Day 32: Sun Room (2nd shift)

May 16, 2008 13:44

After the couple glasses of water Leon managed to gulp down during breakfast, the mage felt immensely better. He was still a bit tired, but that was nothing a little lounging on one of the sofas wouldn't cure. Stretching his arms above his head, he couldn't help but wish he'd had the chance to grab one of his new doctor's coats before leaving his ( Read more... )

star dragon sword, diva, kyon, qui-gon jinn, axel, anya, anise, tyler, danny phantom, mason, seiya, light, miku, clark kent, zex, angel, claire bennet, shana, peter parker, luxord, kurogane, roxas, subzero, eileen, nakago, peter petrelli, yohji, sync, farfarello, kadaj, yukari, tyki, wolverine, esmeralda, nathan petrelli, lia, rubedo, sanji, rhode, shito, obi-wan kenobi, homura, kenshin, bella, adelheid, kaito, elle, alexander conklin, sora, momo (xenosaga), usagi, luffy, river, leon (so2), reno, albel, claude, keman, amelia, oriya, zexion, harry osborn, javert, max, roland, harley, brook, ren, yuber, hanyuu, ling, kimbley, armand, reid, allelujah, roy, frey, wesker, cloud, sylar, leon magnus, yue, daemon, aidou, brooklyn, statesman, john connor, eddie brock, rangiku, hisoka, shadow, subaru, sanzo

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willhexabitch May 16 2008, 19:01:16 UTC
All of this fucking routinely bullshit was driving him nuts. Couldn’t avoid the pun, even if he wanted.

Without further ado, Reid threw himself into a chair in the Sun Room with the notebook he’d bitched at his nurse to go grab. It was heavier than anything he could have used in the caf, which was good, but making a big show over testing his own goddamn Power like he was thirteen-years old again blew. But it was the best he could think of off the top of his head.

Tossing it onto the table in front of him, poised between the two feet he had propped on the table’s edge, he bit restlessly at his thumb nail. And then tried to probe the core of his magic. Maybe it was better if Tyler wasn’t around to see this.


valyns_shadow May 16 2008, 21:29:10 UTC
Shadow snacked on an apple as he was escorted into the Sunroom, looking around for a familiar face. He was in a good mood and he wanted to spread it around. Tonight he had a plan, or at least, he and Valyn had thought up a plan and it gave him hope that tonight wouldn't be just another useless attempt at finding information. Plus, his arm was feeling much better after his 'rest' and that was enough to make anyone smile.

Glancing around the room, Shadow noticed Reid sitting over in the corner staring intently at a notebook. Shadow sighed, remembering the mess he had caused yesterday. Well, it was time to apologize for being a grel's ass and start again. The human wasn't that bad after all. He just took some getting used to and Shadow had infinite patience. Close to infinite patience, at least.

"Hi," he greeted Reid, standing next to the table. "Something interesting about that notebook? I don't think it will start talking, unfortunately. Sing, maybe, but that's only if you quit staring at it. It's a bit shy, I suspect."


willhexabitch May 16 2008, 22:25:41 UTC
Just the expectation of finding nothing made his concentration turn brittle and crumble. Reid wasn't used to feeling hesitant. Reid wasn't used to being like this. Normally he could feel Power overflowing and waiting to be tapped--and the urge to use became stronger the more he did, and the sensation got brighter, and hotter, and more comfortable--but it wasn't there anymore. Like it had retracted and become a small, hard knot, so small he could hardly find it.

But then someone spoke, and Reid twitched slightly in uneasiness before he could help it.

He didn't even have to look at Shadow to have his blood boiling. Not bothering to hide it, the warlock glared, his tone of voice clearly telling how not impressed he was. "No, you can't sit down. And no, you can't talk. You can try and save your plucky ass by walking away, but that's about it."


valyns_shadow May 16 2008, 22:49:06 UTC
Shadow ignored Reid for the moment and sat down across from him where Reid couldn't look away if he tried. "Look, about yesterday," he started, deciding that quick and fast was the best way to get his words across. "I just want to apologize. I wasn't feeling my best and I jumped to conclusions. Tyler's just your friend, I get it, and you're not interested, I get that too. Let's just pretend the whole thing didn't happen and start over again."


willhexabitch May 16 2008, 23:59:36 UTC
"We're not dating here," he snapped out at once, leaning forward with his hands clenched on the armrests. There wasn't anything to start over from. "Get fucked already! Don't make it into more than it is."

Which was another way of saying 'don't talk about me or the people I know anymore.'


valyns_shadow May 17 2008, 00:57:54 UTC
Shadow did his best to hold back his laughter and held up his hands. "Fair enough," he said. "I'll drop it if you will."

He watched as Reid clung to the chair a bit puzzled by his reaction. "And I promise not to throw myself at you anymore. I can control myself. You don't need to look as though you'd like to disappear into the chair."


willhexabitch May 17 2008, 01:41:46 UTC
"Normally I might think twice about beating up a retard, but not with you." If anyone looked liked they were going to be doing some leaping, it was going to be Reid. And it wouldn’t be the good kind. "N-o," replied the warlock, sounding out each sound of the denial as though Shadow were deaf or stupid. Or both. "So don’t show your face around me anymore."

As if one hit wasn’t enough for this guy.


valyns_shadow May 17 2008, 01:52:28 UTC
Shadow leaned against the table, appearing relaxed though he was more then prepared to ward off any sort of punch. Reid wasn't going to catch him off guard this time. "Why?" he asked. "If we're dropping it then you've no real reason not to like me. I'm only offering to talk to you, maybe help you out with whatever you were doing with this notebook. Seems rather silly to just refuse to talk to me when I'm offering you friendly conversation."


willhexabitch May 17 2008, 02:32:23 UTC
Reid didn’t back down.

"I’m not dropping it, because I don’t like you. Or maybe it’s because I don’t like you that I’m not dropping it.." He lifted his eyebrows. "Turning your offer down."


valyns_shadow May 17 2008, 02:44:16 UTC
"Alright, so if you don't want to have a friendly conversation then we can have an unfriendly one, or rather, unfriendly on your part," Shadow continued, not at all willing to give up the conversation just yet.

"And if you're not dropping what happened then I'll assume there are reasons why you're not dropping it."

He couldn't help himself. Shadow was a natural flirt and he had given Reid the opportunity to pretend that nothing had happened.


willhexabitch May 17 2008, 04:28:29 UTC
As unhappy with the prospect of having those tranqs turned on him as he was, Reid was pissed the hell off. Right at the moment, the most annoying thing of all was having such a persistent guy on his case, rather than any of the specifics underlying their meetings.

Before Shadow even finished speaking, Reid thrust with his braced legs, kicking the table out from under Shadow.

He touched a hand to his forehead in frustration, blocking one of his eyes--having gone black as night--from view. The instinctive thought to add a dose of magic and send the table skating along the floor like a rogue pinball had been there, but the sudden crackle of Power in his chest hadn’t… added anything. Done anything.

Fuck the table, fuck the notebook, Reid couldn’t do a damn thing anymore.


valyns_shadow May 17 2008, 05:26:32 UTC
Shadow had been expecting Reid to punch him again so when the table suddenly was kicked out from beneath him, he stumbled, landing on his knees as he did his best not to topple over completely. He glanced up at Reid and saw the boy's eye even as he tried to hide them. It was the most curious thing Shadow had ever seen. Pitch black, eyes that reminded him of a rabid alicorn. He didn't know what to make of it but he certainly could tell that it wasn't a normal human trait. He'd been around enough humans to know that their eyes didn't just suddenly turn black.

"Are you alright?" Shadow asked softly, concerned for Reid. There wasn't any teasing left in his voice. He was genuinely worried for him. "You look as though you're about to be sick."


willhexabitch May 17 2008, 05:50:48 UTC
"Bets are on the company," came the biting response.

A flicker, and his eyes were back to normal, the dark lick of flame bleeding out of them as quickly as it had come on. Reid enjoyed the burn of his magic, he had no reason to deny that, but it only infuriated him more to have it boiling with no outlet. He'd never felt anything so debilitating before. There was nothing like it, and that was what made him sick.

Reid pushed to his feet, all laze and feigned indifference, and stepped around his chair to go somewhere else. Wasn't like there'd been anything to see, anyway. Nothing but the confetti, and no show.


valyns_shadow May 19 2008, 23:49:19 UTC
Shadow stood up quickly and followed Reid, worried that the young man was having an episode. Did humans have episodes of kyshein like elves did? Shadow wasn't sure but he was fairly certain that the blinding headaches were purely an elven trait. Still, Reid wasn't from his world so perhaps it was something that he was familiar with.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Shadow asked softly, walking next to Reid. "Maybe you should sit down and take it easy some place quiet."


willhexabitch May 20 2008, 00:53:49 UTC
"Are you completely stupid or something? I'm fine!"

He was less concerned with Shadow's non-reaction to seeing something weird, and more with the fact that Reid couldn't seem to shake him off in any way that made sense to normal people. Maybe he really would have to start a smackdown right here in the middle of the Landel's Institute freakshow.

And acting like Reid was all pale and shaky like some delicate flower. What the fuck was that about.

Making a beeline for the busy end of the room, with people hovering around the stupid bulletin board, Reid pretended to be okay with his current situation. He felt fit to burst. Seeing Tyler nearby didn't exactly relieve him, either.


valyns_shadow May 20 2008, 01:18:09 UTC
"I don't think you're fine," Shadow replied, frowning as he kept up. He kept his voice down the moment they neared the other people in the room. Perhaps Reid didn't want others to know about his condition, whatever it was.

"I know you don't want my help," he murmured, keeping close to Reid. "But if you need it it's there. Why do you insist on maintaining you're fine when it's obvious you're not?"


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