Day 33: Lunch

Jun 30, 2008 07:50

There was a knot in Sai's stomach as he was led back inside to the cafeteria. It was an unfamiliar feeling, and he tried to ignore it. What was it? Was he actually uncomfortable with his decision? He couldn't afford to be. This alliance with Itachi was crucial, and he'd just have to try and make sure the others saw it that way ( Read more... )

diva, raine, kagura, edward elric, thursday, xigbar, lust, anise, tyler, goku, skuld, melissa, mousse, danny phantom, ken amada, orihime, wolfram, mason, seiya, clark kent, zex, tamaki, angel, ai, zelnick, claire bennet, leon kennedy, shana, peter parker, kurogane, hikaru, eileen, nakago, peter petrelli, yohji, yuffie, matt, farfarello, takaya, mozenrath, haku, yukari, tyki, wolverine, shion, esmeralda, kratos, alec, lia, willow, haseo, bridget, jack horner, sanji, rhode, shito, homura, bella, kaito, elle, ashton, leon (so2), albel, reno, renamon, claude, keman, ami, kikyo, hokuto, edgeworth, itachi, harry osborn, faust, javert, max, hughes, brook, chopper, ren, guy, armand, hinamori momo, reid, vlad, allelujah, roy, frey, wesker, valyn, lyta, fai, sai, leon magnus, yue, schuldig, daemon, aidou, falis, brooklyn, eddie brock, hohenheim, scar (tlk), toph, subaru, sanzo

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Comments 1055

heartofrevenge June 30 2008, 15:34:53 UTC
[free to be bothered~]

Was it too much to ask for a meal that he remotely recognized? He had gotten used to the idea of this facility easily enough, it was true, but the food was something else entirely. He did, however, take the meal he was given and, almost immediately, he claimed an available table in the back of the room to be his own.

He supposed, as he sat down, that he should have been looking for Mozenrath. No doubt the other man would want to talk to him. As things stood at the moment, he was the last person the seishi wanted to deal with. There was only so much ranting and raving that a person could take in one night, after all. He would, however, gladly accept another conversation with Scar should the other man happen upon him; he had very much enjoyed that.

Should he come across Mozenrath, however, Nakago would wisely leave meeting Scar out of the conversation. There was no need to give Mozenrath anything else to rant about.


(The comment has been removed)

heartofrevenge July 1 2008, 13:13:38 UTC
He thought, for a moment, that it had been one of the healers asking if their charge could join him. Determining it would be best to look and actually see who was being forced upon him, he turned his eyes from his incredibly questionable meal to eye the patient in question. Much to his surprise, however, it appeared that the patient himself had asked if 'this one' could sit with him...

Had the man smiling at him just referring to himself in third person? Strange though it was, this wasn't the first person with odd speech quirks he had come across. One of the Suzaku seishi had been fond of tacking 'no da' and variations thereof onto the end of almost everything that had come out of his mouth, as he recalled.

"If you'd like," he replied, gesturing to a free chair. At least the smiling man had the courtesy to ask first.


(The comment has been removed)

offduty June 30 2008, 15:43:11 UTC

Reno had lost track of Rude after breakfast-hadn't seen him outside, at least-but he wasn't too concerned about it. There wasn't anything in particular he wanted to discuss with the guy, anyway. Nothing that couldn't wait until tonight, at least.

He broke one of the fries in half and chewed it absently, keeping on eye on nothing in particular. He was still bored as usual, but less irritated about it than he'd been the past few days. If he could just find himself some mildly interesting company, everything would be peachy.


thatdamnedninja June 30 2008, 15:53:55 UTC
Lunch, huh?

The young ninja was more used to eating less regularly, and... well, less in general. With as much running around as she usually did in the day, sitting down for a big meal was next to impossible. High energy foods that she could carry around easily? Very yes.

Which wasn't to say she wouldn't eat a lot if given the chance! Appetite that was the complete opposite of her size? Very yes.

Yuffie grinned, selecting a little of everything and grabbing a drink before looking around the room. She'd spoken to Cloud on that funky bulletin board thing, but he didn't seem to be there... No Cid, either. But there was... Aha! Reno.

The grin faded into a brief pout, but she brightened again almost immediately. Reno had to be better than no-one, right?

With that in mind, Yuffie strode over. The red-head's back was to her; it presented a very interesting and tempting target-- no! Not yet. Pranks could come later. Grouchy and Cloud were first on her hitlist, anyway, so Reno'd just have to wait in line ( ... )


offduty June 30 2008, 16:13:52 UTC
When he'd said mildly interesting, the ninja wasn't quite who he'd had in mind, but...

Oh, what the hell. She'd do in a pinch, he supposed. Even if she was a little too chipper for his tastes.

Reno cocked an eyebrow, popping another fry into his mouth. "Uh-huh. Fancy that, running into me in such a large, large place of a couple hundred people. Oh, wait."

The sarcasm was evident, but was quickly replaced with a casual curiosity when he spoke next. "Where the hell have you been these past few days, anyway? Thought you went all vanish-y and MIA like the others." He wiggled his fingers in the air, indicating the poof magic of the way people disappeared around here.


thatdamnedninja June 30 2008, 16:27:51 UTC
Yuffie moved around the table, figuring that if he was talking to her, he wouldn't mind her sitting with him- not that she would've cared if he hadn't responded. "You too, huh?" She asked, dropping down into a seat opposite him. "I've never been here before."

First Cid, then Cloud, now Reno? Weird. More than weird, actually; Yuffie was pretty sure she'd remember having been in this sort of place before.


kagurazuki June 30 2008, 16:19:51 UTC
It wasn't him. Kagura couldn't come up with any other explanation. Why else would Hatori be so mean and say he didn't even know her? This was more than just a joke, maybe they'd done something to make him forget? But how many people could do that? Especially to Hatori? It didn't make any sense!

Her nurse took her to her seat and set a tray of fried fish and potatoes in front of her. Kagura didn't feel much like eating though. She laid her head down on the table, hoping this was all a bad dream that would eventually go away.



roger_hug June 30 2008, 16:24:37 UTC
Bridget felt better after the game he'd played with Cloud. What a nice guy. Roger tucked safely under one arm, tray held carefully in his hands, the bounty hunter looked around for a place to sit.

Instead, he saw the back of a familiar head and hurried over, worried. Setting his tray down, he bent down, expression concerned. "Miss Sohma?" He would like to sit with her and talk, but he wouldn't pry or intrude.


kagurazuki June 30 2008, 16:28:20 UTC
Kagura looked up when she heard her name and felt a tiny bit better to see a familiar face. She wiped at her eyes with her right hand just in case there were any tearful remnants from last shift before she offered him a little smile. "Oh- ah... Bridget-kun, I'm sorry I didn't even see you there. How... how are you?"


roger_hug June 30 2008, 16:31:33 UTC
"I'm fine. Can Roger and I sit with you?" He lifted one of the bear's arms in a wave. "You look like you could use a few happy faces." Bridget smiled, hoping she would allow them to join her. He was worried about what had happened to her and wanted to ask her about her wounds.


hellmunchkin June 30 2008, 16:21:56 UTC
Phibrizzo sipped his juice and kept his head low, trying to keep out of sight of those who knew him well, but within view of those he could use to his advantage. It was proving harder than he would have liked, but rather the former than the latter, all things considered.

He would have to speak with Xelloss this evening. It had been so long, he didn't know what the Priest had even been up to during the previous nights. Surely it was no good (in a good way), but in the off chance there was something important he needed to know...

Well, he'd make Xelloss tell him one way or another. Besides, that was hours from now. It would more enjoyable to sample the food than to spend TOO much time wondering about Xelloss.


heraldric June 30 2008, 17:22:51 UTC
The last shift had been something Leon would have much rather slept through. Instead he'd found himself on the edge of the field, unable to quite get himself to join in playing with anyone even after an errant ball rolled his way. (He'd never found the owner.)

He hadn't even worked up an appetite, so he wasn't sure about even bothering with lunch. Then he saw that they had carrots, and he couldn't help himself. It wasn't juice, but cooked carrots were still something. He'd wanted a plate of nothing but that, except his nurse insisted on adding a little of the fish and fries as well. At least he could push them to the side.

Looking for a place to sit, his eyes fell on Phibrizzo. He hadn't spoken with the boy in some time, and it was good to see he was okay. Figuring it was only right that he continue to make friends with patients his age (most of them had seemed all right so far) he headed that way with a grin.

"Lei!" he greeted. "How are you?"


hellmunchkin June 30 2008, 18:20:48 UTC
Ah, it was a familiar voice. Phibrizzo looked over and gave the sweetest smile he could.

"Leon!" He squealed somewhat, assuming that would help sell it. "I'm good! How have you been?"

Perhaps Leon had a thing or two of interest he could share. Hellmaster would probe him and see what the boy had been up to since last they talked.


heraldric June 30 2008, 22:23:32 UTC
"Not bad." He could be better, certainly. Being out of here would help with that, but at least he wasn't worn out. "Good to see you're still in one piece."

Lei seemed more cheerful today than he'd been the couple other times they'd met. Well, Leon supposed he'd been cheerful enough when he'd run into him the other night, but it had been hard to tell - what with him in such a hurry to leave. Which reminded him...

"You've got people to travel with at night, right?" He had to, or there was no way someone his size would make it through the night unscathed.


blurred_divide June 30 2008, 16:23:30 UTC
[unknowingly waiting for Lia]

The cafeteria was surprisingly empty when Angel entered-for the moment-and he took the opportunity to locate one of his usual, preferable corner tables.

He really needed time to think. This changed...a lot of things. And hadn't Momo said someone else was hunting the vampire, too? He wasn't too surprised about that-self-proclaimed vampire hunters weren't exactly something unfamiliar to him-but whereas before, he'd been concerned if the woman she'd spoken of might be setting herself up to get killed, now...

Now, he wanted to find that vampire before anyone else did. He had to know. And then he'd figure out what to do with him after. But he had to know first.


gray_gambit June 30 2008, 19:07:26 UTC
The lack of her usual solid connection to the land had disturbed Lia more than she wanted to admit, and her efforts not to dwell on it as she was ushered into the cafeteria were not entirely effective. She selected her food with less care than she would usually take, and hurried to find a seat, wanting at least the illusion of being out from the notice of the institute's staff for a little while.

As before, she gravitated toward one of the already-occupied tables, subconsciously determining that selecting seatmates on her own would be more likely to prevent any further unnerving surprises, at least with regards to developments in her own world. She paused beside the table, without an ounce of hesitance in her posture but still offering the impression that she was willing to move on. "Would you mind some company?"


blurred_divide June 30 2008, 23:09:08 UTC
Angel looked up, thoughts disrupted by a voice. She was young, but a bit older than some of the others here. A distraction might actually be nice, now that he thought about it. Something to take his mind off things.

"No. Go right ahead." He hesitated. "I'm Angel."


gray_gambit June 30 2008, 23:55:06 UTC
"Thank you." Lia slid carefully into the seat across the table from Angel, smile polite and neutrally pleasant. She set her tray down before offering a hand along with her own introduction. "I'm Lia. It's a pleasure to meet you."


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