't managed to bring up at lunch. He had noticed it, even though Arlene wasn't the most obvious person. Certainly a lot more subtle than HK and Ophelia.


quickdrawbkiddo March 8 2009, 07:37:41 UTC
"I wanted to make sure the effects of using your ice against that man wasn't going to hinder you last night," the Bride replied. "I chose not to ask a potentially insulting question in front of the bitch."


maskedsunflower March 7 2009, 21:13:36 UTC
[from here]It wasn't a surprise to him that he was the first person to have arrived, at least for the purposes of the "Pig Mask Club." His highness wasn't known for his speed in travel, at least not on foot, and the area was dangerous. If it took long enough, he might have to wander back to see if the king had been waylaid, but it was more likely that Porky would find his own way here at his own pace. The Commander wasn't impatient. He did wonder if Willy Wonka would bother showing up as promised, but at least had the chocolate he'd taken from the 'free samples' to offer to Master Porky as an example of his work ( ... )


chocomancer March 7 2009, 22:32:57 UTC
[from here]

Given all the people that had come through to the Cafeteria last night, it was surprising to see so few people in front of the Sun Room the very next night. No sign of Honey either, although it seemed at least Porky's loyal follower had managed to get here before him. Tipping an imaginary hat to the boy, he approached and said, "Good evening! It's a pleasure to see you again, my boy! Delighted! Er..." he added, glancing around him and eventually pointing at the tall Chinese man who also seemed to be waiting, "is that Porky, or is he yet to arrive?"


maskedsunflower March 7 2009, 23:37:41 UTC
The Commander glanced over at the other man standing in the hallway, then looked away again dismissively. "Hello." He was being sociable, after all. "No, that is not the king. Porky is my king, and the king of the world, but this may not be true for your world." Junior had pointed that fact out, even if it hadn't been obvious based on the way others treated Porky's words on the bulletin board. They didn't know who he was. It was good that his one successful effort at recruiting had shown up, at least, and telling him a little more about Porky seemed to be reasonable. In fact, Porky had encouraged it a little.


piggy_king March 8 2009, 17:51:27 UTC
[from here. Sorry to butt in!]

Yes! Porky could see the Commander now! Oh, finally Porky would have some competent help!

"Oh, Commander~~~!" Porky said in a singsong voice, "Your king has arrived! Aren't you glad to see me? Oh, of course you are! Not nearly as glad as I am to see you, though! Anyway, this guy here is Diego," Porky said as he turned around and pointed at Diego, "He's my roommate, and a little unaccustomed to being a human. He was an animal before he came here. Isn't that just fascinating? It may be interesting, but it also means he's a little clumsy, so I suppose most of the fighting will be done by you. If we do any fighting, that is ( ... )


scalyfishman March 8 2009, 08:38:20 UTC
[From here]

Heading down the corridor, it occurred to Depth Charge that this was about as far as he'd ever traveled in the institute at night. He'd never even seen the east wing, let alone the second-

Hm? Was that door open? Where there was an open door, there was one of two things- people or monsters. And it wasn't that he was actively looking for conflict, but should the opportunity to knock the slag out of the latter arise, well...

Keeping his wits about him, he moved towards it curiously.


scalyfishman March 8 2009, 08:49:26 UTC
[To here]


see_my_back March 9 2009, 02:28:03 UTC
[[from here]]

It didn't take long to reach the meeting point, but there was still no sign of Naruto. They hadn't wasted much time, so it was likely he was bumbling down the halls as they were stuck waiting. Looked like that was the same story for a few others who'd chosen this place as their meeting point.

"To answer your other question," she continued, as though Shikamaru's little stunt down the last hall had never happened, even if her tone was slightly clipped. "I don't know how much Naruto is capable of. I don't think he has access to his sealed chakra. I had to heal him a couple nights ago. I haven't seen him fight either, so I can't say much for sure."


toobothersome March 9 2009, 02:51:17 UTC
In retrospect, Shikamaru probably should have held that jutsu for a little bit longer.

He forced back the reflex to rejoin their shadows, knowing he'd need his chakra later and probably (probably) against things more dangerous that Sakura, or at least more likely to actually kill him. Instead, he gulped and tried unsuccessfully to evade her grip, then cringed in anticipation of the blow. Hopefully, she'd have the sense not to waste chakra either.

For once, the troublesome unpredictability of women worked in his favor, and when Sakura released him with a shove, he stumbled back and caught himself before gulping again, then meekly following her further into the hallway. Jeez. Women.

Shikamaru didn't even try to justify his actions, but settled for leaning against the wall, arms crossed, looking generally grumpy.


whirlingwinds March 10 2009, 19:56:30 UTC
[ From here]

Naruto spotted out Sakura and Shikamaru, grinning and making his way to them. He realised Shikamaru looked a little grumpy, but that seemed usual. It was either grumpy or bored, with him.

"Hey, guys!" He greeted, smiling at Sakura and nodding at the other boy. "You got here today, right? Or was it last night?" He asked him, mildly curious.


see_my_back March 11 2009, 04:05:50 UTC
Sakura found herself tapping her fingers against her arm in impatience while they waited. Just when she was about to go hunt the last ninja down herself, he came waltzing up like nothing had happened. Ugh! If she hadn't promised to be nice to Naruto, she would have been just itching for an excuse to deck him.

"What took you so long?" she said and tried, really hard not to sound as frustrated as she felt. It wasn't easy, but she managed to calm down a bit more.

"Anyway," she said before giving him a chance to reply, "we should get going. We can talk on the way, but we're wasting time just standing here."


heavens_too_far March 9 2009, 04:16:28 UTC
[From here.]

"What do you mean, not at our best?" Dias glanced back at Claude as they moved into the next hallway. "I may not have access to most of my advanced techniques, but they were supplementary at best - I never relied on them." He rested a hand on the hilt of his sword. "And I had this made to my design; it's a better sword than some others I've wielded. I wouldn't say I'm much worse off than I ever was on Expel, at least not when it comes to combat. Certainly my skills with a sword haven't suffered - and since you're using a sword type that you're familiar with, I doubt you've lost much ability yourself. Guy is the only one of us working under what I'd consider a genuine handicap."


razing_phoenix March 9 2009, 06:34:58 UTC
Man, there were a lot of people in this hallway, too. Guy sent a wary glance at the other groups of patients, though he was also making certain that he listened to the conversation Claude and Dias were having. Sparring practice wasn't that bad of an idea, but actually finding the time for it was another story entirely, and it wasn't going to do Guy much good until he got a better weapon. Not that there was anything specifically wrong with Ashton's sword, but it didn't fit his style all that well.

Then Dias started getting into just how much they were weakened, which was something interesting to consider. When he was brought up at the end, Guy took it as his turn to talk. "Well, I don't know how it works for the two of you, but not being able to pull on fonons for attacks does cut down on my skills somewhat. But I see what you mean - I could easily fight without using any fonons, even back home." And sometimes that had been necessary, if he'd run out of energy ( ... )


full_score March 10 2009, 05:42:03 UTC
Sparring -- now there was an idea! It'd been awhile since Claude had sparred with someone. Too bad he didn't have a little more free time on his hands, otherwise he might have organized something like that boxing club he'd seen on the bulletin. Except for swordsmen, of course. But as it was now, he was mostly interested in doing all they could to try to get themselves free. Still, maybe it was something to keep in mind for the future ( ... )


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