Day 32: Sun Room (2nd shift)

May 16, 2008 13:44

After the couple glasses of water Leon managed to gulp down during breakfast, the mage felt immensely better. He was still a bit tired, but that was nothing a little lounging on one of the sofas wouldn't cure. Stretching his arms above his head, he couldn't help but wish he'd had the chance to grab one of his new doctor's coats before leaving his ( Read more... )

star dragon sword, diva, kyon, qui-gon jinn, axel, anya, anise, tyler, danny phantom, mason, seiya, light, miku, clark kent, zex, angel, claire bennet, shana, peter parker, luxord, kurogane, roxas, subzero, eileen, nakago, peter petrelli, yohji, sync, farfarello, kadaj, yukari, tyki, wolverine, esmeralda, nathan petrelli, lia, rubedo, sanji, rhode, shito, obi-wan kenobi, homura, kenshin, bella, adelheid, kaito, elle, alexander conklin, sora, momo (xenosaga), usagi, luffy, river, leon (so2), reno, albel, claude, keman, amelia, oriya, zexion, harry osborn, javert, max, roland, harley, brook, ren, yuber, hanyuu, ling, kimbley, armand, reid, allelujah, roy, frey, wesker, cloud, sylar, leon magnus, yue, daemon, aidou, brooklyn, statesman, john connor, eddie brock, rangiku, hisoka, shadow, subaru, sanzo

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Comments 868

willhexabitch May 16 2008, 19:01:16 UTC
All of this fucking routinely bullshit was driving him nuts. Couldn’t avoid the pun, even if he wanted.

Without further ado, Reid threw himself into a chair in the Sun Room with the notebook he’d bitched at his nurse to go grab. It was heavier than anything he could have used in the caf, which was good, but making a big show over testing his own goddamn Power like he was thirteen-years old again blew. But it was the best he could think of off the top of his head.

Tossing it onto the table in front of him, poised between the two feet he had propped on the table’s edge, he bit restlessly at his thumb nail. And then tried to probe the core of his magic. Maybe it was better if Tyler wasn’t around to see this.


valyns_shadow May 16 2008, 21:29:10 UTC
Shadow snacked on an apple as he was escorted into the Sunroom, looking around for a familiar face. He was in a good mood and he wanted to spread it around. Tonight he had a plan, or at least, he and Valyn had thought up a plan and it gave him hope that tonight wouldn't be just another useless attempt at finding information. Plus, his arm was feeling much better after his 'rest' and that was enough to make anyone smile.

Glancing around the room, Shadow noticed Reid sitting over in the corner staring intently at a notebook. Shadow sighed, remembering the mess he had caused yesterday. Well, it was time to apologize for being a grel's ass and start again. The human wasn't that bad after all. He just took some getting used to and Shadow had infinite patience. Close to infinite patience, at least.

"Hi," he greeted Reid, standing next to the table. "Something interesting about that notebook? I don't think it will start talking, unfortunately. Sing, maybe, but that's only if you quit staring at it. It's a bit shy, I suspect."


willhexabitch May 16 2008, 22:25:41 UTC
Just the expectation of finding nothing made his concentration turn brittle and crumble. Reid wasn't used to feeling hesitant. Reid wasn't used to being like this. Normally he could feel Power overflowing and waiting to be tapped--and the urge to use became stronger the more he did, and the sensation got brighter, and hotter, and more comfortable--but it wasn't there anymore. Like it had retracted and become a small, hard knot, so small he could hardly find it.

But then someone spoke, and Reid twitched slightly in uneasiness before he could help it.

He didn't even have to look at Shadow to have his blood boiling. Not bothering to hide it, the warlock glared, his tone of voice clearly telling how not impressed he was. "No, you can't sit down. And no, you can't talk. You can try and save your plucky ass by walking away, but that's about it."


valyns_shadow May 16 2008, 22:49:06 UTC
Shadow ignored Reid for the moment and sat down across from him where Reid couldn't look away if he tried. "Look, about yesterday," he started, deciding that quick and fast was the best way to get his words across. "I just want to apologize. I wasn't feeling my best and I jumped to conclusions. Tyler's just your friend, I get it, and you're not interested, I get that too. Let's just pretend the whole thing didn't happen and start over again."


tyki_pon May 16 2008, 19:22:05 UTC
"What do you mean I ain't allowed to smoke?" Tyki protested. They had only just entered the sun room and his request for a cigarette was denied already. That was something the Noah couldn't very easily accept.

"Now now, João. We are in a mental hospital, of course you can't smoke." The nurse explained calmly. "It's not only bad for your own health, but also for the other patients. It's better if you don't smoke at all."

So? He wanted, no, needed his cigarettes. For a chain-smoker such as Tyki Mikk, this was a problem. A huge problem. The possibility of nicotine with-drawl was enough to make the Noah of Pleasure more irritated than usual ( ... )


sugarsweetblood May 16 2008, 21:17:54 UTC
Ururu needed to loosen up and try to have more fun! This place was such a pain that there really was nothing else you could do than break the rules you'd normally follow so long as the people in white didn't care. And they definitely didn't care about sticky fingers! Or, well, the nurse had gotten a little cross for having to wipe Rhode's hands off after Breakfast, but it wasn't like she'd come to stop her or anything. That meant it wasn't a rule ( ... )


tyki_pon May 16 2008, 21:50:13 UTC
Tyki had been in the progress of trying to think how he'd got here, each theory even more unlikely than the previous (he'd never been good at thinking of theories, anyway). Someone must be pulling some bad joke on him, except he ain't laughing.

There was only one person (or two, even) he knew who could pull something like this, and he couldn't help but wonder if Jasdevi happened to be yankin' his chain. If they imagined a mental asylum along with him wearing such a silly uniform, those two seriously needed to get themselves examined or something.

And then a familiar voice suddenly shouted his name. Jerked out of his thoughts, he recognized the girl standing in front of his nose as none other than Rhode Camelot.

He blinked in surprise.

"Huh? Rhode?!" Tyki uttered, offering her a blank stare. "What are you doing here?!" Shouldn't she be with The Earl? Or with Sheryl?

Or perhaps Jasdevi was pulling a prank on him after all.


sugarsweetblood May 16 2008, 21:58:56 UTC
It really was him! Tyki was here! But why did he look like that? It didn't matter. Finally someone had come to get here and she could get out of this stupid place and back home! To either home she wanted too!

"I've been here you big meanie! For one week!" she held out a hand to him, index finger raised, "And I'm not happy that you're so late! I'm gunna tell the Earl how you took so long to come get me, and then you'll really be in trouble!" The Earl was better to threaten with. Sheryl only worked if she wanted to annoy Tyki to death, but he needed to be more punished than that ( ... )


son_ofkrypton May 16 2008, 19:23:59 UTC
[Unknowingly waiting for Obi-Wan]

The first thing Clark did when he entered the Sun Room was to home in on the nearest window and plunk down in the most sunny seat. He visibly relaxed as the morning's light passed over him - it was still a little weak, but warming up as the morning went on - and settled back in the armchair, stretching out his legs. The sunlight made it easier for him to open up his notebook and look down again at Dr. Burroughs' list of the dead.

Someone's got to know about these people, he frowned down at the list, feeling the sun on the back his neck. They listed these all as "accidents" or "suicides", but for all they knew, they had been patients who'd been here before. The question was if these deaths had happened during the night or during that shift between the night and the dawn intercom post, when there were missing hours.


braidless May 16 2008, 22:20:17 UTC
As it'd turned out, the Jedi had spent most of last night meditating. He certainly hadn't meant to, but it'd been easy to lose himself in his mental exercises, and it'd also been one of those times where the night had seemed a bit shorter than he'd expected.

He hadn't intended to sleep through breakfast at all, though. He'd been stunned to discover it was already nearly 2nd shift when he finally woke up, and with a troubled frown, he was escorted by his nurse to the sun room. It wasn't missing a meal that bothered him so much (though he knew he couldn't get into that kind of habit), as it was the fact that he'd slept in at all. Normally he was better about using the time allotted to him in the day.

Well, there wasn't much he could do now except try to make sure it didn't happen again.

Deciding it was good to mingle with some more patients, Obi-Wan spotted a young man looking in his notebook. He seemed troubled, so the Jedi slowly approached him.

"Good morning," he said. "Mind if I sit here for a bit?"


son_ofkrypton May 17 2008, 07:19:24 UTC
The voice behind Clark made him jump a little.

He looked up and found himself staring up at a young man who looked vaguely familiar, although Clark was sure he hadn't ever met him before. He also had one of the weirdest haircuts he'd ever seen, his hair short and spiky except for a little ponytail in the back. Realizing suddenly that he was staring, the farmboy blinked and offered a shy smile.

"Sure," he said, nodding for the other patient to sit down. Waiting for him to get himself situated, Clark spoke up: "I'm Clark, by the way."


braidless May 17 2008, 12:46:59 UTC
Obi-Wan hadn't meant to startle the young man. He flashed him an apologetic smile before setting down in the seat next to this Clark. He seemed to have a positive sort of energy radiating about him, which was a nice contrast compared to some of the other prisoners here. Although they hadn't met, the Jedi might have seen his face in passing. (Really, it was pretty astounding how much Landel's population had swelled since he'd arrived. There were still so many people he didn't know personally.)

"Nice to meet you, Clark," he replied with a polite dip of his head. "I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight of the Republic."

He wondered if Clark was Earthian. If he was, this could be a good opportunity to learn more about this planet and how it functioned.


gray_gambit May 16 2008, 19:35:52 UTC
[Unknowingly waiting for Daemon]Lia's daze had scarcely begun to dissipate by the time her nurse dropped her off in the sun room, leaving her settled into one of the surprisingly comfortable chairs with an admonition to behave herself. She sat utterly still, gaze fixed only half-seeing on one of the paintings decorating the walls. It was a struggle to force her circling thoughts to slow or aim themselves at anything coherent, but as the seconds ticked by she managed to regain something approximating equilibrium. It didn't help much, as the place into which she had awoken still felt utterly, horribly alien, but at least she felt a little steadier, or perhaps could convince herself of such ( ... )


bastard_sadi May 16 2008, 21:03:50 UTC
Daemon had enjoyed a quiet breakfast lost in thought and quite a bit of worry. There were things on his mind and a frown on his lips as his nurse escorted him into the Sunroom. Out of every room in this place, this one was probably his least favorite, despite its bright and cheerful appearance ( ... )


gray_gambit May 16 2008, 22:12:12 UTC
Lia was already wary as she looked up. The careful greeting she had been intending to give died on her lips as she took in the man's features. Hayllian was the first thing that registered, and that alone was enough to make her blood pound in her veins.

She recognized him, of course. She wondered idly if Terreille held any Blood who wouldn't. Briefly, something tugged at the back of her mind, faint familiarity that was just barely more than tales and warnings could account for.

Lia swallowed with a dry click that seemed terribly loud to her own ears, forcing her expression neutral and her shoulders square. "Prince," she replied, the greeting both cautious and carrying the ingrained courtesy that had tripped her up so very often on the road.


bastard_sadi May 16 2008, 22:20:25 UTC
So she recognized him. Daemon again searched his memory, trying to put a name with the face, puzzled over why he could not. Where did he know her from?

"You've just awoken here?" Again, it was a question and it was not. He'd not sensed her presence earlier, but then again, something about the daylight hours here occasionally muddled his senses, as it did their abilities.


blood_and_pocky May 16 2008, 19:43:03 UTC
[Emo vamp reserved for Rinali. D:]

Breakfast had been more than he’d expected, but overall the conversation with Takaya had been neither a welcome surprise or an unwelcome one. It had simply been... unexpected. It left an empty taste in his mouth. Too much for him to want to sift through and process, but not enough to ease the turmoil in him. Just enough to leave more to think about, and right at that moment, the vampire only had his own actions and words circling his thoughts.

He still felt dirty, like there was a miasma around him, a gnawing onus.

Aidou pulled a chair away from the others and sat down, propping his chin up and looking to the window panels overhead. He squinted, the sunlight especially bright to his nocturnal eyes, but had no desire to nap or escape the day time.


boot_i_licious May 16 2008, 22:57:26 UTC
Rinali couldn't believe she had slept through breakfast. She didn't feel tired, but for whatever reason she couldn't pull herself out of bed until the second shift. She hadn't even heard the nurse telling her it was time, integrating her words into strange dreams where her brother kept telling her to wake up, as if this entire experience at landel's was all one horrible nightmare.

She was dissapointed when she woke and found her brother's voice the dream, and this place the cruel reality.

She went out to the sun room, scanning the room for Allen, then saw Aidou sitting away from everyone else. "Aidou," she said pleasantly, walking over to him and sitting next to him. "Good morning!"


blood_and_pocky May 16 2008, 23:54:23 UTC
... Damn.

The last thing on his mind was yesterday's idle activities, when he'd been playing a pointless game to entertain himself with Allen Walker and Rinali. He'd forgotten he'd invited her to talk again. Or maybe she'd found out he was a vampire and was around to make saddening comments about the time of day. Whatever the case, Aidou completely blanked for why, what, or how, and was far from in the mood to be 'Idol' and smile back at her.

He looked down, a fine wrinkle in his brow. "It's you," Aidou said without thinking. "Why aren't you with Allen Walker?"


boot_i_licious May 17 2008, 01:51:40 UTC
Rinali was taken aback by the boy's sudden change of personality. The other day, he had been friendly and kind, except when he started bickering with Allen. Now, all of a sudden, he was sullen and withdrawn. Had something happened during the night?

"I don't do everything with Allen," she said, a little more withdrawn than before. "We're just good friends, and it's comforting to know he's here. Aidou, what's wrong?"


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