Day 36: Waiting Room/Lobby 1

Oct 21, 2008 09:14

Oh yeah. This was bad. Grabbing a chair and ignoring the woman who had brought him in, Takaya crossed his arms and glared at the wall. He wasn't going to participate in this bullshit. Being told he had 'company' and that he should he happy about it had ruined what was otherwise an okay day ( Read more... )

ashton, matsuda, meche, takaya, armand, kaito, hitsugaya, visitors, elle, yuuri, john connor, yuffie, momo (xenosaga), brook, the flash

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Comments 338

mazoku_king October 22 2008, 02:33:18 UTC
"Eh? Visitors?" Yuuri's eyes had widened in surprise when he had been pulled away and told he had a visitor. Who was here that would come and visit him? Wasn't he on another world? He had no idea what was going on, and any attempt to question his nurse went deflected - not that Yuuri noticed such a tactic.

Following along behind his nurse, Yuuri peered into the waiting room before crying out softly in surprise as he was pushed inside.

Turning around, the young Maou was met with a closed door for his effort. So, he wasn't going anywhere then? Sighing, Yuuri turned back around and began glancing around the room. Who was going to visit him? It was a question that kept nagging at him.


damned_visitors October 22 2008, 03:51:11 UTC
A moment later, the door opened once more and a teenaged boy around the same age slipped inside, his black hair tousled slightly and his dark eyes peering about the room intently from behind his glasses before he spotted the young Maou.

"Shoji!" Murata greeted, his expression brightening in relief as he crossed the room towards his classmate. "You look well!"


mazoku_king October 22 2008, 03:57:19 UTC
Thinkint that his nurse had forgotten something, Yuuri turned around to question her but found himself going wide-eyed at the sight before him. "MURATA?!" Yuuri loudly exclaimed as he saw the all-too familiar sight of his friend and classmate.

As Murata moved, so did Yuuri. Instantly closing the short distance between them, Yuuri reached out to grab Murata's shoulders and shake them - the fact that Murata had called him 'Shoji' instead of 'Shibuya' went entirely over the young Maou's head. "You got stuck here too?! Aaah I'm sorry, Murata, I dragged you into this mess. Are you alright?"


damned_visitors October 22 2008, 05:18:30 UTC
Murata blinked owlishly at Shoji's sudden rush of nonsensical words, then pushed his glasses back up his nose from where they'd slid down at the other boy's vehement shaking.

"Of course I'm alright. I should be asking you that. How are you feeling? You've really had people worried."


whirlingwinds October 22 2008, 03:21:11 UTC
Naruto had almost protested when the nurse had told him he had visitors. He had no idea who in the world could visit him here; stuck somewhere far away from his own world. He hadn't had time to ask anyone he knew had more experience with the Institute, either, so he had no idea what to expect. It was all the more confusing that he doubted he'd get visitors even back in his own world.

But his curiosity won over, and he was pushed into the room, the door closing right behind him. He glanced quickly around the place, blinking, trying to see if he could quickly ask questions to someone that was still waiting...He kept himself alert, watching people closely, as he didn't want to be taken by surprise in any way.

Visitors...Maybe they'd be people he'd never even met, people that were supposedly part of 'Nathan's family.


damned_visitors October 22 2008, 04:27:32 UTC
"There he is! Excuse us." A man and woman suddenly pushed their way through the crowd, blond hair and bright red standing out as they made their way straight for Naruto. The man's long, light-colored trenchcoat was almost tripped over by one of the nurses and he apologized weakly without slowing his brisk pace. "Hey, Sport!" he greeted cheerfully.

The woman took a seat immediately, setting her purse in her lap and just smiling without saying anything at all.


whirlingwinds October 22 2008, 04:31:50 UTC
Naruto blinked as two people made their way towards him. He'd never seen them before -- And then his eyes widened, recognizing the man right away. But he was supposed to be dead! Years and years ago...How could he be here?!

Most of all, why was he, out of all people, visiting him? And who was the nice looking lady following him?

"You're -- You're the Fourth Hokage?!" He asked, pointing, hand shaking slightly. He glanced at the now sitting woman, as if for confirmation.


damned_visitors October 22 2008, 04:36:59 UTC
The man's expression went from happy to baffled instantaneously. He too glanced at his wife, but she could only shrug in response to both of them. "The who/what now?" He shook his head. Well, this wasn't off to the best of starts. "I'm your father."

"Now stop that pointing," said the woman suddenly. "It's rude."


thatdamnedninja October 22 2008, 06:15:40 UTC
A visitor? Her? It wasn't like Yuffie knew anybody from this world, except for the handful of people she'd spoken to inside the Institute...

Yuffie jumped onto a chair, perching lightly on the back of it. Who was it gonna be, then? Somebody else from home that this place had kidnapped? Or maybe the Institute paid people to act out the part of loved ones? Yeah, she could totally see that happening; it'd be right up Landel's dirty ol' alley.

But, she was the Great Ninja Yuffie! No way was she going to fall for cheap lies like that! She had better things to do with her time, and as something of a professional liar... well, it'd be child's play. She swung her legs by the side of her chair, not caring if she got scolded by a nurse- it wasn't like the chair was wobbling at all.


damned_visitors October 22 2008, 18:29:57 UTC
And it wasn't too long before someone she knew - or thought she knew - slid past the open door, shoulders back and head held high as he looked about the room for his daughter, who he found teetering in a chair. Disgraceful, maybe; though how much more disgrace could his daughter bring when she was already fit to enter a mental hospital like this?

She'd already hit rock bottom. With her blood, she should be able to pull herself out of it, maybe with some hospital memorabilia to boot, but that would take some time.

When it came to it, though, he wasn't entirely sure what to say. He simply towered over the seat, glowering down at his daughter. (He'd prepared some epic-sounding speech for when he got here, but he'd forgotten it as soon as he entered the door; he'd never really known how to act around her without getting angry.) So he simply said her name. "Hanna!"


thatdamnedninja October 22 2008, 21:45:13 UTC
Yuffie had been too busy nonchalantly playing at being nonchalant to really pay attention to the footsteps. She recognized that they were there, of course, somewhere in the back of her mind- oh look! The sound of footsteps! Wow, they're heavy; maybe it's some burly orderly or a really fat nurse. That the footsteps might be heading for her... well, she'd jump that hurdle when it came.

As it was, the only jumping she ended up doing was off the chair, leaving it to rock precariously. After a second it crashed safely back onto all four feet, but Yuffie was no longer paying any attention to it.

Godo was standing in front of her. Godo. And he was using that lame fake name that the Institute had given her. Yuffie straightened, staring at him silently for just a moment... Before she laughed. "Geez, pops!" She said, setting one hand casually on her hip. "You're more senile than I thought- hey, is that more grey hair I see? It is, isn't it?" She shook the hair out of her eyes and met Godo's gaze squarely, not intimidated in the slightest. " ( ... )


damned_visitors October 22 2008, 22:42:58 UTC
He was trying to control his eyebrow, make it stop twitching, but, hell. She pushed his buttons in the worst ways. He wasn't getting old, or fat, or lazy, or senile, or any of those careless, totally untrue adjectives she liked to throw at him.

"I'm not the one who did the forgetting," he argued, his voice booming louder than he really wanted it to as he stared down at her. "That's your name, a family name, and you're not coming back home until you remember, do you hear me?"

Until then, he'd just pretend to everyone else that his daughter didn't exist, like he loved to do.


damned_visitors October 22 2008, 18:11:06 UTC
Adam walked into the visitor's room and felt a little bit of nervousness creep into his chest. It was so strange to be back in this place, but he had gotten better and it would be wrong of him to abandon Alan to his maddness, not when he had been the one to cause it.

He reached up on hand and removed the big sunglasses he had been wearing over his eyes. He folded them and tucked them into the pocket of his suit, scanning the room for sign of Alan.

He say the boy sitting, waiting for him, looking as irritated as ever. He suppressed a smile at the sight of him, letting instead his guilt take over.

He had come to apologize. That was worth something wasn't it?

He walked cautiously to the table, unsure how Alan would respond to him. "Good after noon Yamamoto-kun," he stuck with the last name for now. "As cheerful as ever, I see."


forgot_my_life October 22 2008, 18:15:44 UTC
Oh fuck no. Takaya just stared at the man that had approched him. Hate that he wasn't totally certain came from outside seeped into his thoughts.

"Fuck. You," he snarled. "What the hell?!" Arms uncrossed and he stood up, pointing a finger at Naoe.

"You son of a bitch! How dare you come-" Something finally registered. "What did you call me?"

Shit. Shit shit shit shit.


damned_visitors October 22 2008, 18:22:34 UTC
That was about the welcome he had been expecting, so he wasn't surprised, he was, however, very hurt. There was a time that Alan had looked up to him. He had been the one to destroy that. He had no one to blame for Alan's hatred but himself.

"Alan," he said, trying to stay calm. "Please don't get worked up. I remember what these people do to you when you start throwing a tantrum." He glanced towards the nurses, wondering if one of them had the needle ready. Alan had a bit of a pattern after all.


forgot_my_life October 22 2008, 18:26:46 UTC
Calm?!? Takaya's breathing sped up just a bit and his grit his teeth.

"You remember? You... have no idea what these people do to me. And stop calling me that you asshole." He was fighting to stay in control. He had to stay in control.

"You ..." A tremor started up his arms. "You fucking .... I thought you were DEAD. And you... you went over to them."


lost_turkey October 22 2008, 23:47:08 UTC
John was on edge when the nurse came up to him, informing him that there was a visitor waiting for him in the Lobby. That post about robots had him very jittery and he grumbled that it was about damn time someone showed up for him. For the past few days he'd been walking around, waiting for the shoe to drop and for some doctor, nurse or other patient to suddenly turn on him and attack him. Talking to John last night hadn't really helped, though his views on time travel were interesting. He made a mental note to track the man down later. For now, he hoped his mother was here with a plan to get him out of here.

He followed the nurse to the lobby and sat where she gestured, looking around the room as he marked the locations of the exits. It was best to be prepared especially if his mom came in with guns blazing. Or with Cameron blazing, as the case could very well be.


damned_visitors October 22 2008, 23:53:53 UTC
It was neither that stepped into the room a few moments later, but a tall, muscular man dressed in faded camo pants and a simple grey t-shirt. The man glanced around the room, looking highly uncomfortable about being here in the middle of such clinical and sterile conditions, but when his eyes landed on John, he relaxed slightly, turning and moving casually in the boy's direction, his intent gaze quickly scanning John's form to make sure he was alright.


lost_turkey October 23 2008, 00:02:14 UTC
John stood up when he saw his uncle walk into the room, a bit confused but relieved nonetheless. If Derek was here then he was certain his mom and Cameron were camped outside, rigging explosives or doing whatever it would take to get him out of here.

"Derek," he said, giving the man a small smile but his face still looked serious and somber as he was still relatively pissed that it had taken so long for someone to contact him.


damned_visitors October 23 2008, 00:10:16 UTC
Derek walked over to John, giving his nephew a small smile as he clapped a hand on the teen's shoulder. Despite his friendly expression, there was real worry in his eyes as he studied him. "Hello, John," he greeted the boy. "How've you been holding up?"


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