Day 36: Waiting Room/Lobby 1

Oct 21, 2008 09:14

Oh yeah. This was bad. Grabbing a chair and ignoring the woman who had brought him in, Takaya crossed his arms and glared at the wall. He wasn't going to participate in this bullshit. Being told he had 'company' and that he should he happy about it had ruined what was otherwise an okay day ( Read more... )

ashton, matsuda, meche, takaya, armand, kaito, hitsugaya, visitors, elle, yuuri, john connor, yuffie, momo (xenosaga), brook, the flash

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Comments 338

ellectriclights October 21 2008, 19:54:00 UTC
Elle wasn't quite sure what to make of it when she was told she had a visitor. The room she was led into was empty, save for nurses and patients. Nobody eagerly expecting to see her. No Daddy waiting with a smile and a hug - not that she needed either from him. So... somebody was preventing her from getting a tan by making her sit, by herself, in a stuffy room with florescent lightning? Real considerate.

The nurse deposited her in an uncomfortable chair and asked her politely to wait.

.... Could her dad be coming? Would he? She'd been making up excuses for him not to all day. But the idea that he actually might.... She fidgeted unconsciously at the thought, brushing her bangs over the wound on the side of her head. There was nothing she could do about the arm in a sling, though - he'd see it and know she'd screwed something up.

Waiting, even for a few minutes, galled her. Her toes scraped against the floor and her fingers beat idly against her leg.

Please, please come, Daddy, she thought fiercely, as if he could hear her and ( ... )


damned_visitors October 22 2008, 11:42:45 UTC
And "Daddy" did come, or at least someone who looked and acted just like him. Bill Cardinal walked through the entrance to the lobby, seeming more displeased by the situation than he was concerned. His eyes followed a nurse's pointed finger towards his sitting daughter and he approached her with a slow gait and a deep frown.

"Jaye," he said levelly, looking down at her through his glasses, "are you ready to stop this game yet?"


ellectriclights October 22 2008, 14:38:03 UTC
Elle instinctively sat up straighter as her father walked in the room. Her mouth opened of its own volition with a "sorry" on her tongue, but when he called her by that fake name the nurses used...

"Daddy," she said quietly, trying to figure out why he was doing this. He loved her; he wouldn't do anything to hurt her. So why this? "Don't make me stay here anymore. Please. I'll be good, I promise. I'll be better." She looked up at him without raising her chin, her eyes pleading. Maybe if she told him about the list she'd been making, of all the people here with abilities, he'd be proud of her and take her home to the facility.

"Peter Petrelli's here," she blurted out before she could stop herself. "I can get him back. I won't mess up this time."


damned_visitors October 23 2008, 02:52:03 UTC
Bill's expression seemed on the verge of satisfied until his daughter mentioned the 'Petrelli' name. His small smile faded and after a moment, he let out a sigh.

"Jaye," he said, enunciating her name slowly, "you have to understand that it's not that I don't want you to come back home... it's that I can't let you back until you're ready to perform proper work for the company, which you're unable to do in your current condition."

He tilted his head.

"If you want to get out of here, you're just going to have to try harder."


floraltempest October 21 2008, 20:15:57 UTC
MOMO had heard that visitors arrived once a week--given how long she'd been in this place, how could she not--but never had she received a visitor herself. Therefore, when a nurse came in to collect her from the music room, the realian had asked if she could stay there a while longer. It was relaxing being able to both play the keyboard and speak with Junior and, as selfish as it may be, she wasn't entirely ready to give either up at the moment.

As she quickly discovered, however, she didn't have a choice. The calm that had settled over her throughout the day seemed to fade almost as soon as the nurse told her that she had a visitor today, and MOMO wrung her hands as she was led to one of the waiting rooms.

The nurse directed her to a chair and gave her shoulder a pat before moving away, going to fetch whoever it was visiting, she assumed. On that thought, who was she going to see? There were people she wanted to see, yes, but... not here. Not like this ( ... )


damned_visitors October 21 2008, 21:26:47 UTC
If she had to be perfectly frank with herself, Dr. Taylor would rather have postponed this visit. She had her patients, a list of household errands, and an ex-husband and child support to consider. Visiting her daughter could wait another week... Two, if the pediatrician factored in her personal feelings.

Only she promised. Despite all the stress, Lilian was committed to honoring that request. After all, it was her lack of commitment that landed them in this mess originally.

So she came, doctor's coat and all. The woman paused thoughtfully by the entrance of the lobby, her eyes glossing over the multiple occupants. They finally stopped at the familiar shade of pink, causing the woman to sigh inaudibly. Had they even been feeding her properly?

Lilian drew closer to her daughter's seat. "Elena."


floraltempest October 21 2008, 22:15:33 UTC
It'll be okay. It'll be okay. The same few words repeated themselves over and over in MOMO's mind as she tried to calm herself. It'll be okay. It'll--And then she saw her, and those thoughts immediately ceased ( ... )


damned_visitors October 21 2008, 23:05:25 UTC
Lilian hadn't expected the enthusiastic reception, and consequently, the surprise appeared clearly on her face.

"It's...good to see you as well, Elena," she answered, lightly patting the girl's back. Dr. Taylor was not the woman for hugs, that much was certain, but she supposed an exception could be made for this moment. Elena appeared eager for affection; she couldn't possibly turn that away.

Until time became a factor. Eventually, she pushed her daughter's arms gently back to her sides. "Why don't we sit down?" Lilian suggested awkwardly before gesturing to the seats. "I'm sure you have a lot of things you would like to tell me."


promisedawhale October 21 2008, 20:34:19 UTC
"A visitor, you say?" Brook blinked down at the woman leading him. He had a visitor? Now how did that work, he wondered. Oh, maybe it was Nami! She had gone missing after all, so maybe she'd found a way to get out and had come back in the guise of a visitor!

Or Brook was letting his imagination run away with him, either or.

The nurse seated him and assured that the visitor was indeed his before leaving to go about her duties. "I wonder..." Brook breathed and looked about for any sign of someone he may recognize. This was his visitor, so it stood that he'd be able to at least recognize the person, didn't it? Somehow it was exciting!


damned_visitors October 21 2008, 22:14:34 UTC
"Heeeeey, Flo!" A rather rogue-ish looking man shoved his way past a few busy nurses and made a beeline directly for Brook. (Brook was, as always, incredibly easy to pick out in a crowd.) The man grinned cheerfully, as though the setting wasn't an institute for the mentally unwell.

Yohan took the empty seat next to his friend without feeling the need to ask. Then he gestured at Brook's outfit with a laugh. "Look at that. They actually make those uniforms in size 'String-Bean'?"


promisedawhale October 21 2008, 22:39:38 UTC
Flo wasn't a name that registered for someone who'd been Brook for nearly Ninety years, but the voice did catch some attention. Not enough to have Brook jump out of his chair with excitement over hearing such a voice, but enough to have him reminisce just a bit. "Yohohoho, sounds almost like Yorki..." he chuckled to himself, but stopped when his eyes landed on who the voice belonged to.

The hat was the first giveaway - not many people wore that style normally - but when Brook saw the face he froze in place. That was who the voice belonged to? But... that was Yorki! But it couldn't be Yorki! Yorki was...! While Brook had entertained the thought that Yorki and the rest of his crew had survived their passage through the Clam Belt, were he to meet his Captain again he'd have to be at least eighty years old, if not older! The young man he was seeing couldn't be Yorki. It just couldn't ( ... )


damned_visitors October 22 2008, 01:00:24 UTC
"HEY!" Yohan reached out quickly and grabbed Florien by the back of his shirt, stumbling out of the chair as this didn't immediately stop him. "What's that nonsense? I am not!" He did glance over his shoulder briefly in the off-chance that... no, that was silly.

"Don't go running away from me after I came up here to see you, damn it!" Keeping his grip on Florien's shirt, he grabbed the man's arm with his other hand - all the while keeping an eye on the nurses to make sure they didn't try an intervene. "Settle down now. Come back and sit, scrawny."


scarletspeedstr October 21 2008, 21:06:10 UTC
Wally had waved ZEX off and settled back against his couch, intending to try and relax some more before getting a snack, when a nurse came over and told him that he had a visitor waiting for him. He was surprised, but at her insistence retrieved his crutch and followed her into a waiting room, where he was seated and left to wait ( ... )


damned_visitors October 22 2008, 07:28:19 UTC
[[Way to keep an eye on the WRONG ROOM. -_- Sorry!!]]

"I'm fine, thanks," John told the nurse at his side. He shouldn't have too much trouble finding his old friend--this was Wally. Besides his natural exuberance, they ran into each other a lot... enough so John wondered if the Universe was trying to tell him something. Possibly along the lines of "you know SOMEONE needs to keep an eye on him."

Aha, there he was. Considering what had been going on lately, John wondered if he should be glad to see Wally sitting calmly--for him, at least. Honestly, he'd be worried if the guy wasn't fidgeting at least a little; he wasn't sure he wanted to know how Wally had gotten hurt enough to need crutches, though whatever the answer to that was probably wouldn't surprise him all that much...

"Hey." John went over and sat across from him, glancing Wally over to see if he'd managed to acquire any other injuries. "Been doing all right?"


scarletspeedstr October 22 2008, 10:16:14 UTC
[XD No problem!]

Wally had been looking around to see if any of the nurses would notice if he snuck away when an all-too-familiar voice brought his attention back to the person in front of him. "John!" he said, both surprised and pleased to see the older man. "Dude, you're a sight for sore eyes, how did you find me?" He didn't want to say that he'd been beginning to think that the League weren't going to show up after all. It was a huge relief to see that he'd been wrong.

He couldn't keep the grin off his face as he impatiently waved John to take a seat, wincing slightly as his knee throbbed again. "I'm okay, but this place could really use some of our brand of pest control, if you know what I mean."

He paused, there was something off about John that he couldn't quite place, something nagging at the back of his mind that was trying to get his attention despite his happiness at seeing his friend again. Wally wasn't sure what it could be though, so did his best to ignore it for the time being.


damned_visitors October 22 2008, 18:03:52 UTC
"Uh, by asking the nurses which room you were waiting in." He raised an eyebrow slightly. He had mentioned this place by name the last time they talked, even if he'd been half-joking when he said it.

Pest control? Was he reminding John he still remembered his friend was a cop? "Huh. There's a few criminal types in there?" That had to be weird, if nothing else... and hey, it was a plus that Wally could still identify what was out of the ordinary. "At least you and I don't technically have any professional connections, I guess.

"So, them aside, this place treating you all right?" It would probably take a while to find the right medication that actually worked on him, Wally being Wally, and his metabolism couldn't help either, but being in-patient was supposed to speed the process up a little. He could imagine hearing the process compared to a sloth versus a snail, but--seriously, Wally needed to learn patience anyway.


flashyaudacity October 22 2008, 01:02:13 UTC
Kaito had ended up dozing off in the Sun Room after brunch, and he wasn't quite sure what his nurse had started blathering on about when she woke up. Something about a visitor? That was right; Landel had been talking about visitors on the intercom earlier, hadn't he?

He followed the nurse down the hall, arriving at a room he hadn't been to before. He yawned loudly, feeling somewhat more alert than when she woke him, but not yet fully coherent.

"Take a seat," she told him cheerfully. "Your visitor will join you shortly!"

She bustled off then, and Kaito dropped into one of the chairs, wondering who was supposed to be his 'visitor'… Was it going to be someone he didn't know, but who would insist that he did? Or was it going to be someone he actually knew, dragged into the whole mess? Aoko, maybe, or mom. Hell, he wouldn't be surprised to see Hakuba waltz over (precisely on time, of course, right down to the damn millisecond), just to irritate him.

He crossed his arms, frowning. Ugh. What if it was going to be Hakuba? The ( ... )


damned_visitors October 22 2008, 05:15:30 UTC
Kaito would certainly be seeing a detective--but it wasn't the one that he had expected. It was probably the last person Kaito would even suspect of being a detective.

A tired-looking, slightly hassled man was shown into the room by Kaito's nurse. Spotting the one he was visiting, he moved deliberately over to the boy and swept him into a tight hug.

"Kyle," he said, voice overwrought with emotion.


flashyaudacity October 22 2008, 05:48:10 UTC
At first, when Kaito saw a nurse show a very familiar-looking man into the room, he thought he was seeing things. He thought there was no way that he could possibly be seeing what he thought he was seeing, because it was impossible. Impossible. It was just a product of an overly active imagination, and a bit of wishful thinking.

Even so, Kaito stood when he saw him, the legs of his chair scraping against the floor. And when the man who couldn't possibly be there crossed the room and pulled him into a hug, Kaito's eyes widened. He couldn't have been there, but he felt real enough...

He'd been called by the wrong name, the fake name that he'd been given here, but his voice... It was the same as he remembered, the same as had been on the degraded tape he'd found. He knew better than anyone that a voice and a face was hardly evidence of an identity, but...



damned_visitors October 22 2008, 05:52:31 UTC
Thomas seemed very pleased when his son recognized him. After all, for a while he'd claimed that Thomas was dead. A cruel irony, considering the man's work took him away from his family more often than he liked.

"That's right, I'm here. Everything's going to be okay, I'm right here."

At least he was for the time being. This whole mental institution business had caused Thomas to go a little overboard on the affection where Kyle was concerned. He'd convinced himself that this was entirely his fault. If he'd just been there... this wouldn't have happened. Now he was going to make it right.


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