Day 32: Sun Room (2nd shift)

May 16, 2008 13:44

After the couple glasses of water Leon managed to gulp down during breakfast, the mage felt immensely better. He was still a bit tired, but that was nothing a little lounging on one of the sofas wouldn't cure. Stretching his arms above his head, he couldn't help but wish he'd had the chance to grab one of his new doctor's coats before leaving his ( Read more... )

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gray_gambit May 16 2008, 19:35:52 UTC
[Unknowingly waiting for Daemon]

Lia's daze had scarcely begun to dissipate by the time her nurse dropped her off in the sun room, leaving her settled into one of the surprisingly comfortable chairs with an admonition to behave herself. She sat utterly still, gaze fixed only half-seeing on one of the paintings decorating the walls. It was a struggle to force her circling thoughts to slow or aim themselves at anything coherent, but as the seconds ticked by she managed to regain something approximating equilibrium. It didn't help much, as the place into which she had awoken still felt utterly, horribly alien, but at least she felt a little steadier, or perhaps could convince herself of such.

She set about making slow order of her thoughts, which ran mostly toward the questions she needed answers to. The nurse hadn't been helpful over the few she'd managed to rouse herself to ask, and had continued to insist upon calling her by the name she'd been greeted with upon waking. It seemed ludicrous, but the woman honestly seemed to believe that Lia was this other person, someone she'd neither met nor heard of in her life. She wondered if any of the other people in this place knew any more, and even more pertinently, if it would be safe to ask.


bastard_sadi May 16 2008, 21:03:50 UTC
Daemon had enjoyed a quiet breakfast lost in thought and quite a bit of worry. There were things on his mind and a frown on his lips as his nurse escorted him into the Sunroom. Out of every room in this place, this one was probably his least favorite, despite its bright and cheerful appearance.

Memories weren't the focus of this thoughts, however, as he stopped abruptly three paces into the room, golden eyes widening. There was a faintly familiar presence, a whiff of a female psychic scent that tickled at the back of his mind. A friend or foe? Who was it?

His narrowed gaze searched the room intently, searching for the source. He finally found her, a young woman sitting alone in a chair, looking pale and bewildered. As this place often had that effect on people, this didn't surprise him.

He knew her, he recognized her, and he searched his memory for a name that matched that face. Not coming up with one right away, he made his way towards her, approaching slowly and carefully, as he didn't want to startle her. This witch wore the Grey, and while the Institute limited all of them, it was never wise to underestimate a dark-jeweled witch.

"Lady?" It was both a greeting and inquiry as he stopped a few steps from her, sinking into an acceptably polite bow, his golden gaze locked intently on her face as he waited for acknowledgement.


gray_gambit May 16 2008, 22:12:12 UTC
Lia was already wary as she looked up. The careful greeting she had been intending to give died on her lips as she took in the man's features. Hayllian was the first thing that registered, and that alone was enough to make her blood pound in her veins.

She recognized him, of course. She wondered idly if Terreille held any Blood who wouldn't. Briefly, something tugged at the back of her mind, faint familiarity that was just barely more than tales and warnings could account for.

Lia swallowed with a dry click that seemed terribly loud to her own ears, forcing her expression neutral and her shoulders square. "Prince," she replied, the greeting both cautious and carrying the ingrained courtesy that had tripped her up so very often on the road.


bastard_sadi May 16 2008, 22:20:25 UTC
So she recognized him. Daemon again searched his memory, trying to put a name with the face, puzzled over why he could not. Where did he know her from?

"You've just awoken here?" Again, it was a question and it was not. He'd not sensed her presence earlier, but then again, something about the daylight hours here occasionally muddled his senses, as it did their abilities.


gray_gambit May 16 2008, 22:38:20 UTC
"Yes," Lia answered simply. Not that she knew where "here" was, nor how long she'd been unconscious. It couldn't have been too long. A day, perhaps.

She hoped so, anyway. It was tied together with the good of her companions, in her mind. If she had been captured, but hadn't been there long, there was a possibility they had escaped. Illogical as the train of thought was, it was something to hold to.

"I admit, I didn't expect to wake up in Hayll." It was less than even a guess on her part. It was a stab in the dark, with its only real virtue being that Hayll was a long, long way from where she might have expected to awaken.


bastard_sadi May 17 2008, 13:28:25 UTC
Daemon blinked, then sank down in the chair beside her. "Lady, this is not Hayll. This is not even Terrielle. We've been drawn here to somewhere else. There's very few Blood - only a couple of us - and they've taken our Jewels somehow. There are many people here from many different realms that none of us have ever heard of. Some are normal humans, some are other races and peoples entirely. We don't know the reason for this yet, but we believe it's some sort of strange experiment."

He left it at that, for the moment. No need to overwhelm her and terrify her from the get-go.

"You recognized me," he added after a moment's hesitation. "And I apologize for not recalling your name, though you are familiar to me. Have we met before, Lady?"


gray_gambit May 17 2008, 22:39:25 UTC
Lia stared in bewilderment, the words heard but not quite yet processed. "But...what you're's impossible. Aside from breaking us..." Yet despite that, she felt a faint thrill of hope. If it was true, then maybe, just maybe the shields had held. Unconsciously, she rubbed her thumb over her second finger, where her Gray Jeweled ring should be but wasn't.

She bit her lip and shook her head slightly at the question. "No. I don't think we've ever met." There was hesitation in her reply, however, and uncertainty in the faint furrowing of her brow. Unless...

It could be an elaborate trap, but why now, when she was already caught?

"Have you ever heard of the Invisible Ring, Prince?"


bastard_sadi May 17 2008, 23:29:58 UTC
Daemon hesitated for half a second as that question sank in, and then surprise flickered across his face.

"You're the Gray Lady!"

He should have known that! Could remember clearly now, although it had been generations since she'd lived and died. Her impact, however, had long been a thorn in Dorothea's side, and he'd remembered her and her court fondly.


gray_gambit May 18 2008, 02:16:19 UTC
Lia winced and shook her head, reminded all too clearly of the deception she'd attempted and ultimately failed. "Her successor. Gran's...older."

It was true from her perspective, certainly. She'd not yet taken up the title, not become the Queen of Dena Nehele. May not ever, she remembered, and pressed her eyes shut against a surge of pain.

"Well. I was."


bastard_sadi May 18 2008, 02:33:13 UTC
"Was?" Daemon echoed, his expression solemn. Those words were truer than she knew, considering the fact that her court had faded long before most alive today could remember.

"What do you mean, Lady... Lia? That is what Lord Jared calls you, is it not?" A careful bit of wording, a curious probe, uncertain as to what the last thing the Lady Ardelia remembered was, precisely.


gray_gambit May 18 2008, 02:51:12 UTC
Some of the tension Lia had been carrying faded, her shoulders easing into a posture that was not quite so painfully rigid. The name was not quite a watchword, but it was near enough. "Lia," she confirmed, and offered a smile both weak and sickly.

"I mean that Dena Nehele can only stand as long as the Gray protects it, Prince." Her eyes shadow as she looks down. Despite what he had said earlier, the fear that she had shattered her Jewels in that last desperate attempt to protect Ranon's Wood lingered.


bastard_sadi May 18 2008, 12:53:13 UTC
"As long as you live, Lady, Dena Nehele will be protected," Daemon replied quietly, but there was a knowing conviction in his tone as he met her gaze, his own eyes intent. His words were carefully chosen, because he wasn't sure she was ready to hear about all the intricacies this place had just this moment. Not in this context.

"What is it that worries you, Lady? Or shall I attempt to explain more about this place to put you at ease? Although there's little enough about this place that may do that, I'm afraid."


gray_gambit May 18 2008, 17:50:42 UTC
Lia's brow furrowed slightly, and her small frown this time was thoughtful. "You sound very certain, Prince." She could not quite bring herself to ask how, when everything about the situation seemed so strange and precarious.

Her fingers twisted together, and she clasped her hands tightly to keep them still. "My worries are very selfish, I'm afraid. And most of them won't be allayed until we're gone from here." It was true enough. Even if she heard that the others had all made it safe to Dena Nehele, she knew she'd not be entirely able to believe it until she could see them with her own two eyes.

"Please, I'd like to hear what you can tell me of this place."


bastard_sadi May 18 2008, 18:45:01 UTC
Daemon wanted to press her, but he held back. Perhaps what he could tell her of this place would allay some of them despite what she thought.

"This place uses magics unlike any we've ever seen. People are drawn here from numerous realms and times, from what I've seen. None have any recollection of how they came to be here. We all just wake up and the deed is done. There's never any memory of capture or journeying. Some believe the last thing they remember is dying, but none here are demon dead. Not exactly anyway." He left out mention of his father for the moment, since they were still uncertain what this place had made the High Lord, exactly.

"During daylight, the place seems normal enough. It poses as an Institute for those mentally disturbed. They tell us the memories we have are not real. Delusions. That we've lost touch with what is real and what is dream. They say we are here to heal. Some of us might have been inclined to believe them, had we not arrived with others that share our memories and knowledge. A fantasy made by one mind is one thing, but a fantasy shared by few or many is another matter entirely."

"Besides that, after darkness falls, everything changes. In the night, this place turns hostile. Creatures and monsters and enemies roam the hall, and it is the one time we are somewhat free to go where we will, although the danger and risk of doing so is high. The man running this place - people refer to him as the Head Doctor - taunts us with clues and traps, but there's often another voice that counters him and tries to help. Up to a few nights ago, it was a man by the name of Jack, but the Head Doctor discovered his whereabouts and is thought to have killed him. After his death, a young woman by the name of Jill took his place and seems to be continuing to try and help us, though the help is often vague and confusing."

He paused there, letting that much sink in, waiting to see if she had questions before continuing. There was more, of course, but even that much was overwhelming. He'd been here for a week already - though usually it felt much longer - and things were still overwhelming for him at times.


gray_gambit May 18 2008, 21:07:12 UTC
It was a struggle for Lia not to protest the impossibility of it all, to rather sit quietly and listen. She had heard tales of other Realms, but only the two, and only tales; so far as she knew, no one in living memory had ever been anywhere but Terreille. She sat silent for several beats, absorbing what he had said. Trying to absorb it, at least, though her already-overwhelmed mind struggled against the necessity of parsing further dizzying input.

"It sounds..." Lia trailed off, eyes narrowing in thought. Something had snagged in the lapsing filter of her mind, hard enough to pull her thoughts from another cycle of confusion. "What if this place is the delusion? Some very intricate sort of illusion web?"


bastard_sadi May 18 2008, 21:14:22 UTC
"That would be easier for me to believe if there were other Blood here," Daemon answered quietly. "But nearly everyone here are landens. Or other sorts of humans. And some are not human at all. Whoever controls this place uses magic like none we have ever seen. They have separated us from out jewels and sealed our craft, although we are not broken. There was one night they played an intricate game with me - controlled me, but gave me back the Black and set me against the others here. There is nothing and no one in Terrielle or Kaeleer and probably not even Hell itself that could do that. Not to mention that if this were a web, I would still be able to sense it. There are no other Jeweled Witches or Warlords" - except one - "who wear a jewel darker than mine. Were a Black Widow to weave a tangled web, it might manage to snare me or lock me in an illusion, but I believe I would still be aware of that presence."


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