Day 33: Lunch

Jun 30, 2008 07:50

There was a knot in Sai's stomach as he was led back inside to the cafeteria. It was an unfamiliar feeling, and he tried to ignore it. What was it? Was he actually uncomfortable with his decision? He couldn't afford to be. This alliance with Itachi was crucial, and he'd just have to try and make sure the others saw it that way ( Read more... )

diva, raine, kagura, edward elric, thursday, xigbar, lust, anise, tyler, goku, skuld, melissa, mousse, danny phantom, ken amada, orihime, wolfram, mason, seiya, clark kent, zex, tamaki, angel, ai, zelnick, claire bennet, leon kennedy, shana, peter parker, kurogane, hikaru, eileen, nakago, peter petrelli, yohji, yuffie, matt, farfarello, takaya, mozenrath, haku, yukari, tyki, wolverine, shion, esmeralda, kratos, alec, lia, willow, haseo, bridget, jack horner, sanji, rhode, shito, homura, bella, kaito, elle, ashton, leon (so2), albel, reno, renamon, claude, keman, ami, kikyo, hokuto, edgeworth, itachi, harry osborn, faust, javert, max, hughes, brook, chopper, ren, guy, armand, hinamori momo, reid, vlad, allelujah, roy, frey, wesker, valyn, lyta, fai, sai, leon magnus, yue, schuldig, daemon, aidou, falis, brooklyn, eddie brock, hohenheim, scar (tlk), toph, subaru, sanzo

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Comments 1055

not_rly_fai June 30 2008, 17:02:25 UTC
Yuuhi had trouble keeping an appetite in this place. Despite how nice the nurses seemed and how they helped him to his seat and made sure he took all the foods that were good for him, he just couldn't feel terribly hungry knowing that Sakura might be in danger, hurt, or worse.

He tried to sit where he could duck down at least a little bit out of sight. He didn't need a repeat of the last shift. Yuuhi felt bad for the poor young man who'd been caught in the middle of their argument too. He knew he shouldn't have shown his emotions so openly, but when Sakura was involved, it was hard not to.

[[kuro and ururu]]


contentincloset June 30 2008, 17:10:10 UTC
Keeping out of sight, or out of Kurogane's sight, was not possible for how often Kurogane had to pick the magician out of a crowd. The bright blond hair did tend to help as a signal though. Ducking down wouldn't save him anyway.

Kurogane didn't pass up getting his meal first (whatever the hell it was) before making his way over to the man. They weren't finished, not after his intended topic of discussion had been interrupted by the Princess's possible disappearance. There was still the matter of breakfast, of that man Fai had spoken with, and exactly what he'd done to rattle Fai so.

And also the matter of whatever had changed hands between the two. Kurogane had had enough time to think about what it might have been now, and if he was right...

The tray rattled a bit as it was dropped onto the table side opposite of Fai. "You mind telling me what happened with you this morning?" gruff and to the point, he wasted no time in asking. And no, Fai did not have the option of saying that he did in fact mind.


not_rly_fai June 30 2008, 17:15:55 UTC
Trust Kurogane to get right to the point. But while Sakura was missing, he was busy worrying about things that weren't even any of his business in the first place.

"Aw, don't be like that Kuro-puka~! You're not jealous, are you? I was just talking with one of the other patients. There's a lot more important things to be worrying about right now. We should plan where we're going to look later tonight." He put his usual smile and tried to keep things as light-hearted as possible. There'd been far too much serious discussion today already.

"I think maybe we could go in two groups. One can go down and one can go up. Even though this place is a tall building, I think no one's made it up past the second floor and..."


contentincloset June 30 2008, 17:23:19 UTC
"He gave you something," again getting to the point, Kurogane cut him off before he could continue off on his change of subject, "And I've seen you speak with him before." Jealous wasn't the word, more suspicious.

He didn't hide how serious he was being from his expression, but he did allow himself a few bites of the strange yellow things after he spoke. He wasn't going another meal without eating, even if the food was nothing he ate normally. At least it wasn't teeming with sugar.


willhexabitch June 30 2008, 17:08:16 UTC
[Eeeeelle... come and get it.]

He'd never been so out of his mind with boredom before in his life. Reid was, after all, a man used to getting his way, barring Caleb being a self-righteous asshole. It wasn't just being forced to spend every waking minute being bored. Having no Power made him angry, nervous... and normal.

Normal and bored. And pissed off. Not good combinations.

Also not something he felt had been something worth mentioning to Tyler, because hey, Reid knew all about psychological warfare. If they thought he was less likely to bust out when out of his element, they were dead wrong. If anything, it all made him more determined to go out and get something done when out from underneath the staff's smothering supervision.

Stepping into line to get some food, he lightly banged his tray against the counter while he considered (much to the chagrin of the cafeteria worker watching him). Fish? Gross. What the hell.


ellectriclights June 30 2008, 18:28:05 UTC
There hadn't been as much time to mess around with Claire-bear as Elle would have liked, but it was a start. And now that she seemed to have forgotten about Elle being in league with the Big Bad Company, all sorts of possibilities were available.

As long as she could avoid and/or kill Mr. Bennet. Maybe that would be a good use of Eddie's time. She'd have to talk to him about that.

She was a little distracted when she got in line for fish and chips, but she did notice Reid. He looked unhappy about something.

"Looks like I found you again," she said, sliding her tray next to his and brushing her fingers across his lower arm. "And I haven't even finished collecting my prize from last time."


willhexabitch June 30 2008, 22:13:55 UTC
He almost jerked, not because he was unused to having guys sling their arms around his shoulders and try to horse around by "sneaking" up to him, but because the voice was neither male nor familiar. People tended to start when they were surprised, and the element of surprise was still plentiful with girls outside of his social circle singling him out.

But the voice clicked almost immediately, and he looked over (and down) to see that yes, it was definitely Elle. "And what was that again?" he asked. Elle. There was a chance he might've forgotten any other person's name in this kind of shithole, but Elle kind of... made herself stand out.


ellectriclights July 1 2008, 17:31:28 UTC
"You don't remember our little deal, Mr. Average Blonde And Hot?" she asked, taking a piece of fish and some fries and carefully arranging them on her plate. "If I found you, I got a prize. And I never really collected it, did I?"

She headed for a table, glancing over her shoulder to make sure he was following.


son_ofkrypton June 30 2008, 17:18:20 UTC
[Waiting for Wolverine ( ... )


ol_canucklehead July 1 2008, 01:07:04 UTC
Logan hadn't had time to respond to Faust before his nurse came to collect him, but what the man had said hit him like a brick to the head. He could identify with what his morning companion had said so easily, it was almost like he'd been listening to himself talking instead of another. And Faust had been right. He was living for himself now, just as Logan should be, trapped or not. He didn't have to be a pawn any longer. The man's message had been quite reassuring.

Logan didn't bother to wash up before eating; he'd barely worked up a sweat and had, on more than one occasion, eaten freshly-killed, raw meat after a day of hunting through the woods; he sincerely doubted anything he might have picked up on the rec field was going to cause him any problems. He asked to be led directly back to the cafeteria, although he was reluctant to leave the sun's warmth.

Upon arrival, Logan wasted no time in obtaining more food. As usual, he had smelled the lunchtime fare long before he saw it. Fish. An' chips. He shrugged mentally, it was good ( ... )


son_ofkrypton July 1 2008, 04:48:29 UTC
Clark gave an almost guilty start, looking up as Logan sat down across from him.

"Yeah, I guess," he said, unable to keep from thinking back to the Chapel and his mysterious healing. "How're you?" he changed the subject quickly - maybe a little too quickly - looking across the table at the man.

He looked more or less fine. When was the last time he even saw him? Oh. Oh yeah, the riot. Logan had been telling him about a group of his friends helping people only to get interrupted by chaos breaking out in the cafeteria.


ol_canucklehead July 1 2008, 05:24:49 UTC
Logan eyed the young man across from him warily as he chewed. He didn't need to be Emma or Chuck to tell when someone had something pressing on their mind. Sometimes, it just radiated from people. The way the kid had responded was the equivalent of a huge sign over his head that read "I got troubles, barkeep." He guessed they all did of course, but figured that the younger ones, those who hadn't experienced the kinds of pains he and some of the older patients had in their lives, would be hit harder by the negative effects of this place.

As usual, he wouldn't push if the kid didn't want to talk, that wasn't his style. But there was no reason why he couldn't lend an ear if it helped take the pressure off. His demeanour remained nonchalant as he replied, however. "Me? I'm fine. Well, as well as anyone can be here, I s'pose. Ya don' seem too well tho', kid, like ya got soemthin' gnawin' away at ya. Wanna talk 'bout it? People tell me I'm a good listener." Heh, ain' tha' tha truth, he thought with amusement, but didn't let it show as he ( ... )


lost_metal June 30 2008, 17:23:15 UTC
[For Winry]

It was a rather more dejected Edward Elric who stepped inside the cafeteria that lunchtime. His face was drawn into an expression of mingled anger and sadness and he felt like someone had punched him in the gut repeatedly. Envy... That bastard had hurt Tamaki and now Ed didn't have a clue what to do. Except kill him of course. He'd gladly do that even if killing made Ed feel sick inside. He deserved it for what he'd done.

He should have warned Tamaki, he should have taken care of Envy when he first realised that he was here. He should have... He stared blindly at the food that was put onto his plate when the nurse gave it to him and sat down where she put him, his mind still reeling from what his boyfriend had said. He started eating, more slowly than usual, and with no sense of enjoyment or enthusiasm which usually accompanied it.


forthewinry July 1 2008, 22:18:55 UTC
Although Winry had been considering the possibility of finding Ed here, it still gave her a hot-cold tremor to see him at the table. She nearly dropped her tray, and her body reacted a step ahead of her mind, prompting her to shout out at him before thinking better of it.

"Ed!" She shouted, with an excited smile, running to his side and carelessly tossing the tray onto the table to make room to hug him just as impulsively as she'd yelled at him. She had only just the time to realize that maybe drawing attention to him wasn't a good idea, but that bit of wisdom lagged far behind the emotional rush of finding him, which also surpassed her better judgment of gaging whether he was in the mood for a hug. If he wasn't, he would just have to suck it up because right now... right now... "You're okay. You're alive!" She breathed in relief. She'd known all along; she'd been planning for his return, but still, it was just so amazing to have him near.


lost_metal July 1 2008, 22:48:13 UTC
"Ack!" Ed jumped when he heard the shout and felt arms wrap around him, tensing up and getting ready to throw whoever it was off until he finally recognised that voice and his eyes widened. "Winry?!" he said, pulling away a little and staring at her in shock. It was here! "What are you doing here?" he asked, the stupidity of the question not even occuring to him. He just knew that she shouldn't be in such a dangerous place like this!

"I'm alive," he replied, finally relaxing enough to let her hug him and tentatively hugging her back. He'd missed her, not that he'd ever admit it, and would deny strenuously under the veil of complainging about her automail fetish.


forthewinry July 2 2008, 00:26:11 UTC
"I should probably ask you that," She said, remembering all the questions she had lined up for both Ed and Mustang, considering they were here. How did they manage to get captured? Were they both on the government's bad side now? Were they undercover? How had they let a place like this go on without tearing it to the ground? She'd seen an innocent girl get mauled by a huge spider just last night, and was certain that wasn't the worst thing going on in these halls at night, "I just woke up here, and I thought it had something to do with you." That or her own little escapades of eavesdropping... better to blame Ed ( ... )


tyki_pon June 30 2008, 17:26:49 UTC

Tyki carried his plate towards an empty seat, not really looking where he was sitting down. The free food was definitely one of the few good things in this place. At least he didn't have to steal the fish from a pond for once, as he usually did whenever he visited Japan. Well, it wasn't his fault those Koi were so tasty...

He glanced around the cafeteria from behind his glasses. Rhode nor Walker were in here yet, or anyone else he knew. He shifted his gaze back towards his meal, and began eating.


hamenleai June 30 2008, 19:50:52 UTC
[Have a wizard? XD]

This place had such strange meals, Shana decided, as she eyed what was on her plate. The nurse assured her it was fish, but at the moment, she wasn't so sure. At least it smelled like fish. Mostly. Still, most of what she'd eaten here so far had tasted alright, so she'd give this a try, too.

Looking around for a seat or a familiar face - none of which she immediately recognized - she spotted a young man sitting by himself and made her way in that direction, offering him a hesitant smile as she hovered by an empty seat.

"Would you mind if I joined you?"


tyki_pon June 30 2008, 20:54:45 UTC

"Eh?" Tyki hadn't spotted the girl approaching, and was jerked out of his thoughts by her question. His surprised expression quickly changed into a smile, though. Even despite being a member of the Noah Clan, he wasn't all that bad against random humans. Especially if they were lucky enough to run into his white side rather than his black.

"Not at all, miss...?" His voice trailed off in a question. 'Redhead' was already taken by the fella from breakfast, and there was something about giving everyone a nickname.


hamenleai June 30 2008, 23:07:49 UTC
"Shana," she supplied, flashing him a bright smile as she sank down across from him. "And thank you. I hope I didn't interrupt your thinking?" He had looked rather far away when she'd walked up.


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